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IA can't be installed by weidu249

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#1 new(Mike)

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Posted 12 August 2022 - 06:30 PM

I try to install BWP 19.2 with weidu 249

when I insatll infinityanimations,error message is as follows:

Installing [Humanoid Animation Fixes] [v5 BWP Fix]

SKIPPING: [Distinctive Genies]
IA_Fiends_Genies.rar needs to be extracted and installed with the main

SKIPPING: [Distinctive Fiends]
IA_Fiends_Genies.rar, IA_IWD.rar, IA_PST_Abishai.rar,
IA_NWN_01_Modron.rar and NWN_Misc_I.rar need to be extracted and installed
with the main component.

SKIPPING: [Pit Fiends -> All get the NWN animation]
IA_NWN_01_Modron.rar needs to be extracted and installed with the main

SKIPPING: [Cambion/Isair Animation -> All cambions]
IA_BGII_IWDII.rar needs to be extracted and installed with the main

SKIPPING: [Alu-Fiend/Madae Animation -> All alu-fiends]
IA_BGII_IWDII.rar needs to be extracted and installed with the main

SKIPPING: [Distinctive Undead]
IA_Base_Anims.rar, IA_IWD.rar and Shadows_harpy_frostgiant.zip need to
be extracted and installed with the main component.

SKIPPING: [Skeleton Warriors -> Barrow Wight animation]
IA_IWD.rar needs to be extracted and installed with the main component.

SKIPPING: [Seer Animation -> Some beggars and slaves]
IA_IWD.rar needs to be extracted and installed with the main component.

SKIPPING: [Svirfneblin Animations -> Animations and sounds]
IA_IWD_Svirfneblin.rar needs to be extracted and installed with the
main component.

Installing [More Base Animations] [v5 BWP Fix]

SKIPPING: [More Icewind Dale Animations]
IA_IWD.rar needs to be extracted and installed with the main component.

SKIPPING: [More Icewind Dale II Animations]
IA_BGII_IWDII.rar needs to be extracted and installed with the main

SKIPPING: [More Neverwinter Nights Animations]
IA_NWN_01_Modron.rar and NWN_Misc_I.rar need to be extracted and
installed with the main component.

SKIPPING: [More Planescape: Torment Animations -> 75% of relevant non-joinables]
IA_PST_Paletted.rar needs to be extracted and installed with the main

SKIPPING: [Moinesse's Avatars for IA -> 75% of relevant non-joinables]
Moinesse_edits_IAised.rar needs to be extracted and installed with the main

In fact,I have unpack the these archives into the \BGII - SoA\infinityanimations\content folder by choosing the option "No pathnames" and if I try to install BWP 19.2 with weidu 246,infinityanimations can be installed correctly.

when i install BWP 19.2 with weidu 247 or 248 or 249,IA can't be installed

if i install BWP with weidu 246,some mods such as made in heaven and stratagems can't be installed

who can help me how to reslove it,thank you so much

Attached Files

Edited by new(Mike), 12 August 2022 - 06:40 PM.

#2 skellytz

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Posted 17 September 2022 - 12:19 PM

I'd be grateful if you could try the installation steps at the bottom of this post. I installed Infinity Animations using WeiDU 249 without errors, but Windows non-Unicode locale setting must be changed manually first.

I have change non-Unicode to English (United States)

I still can't install IA with weidu 249

Check the files in infinityanimations/content: all BAMs from individual animation packs should be extracted right into this folder and not into subfolders. Try to uninstall all Infinity Animations components first. The BAM files that your setup can't find as resources are copied from infinityanimations/content to override during the installation of the core Infinity Animations component #0, so it needs to be reinstalled after changing the codepage.

Edited by skellytz, 23 September 2022 - 01:22 PM.

#3 new(Mike)

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Posted 17 September 2022 - 04:48 PM

thank you so much

I delete infinityanimations folder under 'BiG World Fixpack'
then IA can be intstalled

Edited by new(Mike), 17 September 2022 - 04:54 PM.