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BiG World 19.1 bugs/problems

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#21 Vakarian89

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Posted 25 September 2021 - 04:11 AM

I started BG2 recently and am already out of Irenicus dungeon. I have full party setup, but I wanted to take Aerie into party and leave Jaheira in the circus tent for a while. The thing is, I have removed Jaheira earlier for a moment and re-joined with her, and this time when I remove her, she walks to the Charname, but does not say anything. When I want to talk with her after that, she "doesn't have anything to say" and just stands there, so I can't take her again, and I would probably want to do that later. Anyone has any idea what could be the reason? What file would I have to tinker with to repair that behaviour? Or maybe there's some other way to "resolve the situation"?


The other thing, not a bug per se, but it bugs me nontheless: added/changed characters with almost godly stats and/or OP items. Kachiko (from Tortured Souls mod) is a great example, I had to nerf both her and her personal ring, because the original stats just felt kinda broken. Natural AC of 6 and some natural damage resistances as well? On what basis? She's "just human", as far as I know. I understand mod author wanted to make her "cool", but that's too much for my taste. Or maybe it is explained later in the mod, that she's of some divine blood or something, but for now it doesn't make sense. Aerie is also changed by Vlad's Compilation (she's a Wildwanderer of Baervan now) and her personal cloak is also a bit too strong (will probably nerf it later).

#22 Azazello


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Posted 26 September 2021 - 10:52 AM

The other thing, not a bug per se, but it bugs me nontheless: added/changed characters with almost godly stats and/or OP items. Kachiko (from Tortured Souls mod) is a great example, I had to nerf both her and her personal ring, because the original stats just felt kinda broken. Natural AC of 6 and some natural damage resistances as well? On what basis? She's "just human", as far as I know. I understand mod author wanted to make her "cool", but that's too much for my taste. Or maybe it is explained later in the mod, that she's of some divine blood or something, but for now it doesn't make sense. Aerie is also changed by Vlad's Compilation (she's a Wildwanderer of Baervan now) and her personal cloak is also a bit too strong (will probably nerf it later).

We feel ya on things like this. But these are complaints that must go to the relevant mod authors/maintainers - nothing to do with (or by) BWP.


(Be warned: Vlad & Co. ain't gonna make any personal-taste changes like this to the 'Compilation'. Others have asked, others have been rejected.)


Short-term solution: make local changes to the files in your own game(s).

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Community Contributions
* Level 1 NPCs * gMinion: expanded TP2 for MegaInstalls * PSM (PSQM): expanded scripts for Melanthium * Shar Nadal (DSotSC-BGT) revision * non-detectable Cloak of Non-Detection ?? * Weimer's-Tactics: revised TP2 for MegaInstalls * a directory of Mega-Installation Guides *


#23 Vakarian89

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Posted 26 September 2021 - 11:14 AM



Yeah, I already did some changes to my local files, especially to Kachiko and her items. And don't get me wrong - I'm not saying that Vlad & Co. have to change that on their end, 'cuase that's their vision of the mod, they're authors and guardians of that vision and I respect that. I just have some other idea of what's "good party character", that's all.


And to all of you BG fans out there - anyone knows any solution to my Jaheira problem? Or maybe just some tip that could get me on the right track?

#24 Azazello


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Posted 26 September 2021 - 04:23 PM

And to all of you BG fans out there - anyone knows any solution to my Jaheira problem? Or maybe just some tip that could get me on the right track?

What happens if you force-recruit her?: click on sprite, then Ctrl+Q

#25 Vakarian89

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Posted 27 September 2021 - 02:25 AM

What happens if you force-recruit her?: click on sprite, then Ctrl+Q

By Tempus shield, I didn't think about that! I'll try it later and share the results. Thank you!




Well, it looks the problem fixed itself. I was about to try and force-recruit Jaheira, but when I have removed her from party, she walked to the CHARNAME and the dialogue started as intended. I had some talks with her since the last time I tried to remove her, so if I had to guess, I'd say that some global value made that bug occure earlier - now the global value is different and everything is fine. The second possibility is that the change of the chapter "fixed" the bug - I have talked to Gaelan Bayle since the last try of removing Jaheira, hence the chapter change. But these're just my guesses, the reason could be utterly different.

Edited by Vakarian89, 27 September 2021 - 06:42 AM.

#26 Vakarian89

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Posted 20 October 2021 - 09:58 AM

OK, a SERIOUS problem this time. I was doing quests on the Tangled Oak Isle and have been there for some time without traveling to other locations, except for going to Promenade once to buy music box. The thing is, when I finally returned to vanilla Athkatla districts, the game behaves as if I never been in those districts. At the Bridge I was told again about murders, though I have already completed that quest, same in the Docks. After loading pre-Tangled Oak save, everything is as it should be. I'll try to find out what particular moment makes the error-hell break loose, but anyone has any idea what could go wrong?




Done the Tangled Oak quests again and this time without any problems. But I think it could be caused by something different - by deleting content of "tempsave" folder, which I did to get rid of some other error I've run into.

Edited by Vakarian89, 20 October 2021 - 11:34 AM.

#27 Vakarian89

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Posted 29 October 2021 - 02:45 AM

Jaheira went to the Harper's hold with Meronia and she isn't coming back. I have rested many times in many different locations (both at inns and in the wilderness), but still nothing. I know she can spawn in some "weird" location, so I've checked the save for the area she is in, but it says "none". So she didn't spawn at all, which makes it impossible to summon her with "CreateCreature" command. Any ideas what to do?

#28 Vakarian89

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Posted 01 November 2021 - 11:21 AM

No shortage of errors and problems here, so I give you another one.


I noticed that sometimes there are "empty" items in the containers - they have no icon or name (just "ground item" or something), but they are there. And when taken, they still are "empty" in the inventory, but they occupy a bag slot and cannot be removed. I examined some of the containers with those empty items in NearInfinity and there should be a random items in them (rndtre##.itm). From what I have read, it means those rndtre.itm files reference non-existant or ignored rows in rndtreas.2da. Sooo... why referencing them if they're not legit?

#29 Vakarian89

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Posted 10 November 2021 - 01:50 PM

Some of the Tortured Souls areas are missing their .tis files, which makes the game to crash (well, no suprise here). I could put them into override folder, but in the mod archive there are only .tiz files, so... How do I convert one into the other?

#30 Sebastian

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Posted 14 November 2021 - 01:23 AM

Some of the Tortured Souls areas are missing their .tis files, which makes the game to crash (well, no suprise here). I could put them into override folder, but in the mod archive there are only .tiz files, so... How do I convert one into the other?

I might be wrong here, but I vaguely remember running into tis-related error messages myself on my last install years ago, though not for TS. I eventually found out that I COULD load the areas with the MoveToArea cheat - apparently, only the entry point was corrupted, so it led to a false positive? MoveToArea followed by CTRL + J to the entry point might be worth trying if you haven't already. The .tis files should be part of the .bif packs, which is why they wouldn't exist in override.


Do they exist in Nearinfinity?

Edited by Sebastian, 14 November 2021 - 01:23 AM.

#31 Vakarian89

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Posted 14 November 2021 - 11:29 AM

Do they exist in Nearinfinity?

Nope, they didn't. Must have been some error during an installation and they weren't "tisunpacked" from .tiz files. I have unpacked them manually and placed them in override - that solved the problem. But then I run into another problems (couldn't ressurect Kachiko, for example) and just gave up on that mod. Hate to say it, but it's not worth all that trouble, IMO. Too much OP items (WAY too OP) and problems on my current installation, not enough well-written content. Nevertheless, thanks for trying to help, I appreciate it!

#32 Charriu

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Posted 29 November 2021 - 02:40 PM

Hey Leonardo,


just wanted to inform you about a potential problem with Vlad’s Compilation v2.1. As you know it includes baldurdash. Unfortunately it looks like it also includes a lot of stuff from Neverending Journey in it's main component MY COMPILATION. I myself reverted to using the last version of baldurdash. Just wanted to let you know that there might be a problem you may want to investigate.

#33 Vakarian89

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Posted 02 December 2021 - 01:09 PM

A HUGE problem here. When Adalon changes my party into Drows, the game starts to stutter terribly (like 1 frame per few seconds kind of terribly), and sooner or later (rather sooner) becomes unresponsible. Tried to turn off 3d acceleration, it being the first thing that came to my mind, but it didn't help. Any idea how to fix it? I sure as hell don't want to stop this playthrough like this, too much time already invested and too much fun it gives me just to drop it.

#34 JohnBob

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Posted 02 December 2021 - 02:39 PM


the mod Tweaks-Anthology has a component "No Drow Avatars on Party In Underdark" that might solve your issue but i do not know if you can install it so late in your game, maybe if you have a save before Adalon cave....

#35 Vakarian89

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Posted 03 December 2021 - 10:57 AM



First of all, thank you for trying to help! And as this is your first post here, welcome!  :) I know about this component, but I have BiG World Project installation with a generalized biffing, so once installed, can't install more components just like that without probably ruining everything. I'm not sure why I haven't installed "No Drow Avatars" components as a part of my mega-installation... Maybe not knowing about possible errors, I thought that no drow avatars would be immerse-breaking? Well, I don't remember, truth be told.


However, I have solved my problem. After reading that items with regeneration ability can mess with those drow avatars/animations (some engine errors or something), I checked if the items equiped by my party members cause the crashes and it turn out the culprit were all shields and weapons wielded in off-hand. When I unequiped them, the game runs smooth once again. Kinda weird, but I think I can manage to survive underdark without using shields and dual-wielding Minsc.

#36 JohnBob

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Posted 03 December 2021 - 11:58 AM

It is good that you have solved your problem.

I didn't know about this issue with item and regeneration. So thanks for sharing.


and thanks for your welcome!

#37 Vakarian89

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Posted 03 December 2021 - 12:31 PM

I myself learned about it yesterday. It seems that when a party character has some regenerative item equiped (like a ring of regeneration or something) after Adalon casting illusion spell / party being changed into drows, that character will probably stop currently assigned actions every few seconds and other strange things will happen. As I wrote, that's some kind of engine bug that wasn't fixed through all these years (kinda impossible/no known how to fix bug).


And you're welcome! :)

#38 The Imp

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Posted 05 December 2021 - 04:39 PM


First of all, thank you for trying to help! And as this is your first post here, welcome!  :) I know about this component, but I have BiG World Project installation with a generalized biffing, so once installed, can't install more components just like that without probably ruining everything.

Well, you actually can, the only difference is that with Gen_Biff, your entire games code is enclosed into a library of faster readable data, with an appendix that say what is where in the so called chitin.key file.

It can still be overwritten. Thing is, with weidu mods, one needs a particular weidu command to know if the data is present or not and if it is, it might requires another code to process. All this to say it it can be done, but it's harder than regular moding. And you them might need to rebiff the files, if they contain media files. As biffing makes media files faster to load, in the non-EE games. It does nothing to the regular files, except take twice the space, if you don't delete the source data, which the gen_biff doesn't, for it to allow uninstall and such.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#39 Vakarian89

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Posted 06 December 2021 - 11:05 AM

All this to say it it can be done, but it's harder than regular moding.

Still, would have need to uninstall all the mods up to the one I'd like to re-install/change, then install them once again in the proper order, and then biff all the files again... So I will avoid installing/re-installing anything in my mega-installation as long as I'll be able to solve the problems any other way. But you're right, it's possible, though a bit tedious.

#40 The Imp

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Posted 06 December 2021 - 11:53 AM

Erhm, but if you don't have the component installed, you can install it after all the other mods have already been installed by just running the setup-modname.exe a new, and skipping the already installed mod components as it will ask what to do with them, just answer S ... of course you should first copy the game folder just in case, when you try this ...

This is of course if we are NOT talking about subcomponents/alternative components as those need uninstall of the previous alternative subcomponent.

Edited by The Imp, 06 December 2021 - 11:56 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.