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TobEx AfterLife

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#1 Insomniator

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 09:42 AM


File Name: TobEx AfterLife
File Submitter: Insomniator
File Submitted: 14 Jun 2021
File Category: ToBEx

TobEx AfterLife

AfterLife is a TobEx fork with more bugfixes/tweaks for the original Baldur's Gate II engine. It is part of BG2 Improved GUI project, but only TobEx options are enabled.


Codebase was changed to a custom one; this is no longer the original TobEx v26 by Ascension64. Use it at your own risk! Includes v28 patch by Magus. Shares the same C++ sources with the main BG2 Improved GUI; src files available in the "bg2improvedgui\src" folder.


  • Supports all options of the original TobEx
  • Disarm Trap Distance [Fix]
  • Character Behind Polygon [Fix]
  • Continuous Battle Music [Fix]
  • Set BG1 Animation During Character Generation [Tweak]
  • Flickering Cursor [Fix]
  • CPU Idle [Tweak]
  • Over Target Visual Effect [Tweak]
  • Skip OpenGL Fullscreen Display Modes with Fixed Interpolation [Tweak]
  • OpenGL VSync On [Tweak]
  • Protection From Spell for Contingency [Fix]
  • Run in Background [Tweak]
  • Stop Animation/Sound of Interrupted Casting [Fix]
  • Mixed Soundset for BGT [Modding]
  • External Crashdump Saving Utility [Debug]
  • Externalise Animation Sound Reference Override [Modding]
  • Externalise Animation Config Override [Modding]
  • Mute Generic Animation Attack Sound [Tweak]
  • Disable Hardcoded BG1 Item Sounds [Tweak]
  • Self-Patched Effect Removing [Fix]
  • Sequence Sound Override [Fix]
  • Ankheg Range Weapon Animation [Fix]
  • Creature Embedded Sound Overrides 2DA Entry [Tweak]
  • Restore Creature Attack Sounds #1 [Tweak]
  • Restore Creature Attack Sounds #2 [Tweak]
  • Path Search Party Bumpable When Moving [Tweak]
  • Enable Off Hand Weapon BG1 Animation [Tweak]
  • Enable Robe Armor Sound [Tweak]
  • Reset Idle Timer After Weapon Equipped [Tweak]
  • Weapon Speed [Fix]
  • Saving Throw Improved Invisible Bonus [Compatibility]
  • Disable Hidden TobEx Patches [Debug]
  • Small Purple Elemental Palette Fix [Fix]
  • 44Khz Sound Mixer Frequency [Tweak]




Edited by skellytz, 17 October 2024 - 03:28 PM.

#2 Salk

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 11:07 PM

My antivirus (BitDefender Free) object to the TobEx.dll file in both version 29 and 29.1. 


It doesn't complain with version 28 (Magus).

#3 Andrea C.

Andrea C.
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Posted 18 June 2021 - 12:51 AM

Can you add an exception to it?


It works well with mine (I've got a paid subscription to AVG.)

#4 Salk

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Posted 18 June 2021 - 01:03 AM

I have added an exception and submitted the file as non positive to BitDefender.


I just wanted to inform Insomniator that for some reason his version of ToBEx.dll is being detected by my own antivirus (and four others) as malware while v28 did not have this kind of issue.




it seems that the .tp2 version for 29.1 is still 29. The Read Me is also only updated to version 29.


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Posted 18 June 2021 - 01:57 AM

Renaming the tp2 will prevent all mods that require TobEx to detect this version. You have all credits for this new version but can you please revert name change?

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#6 Salk

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Posted 18 June 2021 - 07:23 AM

ALIEN is very correct about that.

#7 The Imp

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Posted 18 June 2021 - 12:53 PM

My antivirus (BitDefender Free) object to the TobEx.dll file in both version 29 and 29.1.

You might want to switch, as it bases it's desition on file name, and the corporation sponsors that bought up it's services. Aka, corruption. The skill to do this is called craft.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#8 Insomniator

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Posted 19 June 2021 - 04:53 AM

Hi Alien

Renaming the tp2 will prevent all mods that require TobEx to detect this version. You have all credits for this new version but can you please revert name change?

Project is not original TobEx anymore, it is FORK with many changes in codestyle/formatting/etc, so it got own name to avoid mislead. You are right, many mods check existing TobEx installation by checking MOD_IS_INSTALLED or directly TobEx_ini folder, it is problem if original TobEx was not installed and mod use only MOD_IS_INSTALLED way
I want to fix issue as create dummy directory/files/... to pass MOD_IS_INSTALLED (if it will work). Temporary solution is install orig TobEx package before, i already updated description.

Edited by Insomniator, 19 June 2021 - 05:24 AM.

#9 Insomniator

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Posted 19 June 2021 - 05:20 AM

Hi Salk

I have added an exception and submitted the file as non positive to BitDefender.
I just wanted to inform Insomniator that for some reason his version of ToBEx.dll is being detected by my own antivirus (and four others) as malware while v28 did not have this kind of issue.

I can do nothing with this, main .DLL and TobExLoader.exe produced by Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 compiler with all optimizations enabled, TobEx itself is injector/hooker of bgmain.exe, probably BitDefender explore it deeper and make positive, AsmJit.dll taken from TobEx v26 package.

Edited by Insomniator, 19 June 2021 - 05:23 AM.

#10 Insomniator

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Posted 19 June 2021 - 05:31 AM

it seems that the .tp2 version for 29.1 is still 29. The Read Me is also only updated to version 29.

29.1 is name of zip, inside .tp2 and other files version will be still 29. You cannot install new version above previous, this is as i understand weidu installer, it uninstall prev changes and write new changes from scratch


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Posted 19 June 2021 - 09:06 AM

it seems that the .tp2 version for 29.1 is still 29. The Read Me is also only updated to version 29.

29.1 is name of zip, inside .tp2 and other files version will be still 29. You cannot install new version above previous, this is as i understand weidu installer, it uninstall prev changes and write new changes from scratch

WeiDU won't allow to have two the same Mod ID (tp2 filename) inside weidu.log twice, correct. But keeping the correct VERSION keyword inside tp2 is to inform players which exact version they use. Otherwise, how the player would know if he install the version that contains 'Continuous Battle Music Fix' if the tp2 VERSION (and weidu.log) still has '29' in it?

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#12 Insomniator

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Posted 21 June 2021 - 09:55 AM

updated to 29.2:

Removed standalone installer mode, now require original TobEx installed

#13 Insomniator

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Posted 21 June 2021 - 10:30 AM

Hi Alien,

WeiDU won't allow to have two the same Mod ID (tp2 filename) inside weidu.log twice, correct. But keeping the correct VERSION keyword inside tp2 is to inform players which exact version they use. Otherwise, how the player would know if he install the version that contains 'Continuous Battle Music Fix' if the tp2 VERSION (and weidu.log) still has '29' in it?

fixed, tp2 has correct version 29.x, TobExVer.txt is still "29" because some mods try do math with this value as integer


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Posted 21 June 2021 - 10:58 AM

Hi Alien,
WeiDU won't allow to have two the same Mod ID (tp2 filename) inside weidu.log twice, correct. But keeping the correct VERSION keyword inside tp2 is to inform players which exact version they use. Otherwise, how the player would know if he install the version that contains 'Continuous Battle Music Fix' if the tp2 VERSION (and weidu.log) still has '29' in it?

fixed, tp2 has correct version 29.x, TobExVer.txt is still "29" because some mods try do math with this value as integer

Thanks. I know it's a PITA to keep things synchronized. Automate those  :shifty:


BTW: Which mods are checking "TobExVer.txt" ?

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#15 Insomniator

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Posted 21 June 2021 - 11:40 AM

BTW: Which mods are checking "TobExVer.txt" ?

Mod directly dont open TobExVer.txt, instead it include embedded TobEx Redistributable

For example stratagems v31, it includes "tobex_redist" subfolder, as i see setup.tp2 may load tobex.tpa, then tobex.tpa try to detect version from "TobExVer.txt"

  COPY "TobEx_ini/TobExVer.txt" "TobEx_ini/TobExVer.txt"
    READ_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 1 tobex_installed_version

  ACTION_IF (%tobex_redist_version% > %tobex_installed_version%) BEGIN

last line fails on "29.1" or "29,1"


#16 Salk

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Posted 21 June 2021 - 08:26 PM

BTW: Which mods are checking "TobExVer.txt" ?

Mod directly dont open TobExVer.txt, instead it include embedded TobEx Redistributable

For example stratagems v31, it includes "tobex_redist" subfolder, as i see setup.tp2 may load tobex.tpa, then tobex.tpa try to detect version from "TobExVer.txt"

  COPY "TobEx_ini/TobExVer.txt" "TobEx_ini/TobExVer.txt"
    READ_2DA_ENTRY 0 0 1 tobex_installed_version

  ACTION_IF (%tobex_redist_version% > %tobex_installed_version%) BEGIN

last line fails on "29.1" or "29,1"



But couldn't you have simply changed from v29 to v30 then?

#17 Gwendolyne

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Posted 21 June 2021 - 09:38 PM

I usually use the following code, unless I check a special Tobex feature. ;)


        OUTER_SET is_tobex = (FILE_EXISTS ~tobex_ini/tobexcore.ini~) ? 1 : 0 // ToBEx is installed



In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.

#18 skellytz

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Posted 25 June 2021 - 04:26 AM

Thank you. Just like everybody else here I think it should be the new version of TobEx. A GitHub repo forked off the original would be a great way to show that. If we all renamed mods because of forks the collaborative process would get needlessly complicated. Think about it; I'm sure Ascension64 would approve all the updates but wouldn't like to see the mod renamed every time the maintainer changes. Maybe I'll just rename BGT to BGT Back from the Grave Pt. II Special Edition and require the installation of v1.18 prior to v1.22 ;)

#19 Insomniator

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Posted 25 June 2021 - 07:38 AM

Hi skellytz

Thank you. Just like everybody else here I think it should be the new version of TobEx. A GitHub repo forked off the original would be a great way to show that. If we all renamed mods because of forks the collaborative process would get needlessly complicated.

And again - this is not TobEx anymore , it is fan fork with all code from my parent project with many hacks/fixes/new bugs/etc

Please leave orig TobEx alone ! (fingers crossed :doh:)

#20 -Arthas-

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Posted 25 June 2021 - 11:45 AM

Hi skellytz
Thank you. Just like everybody else here I think it should be the new version of TobEx. A GitHub repo forked off the original would be a great way to show that. If we all renamed mods because of forks the collaborative process would get needlessly complicated.

And again - this is not TobEx anymore , it is fan fork with all code from my parent project with many hacks/fixes/new bugs/etc

Please leave orig TobEx alone ! (fingers crossed :doh:)

Why are you requiring to install Tobex as a prerequisite? 

Edited by Arthas, 25 June 2021 - 11:53 AM.