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#1 hook71

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Posted 19 October 2022 - 10:11 AM

Thanks for this mod! Some suggestions:


@6    = ~Do not put me in an uncomfortable position, <CHARNAME>. I at least deserve to knowm something.~
knowm -> know
@67   = ~You are beyond normal, <CHARNAME>. That is the main reason why "normal life" isn't something you cannot grasp.~
isn't -> is
@144  = ~Sometimes. That's why I keep you close. So I knew you won't scare others. And to refine my own bravery.~
knew -> know
@154  = ~Many act nervous when they realize what I am. There are many predators. Some of their breath. Some don't.~
their breath -> them breathe
@158  = ~They shouldn't fear me. It feels... unreasonable~
unreasonable -> unreasonable.
@174  = ~As you wish.  Though your silence tells me much of what I need to know.~
wish.  Though -> wish. Though
@208  = ~Of course it's different. Just like Ten Towns look nothing like Calimshan. Toril is filled with unique lands, Unique cultures.~
Unique cultures -> unique cultures
@218  = ~Look, there are your personal matters and I don't have time for these. Let's just move on!~
there -> these
@299  = ~If this beast is any close to other animals, it may be awakened by danger. And drow-kind is always followed by trouble.~
close -> similar
@315  = ~Well, I thought the course of this encounter will go quite... differently.~
will -> would
@24   = ~Whatever. I don't really care what would you do, Hexxat. Leave me now. I have a more important matter to think about.~
what would you do -> what you would do
@42   = ~I don't know. It's really hard to say. We are somehow different every day. I don't see a reason why the such rule shouldn't apply to you, Hexxat.~
why the such rule -> why such a rule
@49   = ~Look, I'm not going to answer that. And I think we should move on. This talks: it's just a waste of time.~
This talks -> These talks (or This talk)
@56   = ~Hmm? Why? You told me what you think. I see no reason why should I comment on that. Those are your thoughts, not a book I may like or not.~
should I -> I should
@63   = ~You remember how we talked about Flaming Fist, <CHARNAME>? I found out more about them. About their work in Chult.~
about Flaming Fist -> about the Flaming Fist
@64   = ~I don't remember us talking about the Flaming Fist. when was it?~
when -> When
@70   = ~Really? That's quite some way from Baldur's Gate to Chult.~
That's -> It's
@114  = ~Mmm. I know many that would agree with you.~
@115  = ~Mmm. I know many that wouldn't agree with you.~
that -> who

#2 Lava Del'Vortel

Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 19 October 2022 - 11:47 AM

Thank you! :) I hope you enjoyed reading those talks! Version 1.1 (with the fixes) is now up!