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Crashes in mega-mod games installed with WeiDU 247, 248 and 249

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#21 Azaghal

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 06:11 AM

Thanks for your effort, skellytz.

But maybe it's not the solution. Just finished my new installation dropping IA from my mod list completely. System language is German (before installation of vanilla BG manually switched to English to have game and mods in the same language, but switched back afterward), while installing mods. According to your post the characters needed should be included, so no problem. Installed everything with WeiDu v249, then used v246 for GB. No error messages whatsoever during installation. Starting the modded game before biffing is lagging but working (as before). After GB game crashes from starting screen with the known Chsound.cpp assertion failure. So nothing changed!?

That rules out IA as the culprit (not installed at all), but on the other hand my last stable installation was with GB (also without IA). :unsure:



#22 skellytz

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 06:55 AM

Installed everything with WeiDu v249, then used v246 for GB. No error messages whatsoever during installation. Starting the modded game before biffing is lagging but working (as before). After GB game crashes from starting screen with the known Chsound.cpp assertion failure. So nothing changed!? That rules out IA as the culprit (not installed at all), but on the other hand my last stable installation was with GB (also without IA). :unsure:

Ok, let's investigate further. Could you attach your new WeiDU log, please?

#23 Azaghal

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 07:47 AM

Certainly. But it comes in two parts: One with WeiDU v249 and the last bit GB with v246.




EDIT: Logs attached.

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Edited by Azaghal, 18 September 2022 - 07:49 AM.

#24 skellytz

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 07:55 AM

But it comes in two parts: One with WeiDU v249 and the last bit GB with v246.

Wait, but why isn't it one file? When I installed GB with WeiDU 246, it didn't erase the contents of the previous log. I assume you deleted or moved the previous one, right?


Can you also attach your setup-generalized_biffing.debug file?

Edited by skellytz, 18 September 2022 - 08:34 AM.

#25 Azaghal

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 08:56 AM

No, it didn't erase it - I did. To be able to force-install GB with WeiDu v246 (not v247 it's delivered with nor v249 that was used with all the other mods before), I deleted all setup-mymod.exes, WeiDus, logs and everything from the game folder to avoid autoupdating, then renamed the WeiDu(246).exe into setup-generalized_biffing.exe and went ahead. Wrong?




EDIT: Typos.

Attached Files

Edited by Azaghal, 18 September 2022 - 08:57 AM.

#26 skellytz

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 09:05 AM

 I deleted all setup-mymod.exes, WeiDus, logs and everything from the game folder to avoid autoupdating, then renamed the WeiDu(246).exe into setup-generalized_biffing.exe and went ahead. Wrong?

"Everything else"? Only delete all setup-modname.exe files (and setup-weidu.exe if you followed that step) before installing GB with WeiDU 246.

#27 Azaghal

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 09:24 AM

Okay, not everything else. :doh: The game files and extracted mod folders remained. But files with "setup" or WeiDu in it were deleted.



#28 skellytz

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 10:33 AM

After GB game crashes from starting screen with the known Chsound.cpp assertion failure.

Maybe we should take a look at that modded songlist.2da file. Can you attach it, too?

#29 Azaghal

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 11:00 AM

Forum software tells me I'm not allowed to attach this kind of file.

There are seven Songlist.2da files. One each in the folders

- BGII - SoA\generalized_biffing\prod\0\biffs\87\ (that's the one I was trying to upload)

- BGII - SoA\fading promises\backup\0\

- BGII - SoA\bg1npcmusic\backup\0\

- BGII - SoA\bgt\backup\songlist\2\

- BGII - SoA\bgt\songlist\hybrid\

- BGII - SoA\bgt\songlist\full\

- BGII - SoA\NeJE\backup\0\

Only the two mentioned at the beginning have been altered today (same time stamp).

I do not understand why it has way over 100 entries after GB. Well, I assume it doesn't have as many before, because otherwise the game should crash when started unbiffed. But it doesn't.

As mentioned above: When I cut out the entries >99, then I don't get the assertion failure, but the game crashes soon after without error.


I really appreciate your help.



#30 skellytz

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 11:14 AM

Forum software tells me I'm not allowed to attach this kind of file.


- BGII - SoA\generalized_biffing\prod\0\biffs\87\ (that's the one I was trying to upload)

Put it in a zip folder and then you can attach the zip itself.

#31 Azaghal

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 11:26 AM

Sorry, it's getting late. Of course I could simply have copied the list in my post. Here it is:


2DA V1.0
 Name            RESOURCE
0       No_music        Blank.mus
1       Area0011        MX0011.MUS
2       Area0012        MX0012.MUS
3       Area0013        MX0013.MUS
4       Area0015        MX0015.MUS
5       Area0020        MX0020.MUS
6       Area0021        MX0021.MUS
7       Area0202        MX0202.MUS
8       Area0204        MX0204.MUS
9       Area0300        MX0300.MUS
10      Area0313        MX0313.MUS
11      Area0400        MX0400.MUS
12      Area0404        MX0404.MUS
13      Area0410        MX0410.MUS
14      Area0414        MX0414.MUS
15      Area0500        MX0500.MUS
16      Area0512        MX0512.MUS
17      Area0516        MX0516.MUS
18      Area0602        MX0602.MUS
19      Area0700        MX0700.MUS
20      Area0900        MX0900.MUS
21      Area1100        MX1100.MUS
22      Area1200        MX1200.MUS
23      Area1201        MX1201.MUS
24      Area1300        MX1300.MUS
25      Area1304        MX1304.MUS
26      Area1400        MX1400.MUS
27      Area1500        MX1500.MUS
28      Area1600        MX1600.MUS
29      Area1900        MX1900.MUS
30      Area2000        MX2000.MUS
31      Area2100        MX2100.MUS
32      Area2300        MX2300.MUS
33      BG2Theme        BGTheme.mus
34      Aerie           MXAERIE.MUS
35      Anomen          MXANOM.MUS
36      Jaheira         MXJAHIR.MUS
37      Kalah           MXKALAH.MUS
38      Khalid          MXKHALI.MUS
39      ShadowThief     MXTHIEF.MUS
40      Viconia         MXVICON.MUS
41      Tavern1         TAV1.MUS
42      Tavern2         TAV2.MUS
43      Tavern3         TAV3.MUS
44      Tavern4         TAV4.MUS
45      Area0400n       MX0400N.MUS
46      BC1          BC1.MUS
47      BC2          BC2.MUS
48      BD1          BD1.MUS
49      BD2          BD2.MUS
50      BD3          BD3.MUS
51      BF1          BF1.MUS
52      BF2          BF2.MUS
53      BJR          BJR.MUS
54      BM1          BM1.MUS
55      BM2          BM2.MUS
56      BP1          BP1.MUS
57      BP2          BP2.MUS
58      BRD          BRD.MUS
59      BSD          BSD.MUS
60      BST          BST.MUS
61      Area0406        MX0406.MUS
62      Harp_V2         HARP_V2.MUS
63      Harp_V6         HARP_V6.MUS
64      Area1602        MX1602.MUS
65      Area2202        MX2202.MUS
66      Tavern5         TAV5.MUS
67      Tavern6         TAV6.MUS
68      Dream1          Dream1.mus
69      Dream2          Dream2.mus
70      Mb              Mb.mus
71      Mx4000          Mx4000.mus
72      Mx4500          Mx4500.mus
73      Mx5000          Mx5000.mus
74      Mx5200          Mx5200.mus
75      Mx5500          Mx5500.mus
76      Mx6000          Mx6000.mus
77      Mx6100          Mx6100.mus
78      Mx6200          Mx6200.mus
79      MxMelis         MxMelis.mus
80      Vb              Vb.mus
81      ThemeT          THEMET.mus
82        Cred            Cred.mus
83      NPC                NPC.mus
84      Kachiko         MXKACHI.MUS
85      Valygar         MXVALYG.MUS
86      Sime            MXSIMEL.MUS
87      Keldorn         MXKELD.MUS
88      Leina         MXLEINA.MUS
89 cday1 cday1.mus
90 cday2 cday2.mus
91 cnite cnite.mus
92 chants chants.mus
93 dream dream.mus
94 fday fday.mus
95 fnite fnite.mus
96 pday pday.mus
97 pnite pnite.mus
98 temple temple.mus
99 tday1 tday1.mus
100 tday2 tday2.mus
101 tnite tnite.mus
102 dung1 dung1.mus
103 dung2 dung2.mus
104 dung3 dung3.mus
105 bc3 bc3.mus
106 bc4 bc4.mus
107 bd4 bd4.mus
108 bd5 bd5.mus
109 bl1 bl1.mus
110 bl2 bl2.mus
111 bf3 bf3.mus
112 bf4 bf4.mus
113 bp3 bp3.mus
114 bp4 bp4.mus
115 bw1 bw1.mus
116 fort fort.mus
117 tav7 tav7.mus
118 tav8 tav8.mus


#32 Azaghal

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 11:29 AM

And this is the one before biffing:


2DA V1.0
        Name            RESOURCE
0       No_music        ****
1       Area0011        MX0011.MUS
2       Area0012        MX0012.MUS
3       Area0013        MX0013.MUS
4       Area0015        MX0015.MUS
5       Area0020        MX0020.MUS
6       Area0021        MX0021.MUS
7       Area0202        MX0202.MUS
8       Area0204        MX0204.MUS
9       Area0300        MX0300.MUS
10      Area0313        MX0313.MUS
11      Area0400        MX0400.MUS
12      Area0404        MX0404.MUS
13      Area0410        MX0410.MUS
14      Area0414        MX0414.MUS
15      Area0500        MX0500.MUS
16      Area0512        MX0512.MUS
17      Area0516        MX0516.MUS
18      Area0602        MX0602.MUS
19      Area0700        MX0700.MUS
20      Area0900        MX0900.MUS
21      Area1100        MX1100.MUS
22      Area1200        MX1200.MUS
23      Area1201        MX1201.MUS
24      Area1300        MX1300.MUS
25      Area1304        MX1304.MUS
26      Area1400        MX1400.MUS
27      Area1500        MX1500.MUS
28      Area1600        MX1600.MUS
29      Area1900        MX1900.MUS
30      Area2000        MX2000.MUS
31      Area2100        MX2100.MUS
32      Area2300        MX2300.MUS
33      BG2Theme        THEME.MUS
34      Aerie           MXAERIE.MUS
35      Anomen          MXANOM.MUS
36      Jaheira         MXJAHIR.MUS
37      Kalah           MXKALAH.MUS
38      Khalid          MXKHALI.MUS
39      ShadowThief     MXTHIEF.MUS
40      Viconia         MXVICON.MUS
41      Tavern1         TAV1.MUS
42      Tavern2         TAV2.MUS
43      Tavern3         TAV3.MUS
44      Tavern4         TAV4.MUS
45      Area0400n       MX0400N.MUS
46      BC1          BC1.MUS
47      BC2          BC2.MUS
48      BD1          BD1.MUS
49      BD2          BD2.MUS
50      BD3          BD3.MUS
51      BF1          BF1.MUS
52      BF2          BF2.MUS
53      BJR          BJR.MUS
54      BM1          BM1.MUS
55      BM2          BM2.MUS
56      BP1          BP1.MUS
57      BP2          BP2.MUS
58      BRD          BRD.MUS
59      BSD          BSD.MUS
60      BST          BST.MUS
61      Area0406        MX0406.MUS
62      Harp_V2         HARP_V2.MUS
63      Harp_V6         HARP_V6.MUS
64      Area1602        MX1602.MUS
65      Area2202        MX2202.MUS
66      Tavern5         TAV5.MUS
67      Tavern6         TAV6.MUS
68      Dream1          Dream1.mus
69      Dream2          Dream2.mus
70      Mb              Mb.mus
71      Mx4000          Mx4000.mus
72      Mx4500          Mx4500.mus
73      Mx5000          Mx5000.mus
74      Mx5200          Mx5200.mus
75      Mx5500          Mx5500.mus
76      Mx6000          Mx6000.mus
77      Mx6100          Mx6100.mus
78      Mx6200          Mx6200.mus
79      MxMelis         MxMelis.mus
80      Vb              Vb.mus
81      ThemeT          THEMET.mus
82        Cred            Cred.mus
83      NPC                NPC.mus





EDIT: From the override folder.

Edited by Azaghal, 18 September 2022 - 11:30 AM.

#33 skellytz

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 12:56 PM

Of course I could simply have copied the list in my post.

I was just hoping to inspect the file structure, character encoding, end of line, etc. of the unaltered file.
Are you sure when you tried to install GB it was a freshly extracted mod package without anything in generalized_biffing/backup or generalized_biffing/prod folders? Because it seems like you end up with the wrong songlist file either in the override or biffed that is read by the game.
Here, try biffing as normal, but put this songlist.2da in the override after biffing the game:


I do not understand why it has way over 100 entries after GB. Well, I assume it doesn't have as many before, because otherwise the game should crash when started unbiffed. But it doesn't. As mentioned above: When I cut out the entries >99, then I don't get the assertion failure, but the game crashes soon after without error.

But it needs to have over 100 entries: you've installed Vlad's compilation which adds more entries, along with BGT Music - Full and TobEx which both allow bgmain.exe to handle more songs without crashing. I even installed them in the same order as you, ended up with the same songlist as you, but the game doesn't crash after biffing:


// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #0 // BG2 Fixpack - Core Fixes: v13
~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #1000 // BG2 Fixpack - Game Text Update -> GTU Light (by Wisp): v13
~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #3 // BETA Core Fixes (please check the readme!): v13
~BGT/BGT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core: v1.21
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #1 // Improved Monk Class (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #2 // "Firewalker" Shar-Teel (custom kit and continuous character)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #3 // Leina - New Bard NPC Character and Quest (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #4 // Priest of Sylvanus (Druid) Kit and Improved Character Jaheira (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #5 // New Jaheira Portrait (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #6 // Restored Anti-Dragon Items and Powerful Swords (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #7 // Restored Twisted Rune Quest (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #8 // Improved Copper Coronet (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #9 // Improved Shadows and Shadow Dragon (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #10 // Restored Dak'kon's Blade (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #11 // Improved Nymph (Woodland Being) Script (by Goeran Rimen)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #12 // Dual Wielding Fix for Rogues (by aVENGER)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #13 // Cromwell in Brynnlaw and Item Upgrade (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #14 // Improved Character Anomen - Stats and Items (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #15 // Improved Character Nalia - Stats and Items (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #16 // Improved Character Jan Jansen (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #17 // Improved Character Aerie - Wildwanderer of Baervan (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #18 // Improved Character Edwin - Red Wizard (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #19 // Improved Character Viconia - Darkcloak of Shar (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #20 // Continuous and Custom Kit Imoen (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #21 // Enhanced Encounter with Illasera in ToB (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #22 // Enhanced Encounter with Gromnir in ToB (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #23 // Enhanced Encounter with Yaga Shura in ToB (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #24 // Enhanced Encounter with Abazigal in ToB (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #25 // Merchant League Bank (BGT required!) (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #26 // Tougher Black Talone Elites (BGT required!) (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #27 // Stats and Portraits of Viconia and Jaheira. BG1 Viconia and Jaheira can get their BG2 portraits and stats (by Vlad).
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #28 // Improved Character Edwin (BGT required!) (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #29 // Improved Character Xan (BGT required!) (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #30 // Items Upgrade (by Vlad)
~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #31 // Textupdatepack -> Baldurdash English Text Update Pack for ToB, v1.4 WeiDU (by Kevin Dorner)
~SETUP-BGTMUSIC.TP2~ #0 #2 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Music -> Full Baldur's Gate/Shadows of Amn/Throne of Bhaal Music (WARNING: patches BGMain.exe)
~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ #0 #1 // Generalized Biffing -> Biff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes): v2.6


Put weidu.exe in the game directory and use the cmd:


weidu --change-log bgmain.exe


Check if you get the same results:




Edited by skellytz, 18 September 2022 - 02:37 PM.

#34 Sam.

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 02:30 PM

Forum software tells me I'm not allowed to attach this kind of file.


- BGII - SoA\generalized_biffing\prod\0\biffs\87\ (that's the one I was trying to upload)

Put it in a zip folder and then you can attach the zip itself.

I believe I've just added 2DA to the approved attachment type list.

"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart-arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"

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#35 Azaghal

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Posted 18 September 2022 - 09:59 PM

Good morning!


Now it's possible to upload the songlist. Thanks Sam!


@ skellytz

I've put your songlist into the override folder (funnily I dreamt about this possibility last night), but it doesn't help. CTD with the ususal assertion failure.


Will redownload GB mod archive for testing of integrity and try the changelog testing when I return from work this afternoon.


See you later





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#36 Azaghal

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Posted 19 September 2022 - 09:25 AM

The changelog showed no mods affecting bgmain.exe. Zero.


Then I have freshly downloaded and extracted GB. Then biffed and started the game - the same result; assertion failure chsound.ccp.



#37 skellytz

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Posted 19 September 2022 - 01:48 PM

The changelog showed no mods affecting bgmain.exe. Zero.

Which means it isn't patched to run BGT and Vlad's compilation. I'm not sure whether your system permissions prevented the executable from being patched by mods or the backup version was somehow restored in the game directory when you switched WeiDU installers around.


I'm afraid you'll have to reinstall BG2 clean. Extract all the mod packages and install them fresh (don't copy the mod folders from your current install). Skip IA, don't swap WeiDU installers anymore, and use the latest WeiDU 249.


Good luck!

#38 Azaghal

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Posted 20 September 2022 - 06:17 AM

Okay, I'll report back!





#39 Azaghal

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Posted 21 September 2022 - 09:55 AM

Well, here's what I did for my umptieth installation:

- switched system language and regional format to English in the Windows settings and kept it that way through the entire installation of the game and mods (just in case...)

- did a clean full install of SoA and ToB with patches and stuff

- newly extracted the mods to the game folder

- started the first mod installation with WeiDU v249 and all following mods as well

- half way through the installation I did a changelog for BGMain.exe and to my relief it had been changed by several mods

- left out Infinity Animations from my list of mods (and those mods that require IA)

- started the game before biffing and it worked (always has)

- started GB with WeiDu v249 (no force-install with an outdated WeiDU version)

- closed my eyes and crossed my fingers when starting the biffed game


Tadaa! Works well so far. I'm out of Candlekeep and everythings looks fine.

In case somebody's interested, my WeiDu.log is attached.


Many thanks for your patience, skellytz!  :new_thumbs:  We may not have identified the problem for certain, but at least this is a stable installation.





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#40 Azaghal

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Posted 23 September 2022 - 04:29 AM

Don't halloo till you're out of the wood!

Game is running but had occasional CTDs for no apparent reason that could not be reproduced. Simply went on. But now game starts to crash whenver I want to rest both in inns or outdoors (has worked before). Looks like there might a problem with playing the videos.

Here's the latest errorlog.

Dunno whether it's GB related or a different problem. So if you want to move it to another thread, I don't mind.





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