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Quallo translation !

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#1 JohnBob

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Posted 20 June 2022 - 02:06 PM



here is the very small french translation of Quallo114.

 - For the English version I think the first sentence @1 has a mistake: (This is Charname speaking)

@1 = ~To win the blood of a true friend I would have to kill my friend. Since I would like to keep my friendship, however, this I would like to avoid. Do you see a way out from the dilemma?~

 - I propose but without certitude, I am not good enough in English:

@1 = ~To win the blood of a true friend I would have to kill your friend. Since I would like to keep our friendship, however, this I would like to avoid. Do you see a way out from the dilemma?~


It is quite possible that this error is also in other translations, if I am not the one who makes a mistake of course!

Edited by JohnBob, 21 June 2022 - 12:58 PM.

#2 jastey

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Posted 20 June 2022 - 08:24 PM

This is not a mistake, but maybe a problem with expressing what is meant. The PC knows that for fulfilling the quest, he should kill a friend but doesn't want to risk one of his/her friendships this way. So he/she is asking Quallo what to do.

That's correct phrasing for me. The moment the PC is asking, he doesn't know that he wil kill Quallo's friend. And the PC isn't Quallo's friend so phrasing concern that they want to stay friends with Qually wouldn't even make sense imho.

EDIT: I'd rather suggest a rephrasing of the sort:


@1 = ~To win the blood of a true friend I would have to kill a friend. Since I would like to keep all my friendships, however, this I would like to avoid. Do you see a way out from the dilemma?~


Edited by jastey, 20 June 2022 - 08:26 PM.

#3 JohnBob

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Posted 21 June 2022 - 10:20 AM

Hello Jastey,


When i translate the deutch version, i got :


-"To gain the blood of a true friend, I would have to kill your friend. But since I also want to be a true friend to you, I would like to avoid that. Do you see a way out of this dilemma?"


After Quallo explain how to get the blood of a true friend, when you come to him and say @1, i though Charname understand what he/she has to do and want to spare Quallo from sadness...


So i was thinking that a error of translation has come in the way (i suppose the original moddeur is german...)


-(here my french translation revert to english : "To get the blood of a true friend, I would have to kill your friend. But since I don't want to make you suffer my friend, an alternative would suit me well. Do you think you can solve this dilemma?")


But it's your native language, so you know better and I'm really not enough experienced !


Thanks for responding !

Edited by JohnBob, 21 June 2022 - 10:21 AM.

#4 jastey

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Posted 21 June 2022 - 10:54 AM

You are right there. For translation from German (the original language), your translation would be correct.


~Um das Blut eines wahren Freundes zu gewinnen müsste ich Euren Freund töten. Da ich Euch aber auch ein wahrer Freund sein will möchte ich das vermeiden. Seht Ihr einen Ausweg aus dem Dilemma?~


~To gain the blood of a true friend I would have to kill your friend. But I also want to stay a true friend to you and hence steer clear of doing that. Do you see a solution to the dilemma?~

Edited by jastey, 21 June 2022 - 10:58 AM.

#5 maus

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Posted 21 June 2022 - 11:20 AM

Well, also line @4 should be different: 


@4 = ~Consequences for myself? Not my cause, finally everyone has to rely to oneself. I'm sorry for your loss.~


For the other languages I have not the necessary language skills to proofread them. 


And thanks for taking care of the translations ;) 

#6 JohnBob

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Posted 21 June 2022 - 12:22 PM

I wasn't sure if the author was intentionally cryptic on @4, but you right it's probably an error of translation !!!


- Italien : seems similar to the proposal of Jastey.... for @1 and for @4 translator seems to have cut the part "ist sich jeder selbst der Nächste".


@1 = ~To win the blood of a true friend I would have to kill a friend. Since I would like to keep all my friendships, however, this I would like to avoid. Do you see a way out from the dilemma?~


- Spanish : seem to have the error for @1 and for @4 sentence seem cut too.


- For russian translation, I have no idea...


But I can't propose alternatives either...



French translation with change for @4...
Attached File  quallofix.french.rar   1.13K   98 downloads

Edited by JohnBob, 21 June 2022 - 01:00 PM.

#7 jastey

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Posted 21 June 2022 - 09:57 PM

Welcome back, maus! Let us know if you want us to do anything with your mod.


Thanks Headbanger for taking care in the meantime and updating! Only the translation to English could have been done with more care. The translation of @4 honestly doesn't make any sense. :blink:


This is what I propose for the English version:



@1 = ~To gain the blood of a true friend, I would have to kill your friend. But since I also want to be a true friend to you, I would like to avoid that. Do you see a solution to the dilemma?~
@2 = ~Because you have also proven yourself as a true friend of mine, some of your blood should suffice.  But I warn you.  If you, <CHARNAME>, give some of your blood, you will be weakened for good. How do you decide?~
@3 = ~The noble deed shall be worth it.~
@4 = ~Consequences for me? Not my cause. In the end, everyone has to fend for themselves. I'm sorry for your loss.~



And thanks for taking care of the translations

Sneeeaky! :shifty:

Edited by jastey, 21 June 2022 - 09:58 PM.

#8 jastey

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Posted 21 June 2022 - 10:10 PM

The other languages wold need to be proof read accordingly. Lines @1 and @4 especially.

#9 JohnBob

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Posted 23 June 2022 - 01:44 PM


Thanks Maus for this little mod...

I would like to know if some additions could be possible...

- an additional line if the PC asks quallo what to do with the blood after accepting to take his own blood.
(For the moment the answer of Quallo is the same as if you kill his friend)

-Add an item "Charname's blood".
(for more realism)

- Is it complicated to adapt it for EE's or is it enough to change the tra to utf8 (or add iconV) ?

If Maus finds it relevant of course !

Edited by JohnBob, 25 June 2022 - 12:02 PM.

#10 jastey

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Posted 23 June 2022 - 09:39 PM

- Is it complicated to adapt it for EE's or is it enough to change the tra to utf8 (or add iconV) ?

That should suffice, yes.


I'm thinking about making the Quallo content of Alternatives an optional component, so this mod can be installed instead if the player prefers.

#11 JohnBob

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Posted 25 June 2022 - 12:26 PM


That should suffice, yes.


I'm thinking about making the Quallo content of Alternatives an optional component, so this mod can be installed instead if the player prefers.

Thanks Jastey !


Here the archive with :  Attached File  quallo115.rar   1.77MB   106 downloads


-new translation for english (by Jastey) and french translation.


-Add iconv to tra folder for bg2, bg2ee compatibility


-Add HANDLE_CHARSETS fonction (borrowed from Branwen npc) and french entries to .tp2


Spanish, Russian and Italian translation need proofreading !!!! (Lines @1 and @4 especially.)

Based on the English translation by Jastey !

or the original German version by Maus !










-No change for version number in the .tp2 and readme file.

Edited by JohnBob, 26 June 2022 - 02:36 AM.

#12 jastey

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Posted 25 June 2022 - 10:01 PM
