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New site: "awesome-bgmods" (a mod index on github pages with t

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#1 ahungry

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Posted 14 October 2022 - 07:44 PM



First, the link ^


If anyone sees value in this, please use it (or even better, contribute to it by adding data to the mods.yaml file via a pull request).


The intent isn't to replace any other options out there, but to supplement them, and give those looking for a new mod (or few) to include in their setup an easier time to filter by relevancy.


Obviously some of the data is still incomplete, and I'm going to be thinking of more ways to automate the data acquisition/maintenance.


Suggestions and feedback are welcomed!


(if you're a multi-forum reader, this is indeed a repost of what I posted on gibberlings3, however since the project intent is to bridge the mod communities project index, I hope no one minds!)


#2 jastey

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Posted 16 October 2022 - 12:13 AM

Thank you for your work to put this together.

I admit I am not holding my breath because I saw too many of these be abandoned and getting outdated, or including inofficial mod versions, etc. I hope I'll be proven wrong.

When I'll find the time I'll have a closer look and let you know any nitpicks.

#3 jastey

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Posted Yesterday, 12:27 AM

Just noticed that the link for "Holly Elf" seems to be a place holder.