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BiG World 19.1 bugs/problems

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#1 Vakarian89

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Posted 18 June 2021 - 01:41 AM

I start this topic to share with you, and maybe find solution to, problems and bugs I'll run into during my BiG World playthrough. I'm totally green when it comes to "how BG mods work", so forgive me if some of my questions / things I write will be utterly stupid or at "noob-level".


- as I wrote already in BWP v19 topic, Xzar becomes hostile the moment he appears in my sight. No big deal, he's better dead anyway, but the question is: is it just him or will this happen with other characters as well?


- Khalid lines (when picked, ordered to move or attack etc.) and his biography are mismatched with some other strings. Also his pick/move/and-so-on sounds aren't played. This is more of a problem then the one with Xzar, and can't be sure this won't happen with other characters/dialogues.


If anyone has ideas, why the bugs or how to solve them, please do share. If some details are needed, logs or anything else, I'll provide (or at least try to).




I have found out that these mismatched Khalid lines come from bmelora.dlg file, if it's of any help. It looks that this file is from Vlad's Compilation mod. But why did it change Khalid's string references? I figured out it's easy to change these references to the correct ones in NearInfinity, but what has caused this?

Edited by Vakarian89, 18 June 2021 - 08:00 AM.

#2 The Imp

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Posted 18 June 2021 - 12:43 PM

Weidu.log's content ? And you ought to specify where each of these characters are meat, is it in BG1 area, BG2(SoA) area, or so on. You can push the x button during gameplay, and that will give you the area code (and the cursor location).

Also, it might not be obvious, but who did you have with you when you ran into Xzar, that became immidietly hostile ? There could be a lot of answers that you left to the wills of the wind to guess.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#3 Vakarian89

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Posted 19 June 2021 - 07:40 AM

Well, I must admit I didn't give too many details to go on with. So to answer your questions:

- Xzar stands with Montaron at their usual spot on Lion's Way (Area 6600 in BGT, 2700 in BG). Xzar attacks me immidately, Montaron just stands there;

- there's only my character and Imoen in the party;


I have tried to find which of the XZAR.cre files is responsible for that particular Xzar by changing string for death line one by one and killing him, but none of them seems to be the one. Or maybe it works different than I think.


WeiDU.log goes here:


#4 The Imp

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Posted 19 June 2021 - 01:04 PM

I have tried to find which of the XZAR.cre files is responsible for that particular Xzar ...

To really do this, you can open the game with Near Infinity, a Java tool, to find more, read this, and in that find that particular .are file, after which you just find the name of the .cre file, it might not be zxar.cre... and then you can --change-log the file, which will give every .cre incarnation that the mods have made, naming them in this example zxar.00001.cre ... zxar.000*.cre and having them accessable in the change-log folder, * being any number of mods that have changed the character. You can then rename each of them, by removing the numbers, and putting that file into the games override folder, after which you need to either start a new game, or load a game that has not visited the .are'a just yet. And see what happens after Gorion's death and meating them.


Also it should be noted also, that the .cre change might not be the only responsible thing that makes them hostile, as it could be any change made to the scripts of the character, the level, or the like(.bcs -files).

Edited by The Imp, 19 June 2021 - 01:06 PM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#5 Vakarian89

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Posted 20 June 2021 - 04:49 AM

And see what happens after Gorion's death and meating them.

Well, I didn't know there is too late for that kind of changes once you've already visited the area. Thank you very much for that information!

#6 Vakarian89

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Posted 20 June 2021 - 11:26 AM

OK, I have solved my Xzar problem by changing one of his scripts. Unfortunately, it seems that this script messes up more characters - when a character with this script* sees my party attacking someone (even enemies), he/she turns hostile. Don't have to say it kinda ruins the game. I tried to figure the script out, but I have failed. I attach it to this post, if someone could take a look, I would be much obliged.


*it's my assumption it's this script to blame - I'm not 100% sure

Attached Files

#7 The Imp

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Posted 20 June 2021 - 01:08 PM

when a character with this script* sees my party attacking someone (even enemies), he/she turns hostile.

You sure ? As in, you sure that it was an "enemy" that was attacked by the party, and not a formally neutral character, like Montaron ? -for example.

And yes, this is problematic within the BP scripts, as it turns most if not everyone hostile for non valid reasons.

That's way too many Enemy() -declarations.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#8 Vakarian89

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Posted 21 June 2021 - 04:10 AM

Once again thanks for the answer, The Imp. I'm sure that it was "enemy" - probably gibberling or wolf when Xzar went hostile (I didn't attack Montaron on any non-hostile characters in that location) and definitely a ghast in two other cases. Is there any way to "repair" that script, 'cause NearInfinity has found it in over 1800 .cre files, so it kinda sucks to play that way. I could re-install it all once more, but the result would probably be the same if I won't know which components not to install.

#9 Vakarian89

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Posted 28 June 2021 - 06:17 AM

OK, another thing. I have re-installed the whole thing making sure not to install SCS and BP AI together. Now I have a problem with custom map notes / journal entries. I can write my text and accept it, but after the note/entry is created, there's no text. The note shows on the map / entry in the journal, but without any text. Any ideas?

#10 TotoR

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Posted 28 June 2021 - 09:46 AM

Hi Vakarian,


Not sure about this bug, but could you please remove the folder "default.tot" that is located in the "temp" folder and try another time...


be aware that whithout this folder, the game may/will cash with the next save. to avoid the crash a manipulation is needed : load game, open map, create a marker (the screen should freeze during several seconds), quite immediately for the starting screen, reload game, create a marker (no freeze this time), save and all should works as intended without any other manipulation...

#11 Vakarian89

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Posted 29 June 2021 - 03:47 AM

Hi TotoR,


thank you very much for a solution - it has worked flawlessly. As I remeber, I once saw a similar solution on Gibberlings3 forums, but it was about custom notes/entries crashing the game and it didn't mention removing default.tot folder. Thanks once more!




Another day, another problem, so it seems. Pack mule from the mod W_PackMule looks like a gibberling and it's name says "Let's see what's in your potion case." Pack mule wrangler's name is the same, except it's not potion case but scroll case. No prob in changing mule's animation from gibberling to mule, but can't find a proper string for mule's and wrangler's name and tooltip. Have searched dialog.tlk for strings with "mule" in it, but none fits.


Yet another problem: "Rocksalt" potion, added by Igi's Item Mod, immediately kills any character who drinks it. I have looked at it's effects in NearInfinity and don't see anything wrong, but my knowledge on the topic is almost non-existent, so...

Edited by Vakarian89, 29 June 2021 - 11:35 AM.

#12 Leonardo Watson

Leonardo Watson
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Posted 29 June 2021 - 11:06 PM


For more than one decade I could save my game without any errors. Since about one year my game crashed every time when saving. I don’t know the reason why. It happened with GoG games and also with the classic CD version. I thought about WeiDU or BGT. Searching on internet shows that there are many players with the same problem. The solution that you offer never worked for me.
I would be glad if someone could fix this finally.

#13 TotoR

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Posted 30 June 2021 - 11:49 AM


This bug is linked to windows 10 and mods have nothing to do with it (Vanilla game with no mod has the same bug). I haven't found any other solution than the one above (with xp compatibility on...), witch worked for me and should work for you too.

And, like you said, it would be nice if someone could fix this.

Edited by TotoR, 01 July 2021 - 09:40 AM.

#14 Vakarian89

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Posted 01 July 2021 - 08:42 AM

Another problem: mod BG1Aerie edited AR4900.bcs to create Aerie and other creatures. The problem is, AR4900 is Nashkel Carnival in BG1, but in BGT trilogy it's AR3800, so no Aerie on the Carnival.

#15 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 02 July 2021 - 09:05 PM

Another problem: mod BG1Aerie edited AR4900.bcs to create Aerie and other creatures. The problem is, AR4900 is Nashkel Carnival in BG1, but in BGT trilogy it's AR3800, so no Aerie on the Carnival.


It is fixed now with v19.2.1

#16 Vakarian89

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Posted 03 July 2021 - 01:14 AM

@Leonardo Watson


I'll stick to my 19.1.2 installation - I have changed appropriate area .bcs files myself. But it's good to know that you improve BWP bit by bit - the amount of work you do with this project is enormous, and thank you for that!


By the way, I have a question - when BGT changes areas names, do these changed names are always the same? I mean, will that Nashkel Carnival be AR3800 every time, or does it depend on other mods installed?

Edited by Vakarian89, 03 July 2021 - 01:14 AM.

#17 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 03 July 2021 - 05:50 AM

 do these changed names are always the same?

Yeah, there's even a database of what area is what, and in which game(BGT(-weidu), BGTutu, BG1EE, BG1, EET).

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#18 Vakarian89

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Posted 03 July 2021 - 06:36 AM

Thanks, Imp, for the answer and especially for the link! It may come in handy.

#19 Vakarian89

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 09:36 AM

A medium-serious issue with my BWP installation. I have Resurrected igi's Spell System Adjustments Mod v7.1 installed, and many of the spells have their "Restore lost spells" (in Near Infinity) effect duration set to 0, which means they are unlimited (they restore the moment they are casted). I've noticed that only the ones which "Dispel/Resistance" is set to "Not dispel/Bypass resistance" are broken. If "Dispel/Resistance" is set to "Dispel/Bypass resistance" the duration is set correctly. It is true both for priest and wizard spells of all levels. To make it easier to understand, little photo.



Edited by Vakarian89, 09 July 2021 - 09:37 AM.

#20 Vakarian89

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Posted 19 August 2021 - 10:41 AM

Well, I have finally made it to the city of Baldur's Gate, and there... another problems. In a few city areas there are mismatched .bam files (they are .bam files, right?) for closed doors, so as long these doors are closed, it looks glitchy as hell. I think it happens only at night. Once again, nothing game-breaking, but it's there.




OK, I figured it out they aren't .bam, but .tis files. I guess the game "cuts out" part of that to cover opened door, according to given co-ordinates, which are mismatched. Bummer.




Another matter is the appearance of helms and shields. I've spotted this after 10 minutes of play, but didn't mention it here 'cause it's not that big of a problem. But since I write this post anyway, I may as well mention this. The problem is, the helms/shields icons look different than they look on inventory paperdolls and on character while exploring. One item, three different looks. I have One Pixel Productions mod installed with Item Revisions, so shouldn't it be more consistent?



Edited by Vakarian89, 20 August 2021 - 10:38 AM.