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installation order

infinity animations

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#1 TotoR

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Posted 09 May 2021 - 02:32 PM



After a close look at the Readme, I am a bit lost with the installation order of this mod in conjunction with infinity animation.


If I read correctly component 101 Core paperdolls (main component) should be installed after IA : "New in this version is detection and native support for Infinity Animations". But if I do so, I can't install component [106-109]1ppv4: Female Dwarves and [110-112]1ppv4: Thieves Galore -- the installer won't let me.


In addition, as written in the readme for Thieves Galore : "due to the way patching is currently handled, the component will fail if Infinity Animations is already installed. To resolve this issue, install IA after this component". This is not possible if component 101 is installed after IA.


However, it there is no installation issue if 1pp is installed before IA. I have access to both additions Female Dwarves and Thieves Galore and I haven't see any bugs.


what is the drawback ? Is there some incompatibilities or gliches by doing so ?

Edited by TotoR, 09 May 2021 - 11:40 PM.

#2 Salk

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Posted 09 May 2021 - 08:25 PM

Hello, TotoR!


I have reported the bug you mentioned a few days ago at the GitHub page of this modification and Gwendolyne has acknowledged it.


The problem with the installation order is that I think that 1PP 4.2.0+ will play nice only with the yet unreleased 6.0 version of Infinity Animation. At the moment I install 1PP before Infinity Animation (except for the Avatar Armor Switch component, which I install very late) just as suggested by Bartimaeus for the Item Revisions Revised modification.

#3 TotoR

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Posted 10 May 2021 - 12:27 AM

Thanks for those informations.

I haven't check before on GitHub for issues, I have updated the post to avoid double posts.

Concerning the installation order, maybe those informations you give me are known, but they do not seems so clear by reading the Readme...

I acknowledge that BWP or the order suggested by Bartimaeus (it is a good base for installings 1pp, IRR and IA) are working, but 1pp Readme stated partially otherwise; it can be a bit confusing and lead to partial installation of 1pp although a whole installation could have been possible... without knowing it, It was my case ; it is especially true for female dwarves as nothing indicate that the installation is not possible after IA...

Anyways, if you are right, I can't wait anymore for IA6.

#4 Salk

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Posted 10 May 2021 - 10:01 PM

You are absolutely right, TotoR.


The installation info are contradictory and I don't know myself whether the order I suggested is the best possible but I lean towards that. As much as I like to have everything run very smoothly I fear there is some risk for small incompatibilities involved here. But I don't expect anything big or game breaking.


Unfortunately IA6's release has been delayed but I am sure Gwendolyne and Sam will eventually have it out and when that happens, the installation interdependencies will be taken care of. For now, all we can do is go for what we believe is going to be the best possible workaround.



#5 Noxou

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Posted 01 May 2023 - 09:14 AM

Hi. I will bump up this topic, because i don't want to create a new one called 'Installation order'.


Quite frankly, BG is the hardest game i ever tried to mod. I failed thrice already in the past decade. I use my original CDs, so it is original version, not EE. Most of my problems have to do with installation order. No matter how many hundred hours i spend reading, it always end up screwed. 1PP is one massive problem for me, when it comes to installation, because i can't find anywhere information on install order. I found just earlier: "Please install Infinity Animations before 1PP". And as stated in the above comments, this may not even be the case. So...


Where do i install 1PP? Toward the beginning? the end? The middle? What about the different components? I have found contradictory informations on other mod readmes. Right now, i am suffering with BG2 Improved GUI. It states (and i am grateful to the mod author for stating things):


Install before mods: (components: Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click)

  • Item Revisions
  • Spell Revisions
  • Item Upgrade
  • BG1 Textpatch Revised
  • BG2 Textpatch Revised
  • Cursed Items Revision
  • Any other mod with item/spell text updates

Install after mods:

  • TobEx
  • BG2 Fixpack
  • TobEx AfterLife
  • Widescreen mod
  • TutuGUI
  • BG2 GUI in 1280x720
  • 1pp
  • Infinity Animations
  • BGT


I honestly fail to see how i can install BG2 Improved GUI after 1PP but before Spell Revisions, unless i install 1PP first thing. But this contradicts other informations i have seen that put 1PP much later.


Is there a way to know where to install stuff? Is there some rule in installing that makes it so people actually manage to mod their Baldur's Gate? Some rule i don't know? Any help would be gratefully welcomed.

Edited by Noxou, 01 May 2023 - 11:12 AM.

#6 Insomniator

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Posted 01 May 2023 - 03:43 PM

Hi Noxou

Where do i install 1PP? Toward the beginning? the end? The middle? What about the different components? I have found contradictory informations on other mod readmes. Right now, i am suffering with BG2 Improved GUI. It states (and i am grateful to the mod author for stating things):


Install before mods: (components: Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click)

  • Item Revisions
  • Spell Revisions
  • Item Upgrade
  • BG1 Textpatch Revised
  • BG2 Textpatch Revised
  • Cursed Items Revision
  • Any other mod with item/spell text updates

Install after mods:

  • TobEx
  • BG2 Fixpack
  • TobEx AfterLife
  • Widescreen mod
  • TutuGUI
  • BG2 GUI in 1280x720
  • 1pp
  • Infinity Animations
  • BGT


I honestly fail to see how i can install BG2 Improved GUI after 1PP but before Spell Revisions, unless i install 1PP first thing. But this contradicts other informations i have seen that put 1PP much later.

I recommend read Watson's BiG World Project Manual to see how such dependies was solved, in short, you can install same mod few times but different components, so install "Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen" early, then 1pp and other stuff, and remain BG2 Improved GUI's component at last

#7 Noxou

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Posted 02 May 2023 - 06:39 AM

Hi Noxou

I recommend read Watson's BiG World Project Manual to see how such dependies was solved, in short, you can install same mod few times but different components, so install "Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen" early, then 1pp and other stuff, and remain BG2 Improved GUI's component at last

"Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen" is component 3000 of your mod, BG2 improved Gui, if i am not crazy. This component should go before 1PP? I don't really know what determines a given component should be installed before or after other mods. I had guessed that the GUI improvements of 1PP would conflict with BG2 Gui, and so, considered skipping this component altogether. Would that work?


I know about the manual, 400 pages of crazy hard work. Very impressive. I used it in the past. Although BWP does not work fantastically right now and some aspects of it seem highly outdated. It is hard to know what in the manual still holds true and what doesn't.


I am still struggling to understand how Project Infinity works, as i haven't found a proper user manual anywhere. There are plenty of basics of this manager that i can't grasp yet. I can't do much with it as of now. So, it would be particularly complicated to break down mods in several parts, for now... Which is a big part of the reason why i am starved for trustworthy informations.


Anyway, thanks for your time. I am grateful for your answer. I will try to look at this manual yet again and see what comes from it.

Edited by Noxou, 02 May 2023 - 06:47 AM.

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