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Issue in ToB part (EET) when spawning Nephele.

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#1 Yakkuz

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Posted 17 July 2022 - 09:20 AM


When starting a fresh ToB campaign in EET (haven't checked if you start from SoA, but I suppose it's the same), if you try to summon Nephele at the Fate Spirit dialogue it didn't work as planned and no NPC.

I already opened an issue on github (here: https://github.com/S...le_NPC/issues/1), it probably went unnoticed, so I am doubling here.

The problem seems to be related to the EET_transition block set in Nephele main tp.


      type = 2 // BG2 NPC without BG1 content (transition to ToB if joined party at least once in SoA)
      default_ToB = 1 //controls if NPC should be spawnable in ToB when the game has been started in ToB (no by default - 0)
      dv = "NEPHELE" //Death Variable (script name) of the NPC (must be the same in BG1/SoD/BG2/ToB)
      override_SoA = "LK#NEPH" //name of the override NPC script in SoA
      override_ToB = "LK#NE25" //name of the override NPC script in ToB
      dialog_ToB = "LK#NE25" //name of the dialogue file used after spawning NPC in ToB
	  SummonedVar = "LK#NepheleSummoned" // global that will be used to track if Nephele has been summoned (used by EET Fate Spirit code, also used by lk#ne25.baf to trigger initial dialogue with PC)
	  SpawnPlaneVar = "LK#NepheleSummoned" // global that will be used to track if Nephele has been summoned (used by EET Fate Spirit code, also used by lk#ne25.baf to trigger initial dialogue with PC)
	  cre_ToB = "LK#NE25" // if Nephele was not in the party before ToB, this CRE will be created when she is summoned by Fate Spirit

"SpawnPlaneVar" should not use the same var name of "SummonedVar".  I've done a quick edit and check in game changing it to the consistent
SpawnPlaneVar = "LK#NepheleSummoned" and it seems to fix the problem.



#2 jastey

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Posted 03 October 2022 - 12:29 AM

Thanks for the report! Cycle times might be long, but nothing goes unnoticed.

This will be fixed in 2.7.

#3 Yakkuz

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Posted 03 October 2022 - 11:41 AM

Thank you very much!