I just want to chime in and point out that the x86-legacy version listed on the WeiDU 249 release page doesn't appear to be affected by the character encoding issue. Updating all your mod installers with that specific version should fix the crashes*.
Place the weidu.exe from the legacy zip archive into the game folder, and put this code into a batch file and run it to save some time:
@echo off
for %%f in (setup-*.exe) do copy /b /y weidu.exe %%f >nul && echo Updated successfully: %%f || echo Failed to update: %%f
* However, mods may still corrupt game data (with both 249-legacy or 246 WeiDU) if their tp2 scripts are encoded in utf-8 and contain verbatim instances of the filenames with special symbols.
Edit: For convenience I have attached a zip file with the batch file and legacy weidu.exe. Simply unpack it into the game folder and run "update-weidu.bat".