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Starting CtB Chores at the start of ToB

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#1 Azazello


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Posted 26 September 2021 - 05:17 PM

It's nearing that time of year (in the Northern Hemisphere)... days are getting shorter, weather is getting cooler/colder, those autumn sunsets, that chemical scent of fake-pumpkin floating through the malls, and...that itch to play modded BG.



I got the idea to do what very few do-- start my play-through with Throne of Bhaal (once finished, I'll retcon my character to either start o' BG2 or a MegaInstall). That way, I don't have to wait 5 years to actually get to Saradush.


Anyway, I'ld like to trigger the CtB Chores flashback (together with the option to Fast Forward them) at either AR4000 (Spirit Heads Grove) // or // AR3000 (Watcher's Keep) + Chapter 8(?) to accommodate the option [Make Watchers' Keep accessible between SoA and ToB] from SCS.


Looking at the files, I'm sure I can bonehead my way to creating a local 'mod' to do this, but I figured: why not ask for an official option within the Mod itself.



somewhat Related: looking in the TP2, there's:

COMPILE ~CtB/Chores/scripts~ USING ~CtB/%s/script.tra~

EXTEND_BOTTOM ~library.bcs~ ~CtB/Chores/Snips/bLibrary.BAF~ //New starting position for Chores Cutscene


What & where is created the 'library.bcs'? Is that a BG2 base-game file?

#2 Isewein

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Posted 26 September 2021 - 05:50 PM

That'd actually be a really good idea. A childhood flashback is far more thematically fitting for winding down in Suldanesselar than while being tortured in Chateau Irenicus. Do share if you decide to implement this. :)

#3 jastey

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Posted 27 September 2021 - 10:28 AM

If you or someone else scripts such an optional component we can integrate it into the mod.

#4 Azazello


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Posted 27 September 2021 - 01:04 PM

That'd actually be a really good idea. A childhood flashback is far more thematically fitting for winding down in Suldanesselar than while being tortured in Chateau Irenicus. Do share if you decide to implement this. :)
Agreed, and Will do!
If you or someone else scripts such an optional component we can integrate it into the mod.
I'll do the homework and will figure out the changes needed. Shouldn't be too difficult {famous last words...}, I'll follow the flow of the existing code.

To begin...'library.bcs'?
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Edited by Azazello, 27 September 2021 - 01:23 PM.