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Solaufein Flirt PIDs Firing Incorrectly

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#1 Ark477

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Posted 27 March 2021 - 03:33 PM

I've been messing around with my mod order, and no matter what I cannot stop this problem from developing. For reference I'm using EET with SoD, v and SolaFlirt v 1.2.


I move the variables (SolaTalk, SolaMoon, and SolaSleep) from the base mod around via the console, and I can get differences in the flirt dialogue. But in the values corresponding to a progressed romance, whenever I initiate a PID, Solaufein speaks as though he is the one who started the talk instead of putting me in the flirt menu.


Also, every time a lovetalk fires by moving SolaTimer to 0, he plays a flirt instead. Lovetalks can be fired by selecting Solaufein and having him talk to himself, but it's an odd idiosyncracy that I can't stop no matter what I do. I've read the readme and done what is mentioned there (ie. move between areas), as well as tried with both Weimer's original mod (v104 & 103) as well as Roxanne's update to EET (v2.03). I've moved it around my load order a handful of times, with little difference.


Anybody have any insights on getting it up and running by the time I make it to BG2?