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TobEx AfterLife

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#41 Magus

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Posted 12 October 2021 - 09:23 AM

@Insomniator any chance you might be interested in implementing 44KHz acm support and/or DDraw alternatives (wav/flac/ogg) for BG2? Would be useful for HQ music mod, as well as others. Could take inspiration from sfall.

Edited by Magus, 12 October 2021 - 09:23 AM.

#42 Insomniator

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Posted 12 October 2021 - 03:24 PM

Hi Magus

@Insomniator any chance you might be interested in implementing 44KHz acm support and/or DDraw alternatives (wav/flac/ogg) for BG2? Would be useful for HQ music mod, as well as others. Could take inspiration from sfall.

- 1pp HQ Music mod already has patches to support 44kHz acm music tracks (but it requires all music to be pre-converted)

- DDraw alternative is original OpenGL render, it is much fast than directdraw because still accelerated by drivers and works well

- there is no need to support wav/flac/ogg, pre-convert to supported formats is enough for modders


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Posted 06 November 2021 - 05:24 AM

Hey Insomniator, I have feature request: When using 'windowed mode', do not pause the game when the window became inactive. Possible?

Edited by ALIEN, 07 November 2021 - 05:26 AM.

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#44 Insomniator

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Posted 08 November 2021 - 01:09 AM



Hey Insomniator, I have feature request: When using 'windowed mode', do not pause the game when the window became inactive. Possible?
I didn't understand in which cases it might be useful for players.
If only for spending waiting time in other window when party move to destinbation point - No



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Posted 08 November 2021 - 04:09 AM

Usecases are:

- doing something else when party is moving thought the map

- waiting for the cutscene to finish since you can't skip cutscenes like in EE

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#46 -Arthas-

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Posted 08 November 2021 - 04:10 AM

Insomniator, can you add a skip cutscene feature? So you click esc and you skip it.

#47 Insomniator

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Posted 08 November 2021 - 07:32 AM

@ALiEN, @Arthas


Insomniator, can you add a skip cutscene feature? So you click esc and you skip it.


Usecases are:

- doing something else when party is moving thought the map

- waiting for the cutscene to finish since you can't skip cutscenes like in EE

Ok, accepted

#48 Bartimaeus


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Posted 13 November 2021 - 11:59 AM

Thanks for the update to ToBEx, the changes you've made (including in your UI mod) are genuinely awesome.


However, Level One Proficiency Restrictions now appears to enforce level 1 proficiency restrictions not on just the first level of a dual-classed character, but on all levels of a dual-classed character. Previous behavior was that e.g. a fighter dual-classed to a mage could put two proficiency points into a weapon while levelling up as a mage after having re-activated their fighter levels - now they may only have the one point per proficiency type. As I understand it, this would almost be akin to P&P behavior, where only the second class should be used to determine what you can put proficiency points in, except the same level 1 enforcement is made on classes that dual-class to a fighter as well. For example, a thief that dual-classes to a fighter will also have to abide by the fighter's level 1 limit of two points per proficiency type no matter how high level they get.

Edited by Bartimaeus, 13 November 2021 - 12:00 PM.

#49 Salk

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Posted 21 November 2021 - 08:52 AM

I can confirm Bartimaeus' report and I believe the correct behavior was the previous behavior. 


If/when you update ToBEx Afterlife, will you please also update to the latest WeiDU (249), Insomniator?



#50 Insomniator

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Posted 21 December 2021 - 06:23 AM

However, Level One Proficiency Restrictions now appears to enforce level 1 proficiency restrictions not on just the first level of a dual-classed character, but on all levels of a dual-classed character. Previous behavior was that e.g. a fighter dual-classed to a mage could put two proficiency points into a weapon while levelling up as a mage after having re-activated their fighter levels - now they may only have the one point per proficiency type. As I understand it, this would almost be akin to P&P behavior, where only the second class should be used to determine what you can put proficiency points in, except the same level 1 enforcement is made on classes that dual-class to a fighter as well. For example, a thief that dual-classes to a fighter will also have to abide by the fighter's level 1 limit of two points per proficiency type no matter how high level they get.


#51 Insomniator

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Posted 21 December 2021 - 06:28 AM

Insomniator, can you add a skip cutscene feature? So you click esc and you skip it.
Usecases are:

- doing something else when party is moving thought the map

- waiting for the cutscene to finish since you can't skip cutscenes like in EE

Unpause game if switched to other window - done

skip cutscene - impossible, inside cutscene may be important actions like move to other area or setting global variables

#52 Insomniator

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Posted 21 December 2021 - 06:28 AM

Updated to 29.8:

  • Fixed: Level One Proficiency Restrictions regression
  • Added: Protection From Spell for Contingency Fix
  • Added: Unpause engine in background window


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Posted 21 December 2021 - 09:05 AM

Fantastic, huge thanks for this minor but very time-savvy tweak! Now I wonder how many hours were needed to implement this for the old engine?

Edited by ALIEN, 21 December 2021 - 09:18 AM.

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#54 Salk

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Posted 22 December 2021 - 01:50 AM

Thank you very much for this new update, Insomniator!


Very nice to see you again.  :cheers:

#55 Vlan

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Posted 27 December 2021 - 03:19 AM

Is it be possible to include op codes (321, 321+ ...) from EE to the original BG?

Edited by Vlan, 27 December 2021 - 03:20 AM.

#56 Insomniator

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Posted 27 December 2021 - 09:34 AM

Is it be possible to include op codes (321, 321+ ...) from EE to the original BG?

No, i already wrote about new opcodes for old engine - too late for old engine, most modders moved to EE and never go back

#57 Gwendolyne

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Posted 28 December 2021 - 06:17 PM

Is it be possible to include op codes (321, 321+ ...) from EE to the original BG?

No, i already wrote about new opcodes for old engine - too late for old engine, most modders moved to EE and never go back

Wrong. ;)


Only new players have probably never played oBG games. But I can assure you that if SHS Staff would announce we stop updating pre-EE mods, we would fire a revolution!

The success met by your mod and Tobex revival should convince you of the contrary. Moreover, you can't imagine how my inbox is full of requests sent by old players - always active because you can't quit the BG saga - asking for retro-compatibility updates. ;)


Instead of spending weeks to find more or less accurate workarounds to make new mods compatible with oBG2 (when it is possible), being able to use many new opcodes in old engine would save our time.


But I don't have enough technical knowledge to state if it is feasible or not, and not too tedious to achieve.


In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.

#58 -Arthas-

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Posted 29 December 2021 - 01:15 AM

I add two more things:

1) modders said the same thing for ToBEX - no need to support it because everyone has moved to EE until you came. As you can see, people have been playing with your version (and GUI).

2) Modders have asked for new opcodes, as subtledoctor. People will convert mods and it will be a good chance also for me to go back to original edition.


By the way,

- why don't you publish a ToBEx with already everything rather than asking users to sub the .dll?

- the link on the first page of bg2 improved GUI is wrong.

Edited by Arthas, 29 December 2021 - 01:18 AM.


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Posted 29 December 2021 - 02:05 AM

- why don't you publish a ToBEx with already everything rather than asking users to sub the .dll?

Because many old mods require old ToBEx to be installed and since Insomniator version is practically a new mod(so it cannot just replace old ToBEx), having "Require ToBEx to be installed" is the easiest way how to keep compatibility and have new features.

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#60 -Arthas-

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Posted 29 December 2021 - 02:12 AM

We can discuss about technicalities, but you cannot say it's a new mod, and then describe about the requirements suggested to install it (where you have to actually sub the .dll, thus acting as it's an upgrade).

It's either a new mod - or a revised version of an old mod. It can't be both at once.

Even the readme is confusing - it starts with:

Codebase was changed to custom one, this is no more original TobEx v26 by Ascension64

and then

Require original TobEx v26/v28, no other mod dependies or install order


But anyway, not my mod, not my problem