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BGT Graphics Overhaul

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#21 Salk

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Posted 05 April 2023 - 04:31 AM

Hello, weigo!


Thanks for your effort to make this work for both EET and BGT. I am only interested in the latter and of course I will want to help. Unfortunately, when it comes to time available, this is not a very good period for me though. I expect to have much more free time in around 7-8 weeks' time. I know it's a lot but unfortunately my plate is full in the short period (mostly real life engagements but also some modding stuff).


Anyway TotoR above said that the current BGGOEET together with his minimaps fix provided a working solution.

#22 skellytz

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Posted 05 April 2023 - 06:27 PM

Fixing BGGO for BGT was on my to-do list as well. I'm grateful that you're willing to put some more effort into this, weigo. Let me know if you need help.


Do you want me to set up a GitHub repo? Are you thinking of making it a single installer package for both EET and BGT, or would it be better to keep them as separate projects?

#23 Salk

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Posted 05 April 2023 - 07:55 PM

Oh and one more thing. I'd not miss much the option to keep the purple patches. I never used it, and I don't honestly think many do.

Edited by Salk, 05 April 2023 - 07:55 PM.

#24 weigo

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Posted 06 April 2023 - 04:48 AM

Fixing BGGO for BGT was on my to-do list as well. I'm grateful that you're willing to put some more effort into this, weigo. Let me know if you need help.


Do you want me to set up a GitHub repo? Are you thinking of making it a single installer package for both EET and BGT, or would it be better to keep them as separate projects?

Thanks for your offer of help


At the moment I'm just trying to get the old BGT to run somehow. I have constant crashes and as soon as I edit an area, BGT can no longer be started. It's maddening.

My plan was to have both in one. I have the EET part ready and have tested each area once.

We have to calculate with 800-900 MB if we want to have both in one package. Converting tis v1 to v2 or from v2 to v1 unfortunately doesn't work and so we have to separate the files.


Which BGGO for BGT version was the last one that ran?


I already have an account on Github and some repositories.
If it takes too long to get the BGT files ready, I can upload the first part already.


Oh and one more thing. I'd not miss much the option to keep the purple patches. I never used it, and I don't honestly think many do.

Ok, then if everything goes smoothly there will be no more purple patches.

Edited by weigo, 06 April 2023 - 04:48 AM.


BP-BGT-Worldmap-v6.6 (Download)

#25 Endarire

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Posted 06 April 2023 - 11:54 AM

At least GitHub can safely hold files of 800+ meg!

#26 Salk

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Posted 07 April 2023 - 04:53 AM



I asked before but you never said anything about it so I try again: TotoR said that the last BGGOEET already works fine on BGT if you apply the fixes he produced. I never got the chance to verify this but it would be smart to check it out before you work on your own version,


And BGGOEET has had its own github page for quite some time, maintained by ALIEN and the latest version there includes TotoR's fix.

Edited by Salk, 07 April 2023 - 04:54 AM.

#27 weigo

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Posted 08 April 2023 - 05:57 AM



I asked before but you never said anything about it so I try again: TotoR said that the last BGGOEET already works fine on BGT if you apply the fixes he produced. I never got the chance to verify this but it would be smart to check it out before you work on your own version,


And BGGOEET has had its own github page for quite some time, maintained by ALIEN and the latest version there includes TotoR's fix.

I had the same graphics errors as you in Baldur's Gate and in Candlekeep some tiles were still in day mode. Since I have to rework the night maps for the EET version anyway, I have now reworked the EET and BGT version together and both now use the same wed file of the EE version and we are rid of the graphics errors.
The other improvements of TotoR are included I think, because I took the version that Alien uploaded on Infinity Mods.


BP-BGT-Worldmap-v6.6 (Download)

#28 Salk

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Posted 08 April 2023 - 06:32 AM

Since I have to rework the night maps for the EET version anyway, I have now reworked the EET and BGT version together and both now use the same wed file of the EE version and we are rid of the graphics errors.

Sounds great. Looking forward to it. But you said you keep getting crashes when you test it on BGT?

Edited by Salk, 08 April 2023 - 06:32 AM.

#29 weigo

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Posted 08 April 2023 - 08:11 AM


Since I have to rework the night maps for the EET version anyway, I have now reworked the EET and BGT version together and both now use the same wed file of the EE version and we are rid of the graphics errors.

Sounds great. Looking forward to it. But you said you keep getting crashes when you test it on BGT?

Now everything fits. I've only been playing with the EE lately and it's a bit more robust and fluid. Just finished the 3rd Baldur's Gate area and it works. But it will still take quite a while until I have all BGT areas through.


BP-BGT-Worldmap-v6.6 (Download)

#30 Salk

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Posted 08 April 2023 - 09:26 AM

Keep us updated with your progress and thanks a lot for fixing the BGT version!

#31 skellytz

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Posted 08 April 2023 - 06:55 PM

All right, so just a few initial points to get things started:

  • weigo, I think it's safe to assume you've now officially taken over as the mod maintainer.
  • I've volunteered to be the mod guardian (helping out with the forum, download page, GitHub, etc.) Let me know if you need anything.
  • Yovaneth has, of course, given us the necessary permissions to continue the project.
  • The GitHub repo has been transferred to SHS (thanks, ALIEN!). I'll sort out the missing admin access as soon as possible. The latest beta of BGGOEET has been backed up as a separate branch (bggoeet-legacy) in preparation for the changes of the mod structure in the new version.
  • I suggest changing the mod's name to simply Baldur's Gate Graphics Overhaul (BGGO), version 2.0, as it's now intended to be a single package supporting both BGT and EET. The separate BGT/EET versions will then be considered deprecated. Would you like to keep the legacy TuTu version a separate mod package, or are you planning on adding it as well?

#32 weigo

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Posted 09 April 2023 - 07:29 AM

Thank you for your support skellytz.


  • I've volunteered to be the mod guardian (helping out with the forum, download page, GitHub, etc.) Let me know if you need anything.

I will certainly have a few questions here and there about Github.

I have created the changes in a new branch of the Github repo on SHS

Should we update the repo in the meantime or should we wait until everything is ready?


  • I suggest changing the mod's name to simply Baldur's Gate Graphics Overhaul (BGGO), version 2.0, as it's now intended to be a single package supporting both BGT and EET. The separate BGT/EET versions will then be considered deprecated. Would you like to keep the legacy TuTu version a separate mod package, or are you planning on adding it as well?


Changing the name is a good idea.



 Would you like to keep the legacy TuTu version a separate mod package, or are you planning on adding it as well?

The tutu support is still in the WeiDU code and I won't take it out. However, I can't do any tests since I know zero about Tutu.


I think Yovaneth would be satisfied with the solution. It's a pity if so much artistic work would be lost. There are so many graphical improvements in Baldur's Gate that unfortunately weren't fixed in the EET either. I tried to keep as much of the original as possible. With the EET version, unfortunately, this went a little less, because the PVRZ format does not work quite so.


At the moment I'm halfway through Baldur's Gate. 5/10 areas day and night. Probably Beregost, Candlekeep, Nashkel and the Friendly Arm Inn will be more complex. The remaining areas are again very simple, because they are mainly nature areas. But it will drag on for a few weeks yet


BP-BGT-Worldmap-v6.6 (Download)

#33 skellytz

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Posted 09 April 2023 - 04:46 PM

I have created the changes in a new branch of the Github repo on SHS

Should we update the repo in the meantime or should we wait until everything is ready?

This is your project now, so whatever is more convenient to you. Feel free to create and work on your own development branch if you wish so. You can also fork the repo as a common alternative to a new branch.


I think it's always better to upload the changes to GitHub regularly rather than keep everything only on your drive. That way you effectively back up every hour of all the hard work. It will also help us keep track of your progress.


The tutu support is still in the WeiDU code and I won't take it out.

Good. Finally, all these separate packages can be combined into a single one.

Edited by skellytz, 09 April 2023 - 06:03 PM.

#34 Sergio

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Posted 10 April 2023 - 12:11 AM

hello, why I would install this mod? What does it offers?

It's called "overhaul" but there are no comparison screenshots showing what is overhauled. :huh: 

Edited by Sergio, 10 April 2023 - 12:12 AM.

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#35 Salk

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Posted 10 April 2023 - 01:28 AM



check the pinned What is it? topic.

#36 Sergio

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Posted 11 April 2023 - 09:36 AM



check the pinned What is it? topic.

Thank you. I didn't even realize there was a whole forum section for this mod :P

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#37 Sh1n

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Posted 17 April 2023 - 02:16 AM

I already have an account on Github and some repositories.
If it takes too long to get the BGT files ready, I can upload the first part already.


Thanks for all the work! I'd be grateful if you could upload the EET part as it is; going to start a new playthrough and wouldn't mind testing this out.

#38 Endarire

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Posted 17 April 2023 - 11:43 AM


#39 weigo

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Posted 21 April 2023 - 12:51 AM

If you want to have a look at the new version, you can have a look at the beta v3 branch. However, it is far from finished, but rather my backup of the current working directory.
The EET areas should be finished, but there might still be some bugs. BGT I'm done with Baldur's Gate, but at the moment I'm stuck on Wyrms Crossing both EET and BGT. The area is annoying.


BP-BGT-Worldmap-v6.6 (Download)

#40 Salk

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Posted 21 April 2023 - 02:04 AM

Thanks for the update, weigo!


Could you tell us, out of curiosity, what makes some areas more annoying/difficult to patch than others?

