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BWP v19 released

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#61 jastey

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Posted 16 May 2021 - 03:35 AM

@Leonardo Watson great, thanks for clearification!

#62 Avalon

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Posted 16 May 2021 - 06:57 AM

@Leonardo Watson,


Issue with the mod: Game Over Only on Party Dead v1.7


I could not install it. I checked in individual.bat the compenent nr. is 100 but in PDF-guide it is 10. I changed it to 10 and tried again. Again could not install this mod.

Edited by Avalon, 16 May 2021 - 12:03 PM.

#63 semaj577

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Posted 19 May 2021 - 05:08 PM

@Leonardo Watson,


Issue with the mod: Game Over Only on Party Dead v1.7


I could not install it. I checked in individual.bat the compenent nr. is 100 but in PDF-guide it is 10. I changed it to 10 and tried again. Again could not install this mod.

First, if you want to know what´s the number of a component of a mod, maybe you like to see this post: http://www.shsforums...ds/#entry606726 . I wrote that for those who are not modders -like me- but want to test new components added to mods. In the particular case of "Game Over Only on Party Dead v1.7", the correct number is 100, the pdf guide has a little mistake in there.


Second, you will not be able to install the mod unless you have installed baldurs gate trilogy, first. This is the message from the debug file that is generate when you fail to install this mod:


ERROR: Failure("resource [beltbrd.bcs] not found for 'COPY'")
Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-NOGAMEOVER.DEBUG and look for support at: Salk
Using Language [English]


That file -beltbrd.bcs- is present in baldurs gate trilogy, not in a regular baldurs gate 2 installation. And for that reason, the mod won´t install. That what´s i guess, maybe someone can confirm this.

#64 Avalon

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Posted 20 May 2021 - 04:43 AM

@ semaj577,
A very nice Video, thx. I use this mod with BWP 19.1 (BGT 1.21 and more 124 mods)
I guess some mods have issues with weidu 247:  generalized biffing, Game Over Only on Party Dead v1.7 ect.

Edited by Avalon, 20 May 2021 - 04:45 AM.

#65 Gwendolyne

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Posted 20 May 2021 - 10:42 PM

I guess some mods have issues with weidu 247:  generalized biffing, Game Over Only on Party Dead v1.7 ect.

The issue has been reported and should be solved in next WeiDU version.


In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.

#66 Salk

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Posted 21 May 2021 - 12:22 AM



Issue with the mod: Game Over Only on Party Dead v1.7


I am preparing an update for it so that it will work again for Baldur's Gate 2.

As soon as I can get a few translations done, I will release version 1.8.


In the meantime what you can do is adding the following small piece of code in the file setup-nogameover.tp2 (you can open it with any text editor) just before line 7: "//! Platform variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////":




This should take care of the installation bug.



Edited by Salk, 21 May 2021 - 12:23 AM.

#67 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 21 May 2021 - 03:07 AM

Regarding the "Game Over Only on Party Dead" mod there is a check whether 3D.Acceleration=1 is enabled in the baldur.ini otherwise this component will not be installed.

#68 semaj577

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Posted 21 May 2021 - 07:13 AM

In the meantime what you can do is adding the following small piece of code in the file setup-nogameover.tp2 (you can open it with any text editor) just before line 7: "//! Platform variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////":




This should take care of the installation bug.



Thanks! It works. But warning, this mod need the bg2fixpack to work, too, not only bgt. This is the message when you try to install it without bg2fixpack:


ERROR: illegal 4-byte read from offset 0 of 0-byte file IPLOT01K.ITM
ERROR: [IPLOT01K.ITM] -> [override/IPLOT01K.ITM] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("IPLOT01K.ITM: read out of bounds"))
Stopping installation because of error.


But if bg2fixpack is installed (with the temporal solution mentioned at the top), it works!


Of course, in a bwp installation, this is only a detail because bg2fixpack, tobex and BP-BGT Worldmap are mandatory -or that's what i understood-, is only a warning valid for those who don´t have bg2fixpack installed.

#69 Salk

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Posted 21 May 2021 - 09:10 AM

Hello, semaj577!

But warning, this mod need the bg2fixpack to work, too, not only bgt.

Yes, I know.

I have already amended the ReadMe in English but I need translation in four other languages and I made a request here.

#70 Evernex99

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Posted 30 May 2021 - 07:00 PM

Amazing to see BWP continuing to grow years after its inception. I have fond memories of playing with it and decided to try another install. I use individual.bat to customize an install and get no error messages until the very end after close2.bat runs. IDSfix.bat starts to run and then after going through about a thousand lines it has a syntax error and then states it does not have enough memory to compete the operation. It stops at that point and goes to a c:\Black Isle\bg2\ prompt (which is where my installation path is and just sits there.
2 questions - 1) has anyone else encountered this? I tried wiping and completely reinstalling with out and change.
2) how critical is the IDSfix.bat? I attempted another install with :: in front of the call IDSfix.bat, essentially skipping it. It will then complete installation, though it has trouble running winbiff. Which makes me suspect I have weidu 247 instead of weidu 246. Ill verify that tomorrow. Could the weidu version cause a problem with the IDSfix.bat as well? Anyway, if I run winbiff manually after it works and the game runs fine as far as I can tell initially, but dont know if there will be critical errors later with it.

Running it on windows 10 of course. And applying all the fixes seen on this thread. Any help is appreciated and thank you Leonardo and shs community for keeping me coming back to my favorite game of all time.

#71 Vakarian89

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Posted 01 June 2021 - 05:19 AM

This is my first post here on SHS forums, so hello everyone!

Leonardo Watson, I just installed the newest BWP 19.1 and I have found a little "problem" in individual.bat file. The Tweaks Anthology component 3220 - "Sensible Entrance Points" is called two times during the installation - for the first time during second step of Tweaks Anthology and for the second right after BGT World Map mod. The problem is, the second time it is called, the first instance of that component is first uninstalled, along with ALL the mods/components which were installed until then. Then it re-installs everything from that point. It makes the whole installation A LOT longer, especially given that Stratagems mod is among the reinstalled mods. It is of course nothing too hard to correct by any user, but I thought I'll let you know.


PS Thank you SO MUCH for the enormous work you're doing with BWP. Words alone can't describe my gratitude.



I have found another problem with individual.bat installation - mod Er'vonyrah: Song Władającej v1.3.4 (sovereign.exe) won't install. No errors or anything, it just isn't called by the installer. I've noticed that in process.bat it's preceded by %EINSTI%, but in individual.bat by %EINST%. I have almost none knowledge in the subject, so my question is: could it be the reason?




Yet another "problem": in BIG World Project PDF, component 900 of BG2 Impoved GUI mod, "Grayscale background on Pause", is marked as one to be installed, but both in process.bat and individual.bat it isn't included.

Edited by Vakarian89, 02 June 2021 - 04:56 AM.

#72 Nathan82

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Posted 02 June 2021 - 06:23 AM

Hello Leonardo

I think theres some incompatibility between SCS and BP component 650 Humanoids.

I followed the install order from BWP pdf 18.2.

The BP component has replaced scripts assigned by SCS with BPWDASGT.BCS

This has lead to some creatures not really doing anything, eg Orc mages and Priests not casting spells. I ran changelog on the files, ORC03 and ORC04, and was then able to restore their scripts to the ones SCS had assigned and they were then castig spells etc as expected. So its probably not worth using both, SCS seems to assign AI scripts to most things. I havent been able to check exactly how many humanoid creatures have had their SCS assigned scripts replaced as NearInfinity crashs when i use the search function to see which creatures have BPWDASGT asigned to them.


Edited by Nathan82, 02 June 2021 - 06:24 AM.

#73 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 03 June 2021 - 12:56 AM

In none of my installs I ever had this issue. The IDSfix.bat works there for years and never ever someone reported any problem with that file.
During installation especially some of the older mods add countless times the same lines to the stats.ids. The IDSfix.bat deletes these duplicates.
All versions of WeiDU will be replaced by WeiDU246 by the Installpack.

Thank you for your report. That should not have been happened. I will upload a corrected Installpack later this day.
%EINST% and %EINSTI% only matter if you use the option to pause the installation at every mod with several components. Please look into the setup-sovereign.debug file. If the mod is called by the individual.bat the first line should be:
 Setup-sovereign.exe --language 0 --skip-at-view --noautoupdate --no-exit-pause --force-install-list 0 1 --logapp

If so than something failes during installation. Search for "error" in the debug file.

Are you sure about this? BPWDASGT.BCS is created by the BP component 1020 Beholder Cult. Erroneously this component was not blocked. I noticed that several components are selected that should not be so I have to rewrite the whole code block in question. However, it will take some time until I can do that.

#74 Vakarian89

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Posted 03 June 2021 - 04:37 AM

@Leonardo Watson

There's no need to thank me - I'm happy I could help, though it wasn't anything big. As of Er'vonyrah mod, I can't look into debug file, because it was overwritten* - after BIG World installation I have run sovereign.exe just to check if it isn't some problem with the executable itself. I didn't install the mod, but the debug file did change - I have realised my "mistake" too late. Well, I'll run another installation soon, so I'll check then - if the mod won't install, of course. And thank you for the clarification of what %EINST% and %EINSTI% expressions are for!


*I've checked debug file properties - it's creation and last modified times are identical, and it's the time I have run the sovereign.exe after the BIG World installation. So I assume the mod wasn't even called by the BIG World installation. The question is: why?


Another thing - don't know if you're aware of this, but component 5500 "3rd edition style Intelligence" from The Bigg Tweak Pack v2.99 is deprecated and is no longer installed. BIG World PDF shows this component as a one to be installed, though.




To anyone installing Made In Heaven Item Pack v4.0 - there is an error in setup-mih_ip.tp2 file. It searches for "lang" folder instead of "language", which makes the mod fail to install. It is corrected in v5 of the mod.

Edited by Vakarian89, 03 June 2021 - 07:56 AM.

#75 Nathan82

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Posted 03 June 2021 - 02:27 PM

@Leonardo, I'm pretty sure thats whats happening.

I ran changelog on ORC04.CRE

Mods affecting ORC04.CRE:
00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~AURORA\SETUP-AURORA.TP2~ 0 0 // Aurora's Shoes and Bootsv5.2.2
00001:  ~AURORA\SETUP-AURORA.TP2~ 0 420 // Realistic random treasuresBoth 1 and 2 (no treasures lost)v5.2.2
00002:  ~CDTWEAKS\SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ 0 3010 // Maximum HP for NPCs (the bigg)For All Creatures in Gamev9
00003:  ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)33.7
00004:  ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 6000 // Smarter general AI33.7
00005:  ~STRATAGEMS\SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 6030 // Smarter Mages33.7
00006:  ~BP\SETUP-BP.TP2~ 0 650 // Humanoidsv181-b4611 BWP Fix
00007:  ~SETUP-LOLFIXER.TP2~ 0 1 // Creature Stuff - Creature Resource Fixer19022016
00008: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 1 // Generalized BiffingBiff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes)v2.4


I then temporarily copied the ORC04.0000#.CRE files created by changelog into the override folder and had a look at them in NearInfinity.

Im pretty certain its the BP component thats changing the Default script from DW#MG388.BCS (set by SCS) to BPWDASGT.BCS.

I tested it again in game by using the console to summon an orc mage (with Default script - BPWDASGT) who did very little except try and melee my party. I then used NearInfinity to change the Default script back to DW#MG388.BCS restarted the game and summoned another orc mage and this time it did start casting spells as expected.

Let me know if i can provide any more information. I would attach the changelog and files it creates but im probably being stupid as i cant figure out how to upload stuff here.


#76 Austin

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Posted 03 June 2021 - 11:54 PM

The new Hubelpot version 2.1 is a good example how a not carefully enough updated mod can break the whole installation chain:

If there is also Hubelpot v2.1 as Tsujatha installed the component 1 from CrossmodBG2 will fail. As a result of this the installation of SandrahNPC which requires the CrossmodBG2 mod will also fail.

The error message is:

Adding ToB banters between Hubelpot and Tsujatha...
Appending to files ...
[crossmodbg2/crossmod_1_debug.log] loaded, 1344 bytes
Appended text to [crossmodbg2/crossmod_1_debug.log]
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
[crossmodbg2/tra/english/tob_Hubelpot-Tsujatha_banters.TRA] has 17 translation strings
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
[./override/BTSUJA25.DLG] loaded, 35718 bytes
[BTSUJA25.DLG] loaded
[./override/BSC#HU25.DLG] loaded, 1802 bytes
[BSC#HU25.DLG] loaded
ERROR: Cannot resolve internal symbolic label [DinEnd1] for DLG [BSC#HU25]
Known labels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 !chain_3441 DinEnd DinPlans1 !chain_3446 DinPlans2 !chain_3449 DinEnd2
ERROR: postprocessing [BTSUJA25]: Failure("cannot resolve label")
Stopping installation because of error.

Unfortunatelly I don't know how to fix this. Maybe someone can help.



On the contrary - Hubelpot mod has been thoroughly updated and many bugs have been fixed. The problem is not the Hubelpot, but Crossmod Banter Pack BG2. The tob_hubelpot-tsujatha_banters.d file contains a reference to the DinEnd1 block, but it is missing. Because the name of this block is incorrectly specified in the same file. Instead of CHAIN BSC#Hu25 DinEnd1, it now says CHAIN BSC#Hu25 DinEnd 1. As a result, the installer cannot find this block, which is quite expected. In addition, this line has not been transferred to the tra-file, which will lead to a problem when translating the mod into other languages. The fix needs to be made to the Crossmod Banter Pack mod, and Hubelpot has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Edited by Austin, 03 June 2021 - 11:54 PM.

#77 Evernex99

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Posted 04 June 2021 - 02:29 AM

Thank you for your reply Leonardo! I have run BWP installs before also and never had an issue so figured it must have been a user error on my part. I tried it again just to be sure and the error was replicated. So I attempted to replace weidu.exe with v246 and deleted the 32 bit weidu that existed in the install pack and the install works now (this was just before you ended up replying). Weird.

Im sure you are correct in that the install pack changed the weidu version. And the 32 bit weidu was just a guess because I had no other ideas, so that seems unlikely to really have fixed anything. Regardless, its working now. Perhaps it was just happenstance. Anyway, thanks again.

#78 Vakarian89

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Posted 04 June 2021 - 03:58 AM

Leonardo Watson, my problem with Sovereign mod not installing was entirely my own mistake. I did choose english language as the only one for the BWP installation, and I just realised that Sovereign mod doesn't have english translation, so that's probably the reason. My bad. Sorry for the false alarm.

#79 jastey

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Posted 05 June 2021 - 09:38 AM


The info to Jarl's Adventure Pack 0.8.0 in BWP 19.1 is outdated.

-The mod is compatible with BG1NPC. Jaheira's quest with the druids will NOT be lost if JAP is installed. Compatibility with BG1NPC is explicietyl stated in the readme.

The third component, however, will overwrite BG1NPC's reactions of Niemain and the Zhentarim of BG1NPC. That is why it is an extra component, so the player can chose.


Also, player reported that the installer notified JAP and NTotSC as incompatible. see here for a screen shot. Why do you tagg the two mods as incompatible? From JAP's readme:


Compatibility to NTotSC v2.x (or higher) is also provided. If NTotSC is installed before JAP, the overlapping restored content will be skipped by JAP. If the content of JAP is wanted, the according components of NTotSC should not be installed.


#80 Vakarian89

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Posted 06 June 2021 - 10:37 AM

I have run another installation and I have found another problem. Jarl's Adventure Pack 0.8.0 main component (1) wasn't installed, though I'm sure all the prerequisites were met. BWP didn't even called this component, it installed only components 2 & 3. Could anyone explain me what the below fragment of script (from BWP individual.bat) means? This could help me to understand why component #1 wasn't installed.


findstr /I /M "BGT.TP2~.*#.*#0./" %ELOG%>nul && findstr /I /M "BG1UB.TP2~.*#.*#19./" %ELOG%>nul && findstr /I /M "BG1UB.TP2~.*#.*#21./" %ELOG%>nul && findstr /I /M "INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~.*#.*#400./" %ELOG%>nul && findstr /I /M "INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~.*#.*#600./" %ELOG%>nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
    findstr /I /M %SBG1%>nul
    if not errorlevel 1 (
        Call %EINSTI% JA#BGT_AdvPack "1"


As I understand, first all the required components from other mods are checked. I'm certain all of them were installed without any errors, so why Jarl's Adventure Pack component #1 wasn't? And what does %ELOG%>nul mean exactly?




I have one more question. One of the latest versions of BG2 Improved GUI mod changed the name of the .exe file. If I would like to install latest version, will it be sufficient to change (in the individual.bat):


Call %EINSTI% bg2impovedgui


Call %EINSTI% bg2improvedgui


Or would it require some more changes in the other files as well?

Edited by Vakarian89, 07 June 2021 - 03:14 AM.