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Crashes with a number of animations (help needed)

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#1 WanderingScholar

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Posted 23 October 2022 - 07:27 AM

A substantial number of animations from this mod are causing crashes on my BGT install. 


Near Infinity throws the following error when trying to open said problematic animations. 


Any insights would be helpful.


WeiDU.log is attached. 


Attached File  WeiDU.log   48.12K   104 downloads

#2 jastey

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Posted 25 October 2022 - 12:41 AM

There is known but with Generalized Biffing and Infinity Animations if you install Generalized Biffing with a weidu version higher than v246. Unfortunately,


To hopefully fix this, deinstall Generalized Biffing, delete all setup-modname-exe and weidu.exe from your game, get the weidu v246, rename it to the setup name of Generalized Biffing, and reinstall the mod again. I'm away from my computer otherwise I'd give more specific instructions. skellytz made a bug investigation here.

#3 WanderingScholar

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Posted 25 October 2022 - 05:53 PM

There is known but with Generalized Biffing and Infinity Animations if you install Generalized Biffing with a weidu version higher than v246. Unfortunately,


To hopefully fix this, deinstall Generalized Biffing, delete all setup-modname-exe and weidu.exe from your game, get the weidu v246, rename it to the setup name of Generalized Biffing, and reinstall the mod again. I'm away from my computer otherwise I'd give more specific instructions. skellytz made a bug investigation here.


Thanks for letting me know about this!

#4 jastey

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Posted 27 October 2022 - 01:31 AM

For some reason I either forgot to finish one sentence or it got eaten by my phone:

Unfortunately, thhe setup.exe that shipps with GB is weidu v249, so you shouldn't use this but replace it with a renamed v246 in adition to deleting all others.