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"What can change the nature of a Member?"

kit bard

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#1 TotoR

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Posted 28 October 2022 - 03:37 AM

Hi All,


A couple of week ago "someone" (I won't spit...) tag me as modder... thanks for it but with no mod published I feel strangely empty.


To fill this emptiness here is my first, mod : A BARD KIT !!!


Download link : https://github.com/T...saahir/releases



For EE and EET users, I don't have EE version of the game but it should be compatible. If someone tests it, just let me know if there are issues. (or none...)


Readme :


Alsaahir kit for BG2


Version: 1.0
Author: TotoR
Languagues: English and French


I. Introduction:


I created this kit to add a different feeling with bards: some touch of oriental myth mixed with ADnD and was created with two things in mind:

  • Wisdom is useless for bards -> make it usefull
  • Bards are poor fighters, and as they can't wear armor and casts spells at the same times, they are less protected than mages and thieves in BG1 -> give them some natural resistance and more fighting skills.

So with this kit :

  • more Wisdom give you more spells at the cost of 1 spell less per level
  • you can mastering (***) some weapons at the cost of the bard's natural versatility in weapons.
  • You will gain some natural protection and abilities that protect you from weapons
  • New HLA abilities with 2 possibilities for developpement of this kit : more fighter oriented or more wizard oriented

In consequence you will now choose if you want to go more towards fighter (constitutuion) or wizard (wisdom).


II. The Kit



like a snake charmer, this bard has studied the sensibility to vibrations of fiends and undeads. However, practicing with such evil is a dangerous game and those who survive never come back unhurt, physically and mentally. This path needs wisdom, mastering the art of illusions and better fighter's skills than a bard at the expense of his natural versatility and dexterity.



  • Can use the Alsaahir'song.
  • At level 1, may conjure a Green Flame Blade once per day. gains another use at level 10 and 20
  • At level 1, may use Wraithform at will
  • At level 3, Gains +3 to hit and damage against fiends and undeads. It becomes +6 at level 13
  • At level 5, Gains 5% resistance to slashing, piercing, crushing, acid, fire and magical damages. It further improves at level 15
  • Gains 1/2 attack bonus at level 8
  • Can achieve mastery in daggers, scimitars and maces
  • like an Illusionist, casts and resists better to illusion's spells
  • Like a cleric, wisdom increase the number of spells cast by level



  • Only has one-half normal lore and Pick Pockets
  • Can't be proficient in other weapon than daggers, scimitars, and maces and can't put slots in two weapons fighting style
  • Can't cast spells from the necromancy's school
  • May cast one spell less per level than regular bards
  • Must be Chaotically aligned



  • At level 1, give all allies +2 to hit and damage against fiends and undeads. It lowers saves by 1 of all fiends and undeads
  • At level 7, give all allies +3 to hit and damage against fiends and undeads and immunity to fear. It lowers saves by 1 and magic resistance by 5% of all fiends and undeads
  • At level 13, give all allies +4 to hit and damage against fiends and undeads, immunity to fear and protection from fiends & undeads. It lowers saves by 2 and magic resistance by 10% of all fiends and undeads
  • At level 19, give all allies +5 to hit and damage against fiends and undeads, immunity to fear, protection from fiends & undeads and increase fire resistance by 10%. It lowers saves by 2 and magic resistance by 15% of all fiends and undeads



The Alsaahir has developed the ability to conjure a green Flame Blade. This weapon deals 1d10 salshing damage and 1d10 bonus damages to fiends and undeads. It is non-magical at levels 1-4, +1 at levels 5-9, +2 at 10-14, +3 at 15-19, +4 at 20-24, and +5 at levels 25 and above. it lasts for 4 rounds + 1 round per 2 levels, up to 20 rounds

  • The blade provides to the wielder immunity to fear, At level 15, immunity to negative plane, at level 20 and immunity to charms and confusion At level 25 and above



At will, You and all of his gear become insubstantial and are subject only to magical or special attacks or by creatures otherwise able to affect those struck only by magical weapons. You also gains a 25% magic resistance bonus. Attacks or spells are not possible when in wraithform. A successful dispel magic spell forces you back to normal form

  • At level 10, gains protection against +1 wepons and 35% of magic resistance bonus
  • At level 20, gains protection against +2 wepons and 45% of magic resistance bonus


You will have to choose between two style :


Moudjahidine :
- You gain 10% resitance to slashing, piercing, crushing, acid, fire and magical damages, +3 to thac0 and save vs breath
- Protection from the elements as ability
- Improved Mantle as ability
- Moudjahidine's special Magical Flute : can summon a guardian Genie, can cast Bolt of Glory (3) and Limited Wish


Almusalil :
- you gain +1 bonus to wisdom, +2 to AC and +3 save vs death
- Project Image as ability
- Nature Beaty as ability
- Moudjahidine's special Magical Flute : can summon a Deceiver Genie, can cast Bolt of Glory (3) and Limited Wish

Edited by TotoR, 11 January 2023 - 07:25 AM.

#2 jastey

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Posted 28 October 2022 - 09:20 AM

Congratulations on the release!

See, modder tag is all justified.

#3 Endarire

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Posted 28 October 2022 - 06:04 PM

You linked to your empty releases page but you have 1 tagged item.

#4 TotoR

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Posted 28 October 2022 - 08:57 PM

You linked to your empty releases page but you have 1 tagged item.

All should be good now

Edited by TotoR, 11 January 2023 - 07:17 AM.

#5 JohnBob

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Posted 05 November 2022 - 09:53 AM

Hello Totor !

When trying to install the Alsaahir kit on BGEE, BG2EE an error with "Handle Charset" appears for the French language...


Here is the Attached File  SETUP-ALSAAHIR.DEBUG   4.99K   88 downloads

The English language installs just fine.



Thanks for your work !


Ps: Do you plan to announce it on the Copper Coronet forum ?


Edit :


Hello again, after changing the name of the "Français" folder to "French" (in tp2 too...) the Alsaahir installs without problem !


It's probably an issue with the "ç" !

Edited by JohnBob, 06 November 2022 - 12:38 PM.

#6 TotoR

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Posted 07 November 2022 - 11:52 AM


Edit :


Hello again, after changing the name of the "Français" folder to "French" (in tp2 too...) the Alsaahir installs without problem !


It's probably an issue with the "ç" !

Thanks for the info, it would have taken years to think about that... a new version is up


PS: Maybe

#7 JohnBob

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Posted 07 November 2022 - 12:36 PM

Sorry but this time the install goes wrong for both language ! Attached File  SETUP-Alsaahir_v2.English.DEBUG   3.49K   93 downloads


LANGUAGE ~Français~
         ~french~..................................................   This one has to match with "fr" below or the opposite.


But the use of "fr" and "eng" seem fishy... and not... is not working....



LANGUAGE ~English~

LANGUAGE ~Français~


After changing the name of folders too, this one work for English and French !




Some parse error, not related with the previous issue, at the end of installation !  Attached File  SETUP-ALSAAHIR.V2.Installed.DEBUG   38.08K   82 downloads


Copying and patching 1 file ...
Compiling 2 scripts ...

[alsaahir/BAF/TR#DCDCV.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 157 column 1-56
Near Text: )
        [CheckStatGT] argument [RESIST_FEAR_DONOTUSE] not found in [Stats.IDS]

[alsaahir/BAF/TR#DCDCV.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 159 column 1-47
Near Text: )
        [CheckStatGT] argument [RESIST_FEAR] not found in [Stats.IDS]
Copying 17 files ...


Press ENTER to exit.


Test on a clean BG2EE game.


Edit : I don't know if this is relevant but looking at "clastext.2DA" the entries are not aligned wiht other kit.


Attached File  clastext.2DA   14.03K   145 downloads


Installing another kit afterwards, set them right.


Attached File  clastext.02.2DA   14.28K   152 downloads

Edited by JohnBob, 07 November 2022 - 03:47 PM.

#8 TotoR

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Posted 08 November 2022 - 09:40 AM

Hi JohnBob,


Could you check if the last commit works with EE ? (dl : https://github.com/T.../heads/main.zip)


Edit : I don't know if this is relevant but looking at "clastext.2DA" the entries are not aligned wiht other kit.




Installing another kit afterwards, set them right.





You don't need to bother much about alignment in 2da files, it is not needed. By the way, the file is edited by the fct "fl#add_kit_ee" for EE. The next mod, must use PRETTY_PRINT_2DA function to align the 2da file.

#9 JohnBob

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Posted 08 November 2022 - 10:50 AM

You don't need to bother much about alignment in 2da files, it is not needed. By the way, the file is edited by the fct "fl#add_kit_ee" for EE. The next mod, must use PRETTY_PRINT_2DA function to align the 2da file.

Ok, good to know !


Hi JohnBob,


Could you check if the last commit works with EE ? (dl : https://github.com/T.../heads/main.zip)


Everything installs properly in both languages and there are no parsing errors !


Thanks for the update.