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Call for translations: Dutch, Faroese, Italian, Latin

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#1 jastey

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 12:17 AM

Version 9 includes text lines that would need translation into the following languages: Dutch, Faroese, Italian, Latin.


File multi.tra:


@2002 = ~Until next time.~
@2003 = ~Same to you.~
@2004 = ~Go find yourself some pants, then.~
@2005 = ~Fare thee well too.~
@2006 = ~Actually, I won't.~
@2007 = ~Not really. See you.~
@2008 = ~I hope so. Goodbye.~
@2009 = ~You get out, instead.~
@2012 = ~Let's not part yet.~
@2013 = ~Please don't leave the party yet.~
@2014 = ~We can get you new stuff if you join the party again.~
@2015 = ~Serve my company for a while longer.~
@2016 = ~I do. Please don't leave yet.~
@2017 = ~You can still game with my party.~
@2018 = ~Not without you in my party.~
@2019 = ~This isn't the end. Get back in the party.~



#2 Isewein

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 07:08 AM

It pleases me greatly that someone, somewhere out there has made the likely entirely futile effort to translate a BG mod into Latin, not to mention Faroese.

#3 Jazira

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 05:18 PM

It pleases me greatly that someone, somewhere out there has made the likely entirely futile effort to translate a BG mod into Latin, not to mention Faroese.


Yeah, this is just crazy. :D

#4 Almateria


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Posted 26 September 2022 - 09:16 PM

It kinda came through as a joke when I made a call for translations and some people were like "well, I only know English, BUT I have a degree in Latin", or "my only other language is Faroese" and I was like... hey, you're on. Lord knows I'm happy to provide some world firsts. :P

I am working on the Latin translation with a friend right now!

#5 Salk

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 10:17 PM



@2002 = ~Alla prossima.~
@2003 = ~Ricambio.~
@2004 = ~Trovati un paio di pantaloni, allora.~ (if "pants" are "underpants" then we need to swap "pantaloni" with "mutande") 
@2005 = ~Buon viaggio anche a te.~
@2006 = ~In realtà non ho proprio intenzione di farlo.~
@2007 = ~Non proprio. Ci vediamo.~
@2008 = ~Spero di si. Ciao.~
@2009 = ~Perchè non esci tu, invece?~
@2012 = ~Non è ancora ora di separarci.~
@2013 = ~Non abbandonare il gruppo adesso, per piacere.~
@2014 = ~Possiamo fornirti nuova attrezzatura se torni a far parte della squadra.~
@2015 = ~Rimani con noi ancora per un pò.~
@2016 = ~Proprio così. Non andartene, per favore.~
@2017 = ~Puoi sempre giocare col mio gruppo.~ (uncertain translation here because hard to grasp the meaning of it out of context)
@2018 = ~Non senza di te.~
@2019 = ~Non è ancora finita. Torna nei ranghi.~

#6 jastey

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 10:19 PM

Thanks! Which leads to the next question: what exactly do the following sentences mean. I am sure they do not need to be translated literally.


@2004 = ~Go find yourself some pants, then.~


@2017 = ~You can still game with my party.~


#7 Almateria


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Posted 01 October 2022 - 01:49 AM

You'd be surprised! Those are replies to statements originally intended in the game that had a bit of fourth wall breakery already.





#8 jastey

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Posted 01 October 2022 - 04:31 AM

Ah, I didn't read it as 4th wall breaking. As an ESL, I thought it's something like "have a good time with" or something.

#9 Felipe

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Posted 02 October 2022 - 03:00 PM

Updated my previous work translating the .html file plus improving 2 strings in one of the files.

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#10 jastey

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Posted 02 October 2022 - 10:54 PM

Thanks. Did you use the files from the new version 9? Because the readme has a different name now than what you sent me.

#11 Felipe

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Posted 03 October 2022 - 05:58 AM

Yes i did, i didnt notice it had a new name now.

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#12 jastey

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Posted 03 October 2022 - 06:00 AM

Cool, if it's just the name then I can change it myself.

#13 jastey

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Posted 03 October 2022 - 06:07 AM

Felipe, the setup.tra now is named setup.tra, not setup-win32.tra. I don't know how you revised the translation files, but best you work with the original files in the current version next time.

Just a note: the version history doesn't need to be translated for future updates.

#14 Felipe

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Posted 03 October 2022 - 07:25 AM

Sorry about the setup.tra, i thought i had fixed the name.


Why the version history cant be translated but the rest of what is written can be translated? I dont understand this.

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#15 jastey

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Posted 03 October 2022 - 08:04 AM

Let's me put it like this: I'll update the readmes with the version history for upcoming versions, but I won't make a separate update just so all readmes can have the version history in their language, and I also won't call and wait for translations for this (alone). Fair?

#16 Felipe

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Posted 03 October 2022 - 08:09 AM

Let's me put it like this: I'll update the readmes with the version history for upcoming versions, but I won't make a separate update just so all readmes can have the version history in their language, and I also won't call and wait for translations for this (alone). Fair?

Fair, although i never saw Almateria complain about this. But if this is the way things are now so be it.

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#17 jastey

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Posted 03 October 2022 - 08:48 AM

Well, Almateria has a few less mods to maintain than I do. I rather spend my time updating other mods than make an extra update for the translation of the version history of a non-English/German readme.

And it's common not to translate the version history. You'll find a "do not translate below here" in (some) Weimer's mods, for example.