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[HELP WANTED] Dialogue Writers?

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#1 Austin

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Posted 09 January 2021 - 07:51 AM

Posted by: Austin

Looking for: Dialogue Writers?


Details: I want to expand the texts of the BG1 NPCs for SoA &ToB mod (with the consent of the author).


I know how to encode dialogues, but help in composing texts will be very useful to me. In addition, I do not speak English and write through an online translator, so it would be nice if the text was originally written by a native English speaker.


A request to all - if anyone can compose any of the following - write to ME, I will try to code:
- Montaron's banters with the following NPC (they currently have no dialogue): Aerie, Cernd, Haer'Dalis, Valygar
- dialogues of any NPCs from BG1 with EE-NPCs (Neera, Dorn, Rasaad and Wilson) - now no one is talking to them, this needs to be fixed. What, for example, will Faldorn say to Wilson?
- any BG1 NPC's banters or interjections  in BG2

Edited by Austin, 29 June 2022 - 11:37 AM.

#2 Oracle


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Posted 10 January 2021 - 07:56 AM

Hey i was one of the playtesters for this Mod i just want to thank you for picking this mod up. I know the Smiling Imp planed for Dynaheir and Dorn not to get along as well as her not to get on with Anomen due to his narrow mindedness. iam not writer but smiling imp bounced did bounce a few ideas of me. I look forward to seeing your work

"Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades."

#3 Austin

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Posted 12 January 2021 - 01:07 AM

Oracle, thank you very much! I really like this mod and therefore wanted to improve it as much as I can.

Edited by Austin, 29 June 2022 - 11:37 AM.

#4 Oracle


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Posted 12 January 2021 - 04:33 AM

Oracle, thank you very much! I really like this mod and therefore wanted to improve it as much as I can.
The problem with proofreading the text was solved - I was helped on the Beamdog forum, one of the users proofread the already written texts and can help with the future ones :) Today I will make the necessary updates to the texts.
I am glad here that sounds like the mod is safe hands if you need to bounce ideas of someone iam here . have fun

Edited by Oracle, 12 January 2021 - 04:34 AM.

"Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades."

#5 Austin

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Posted 13 January 2021 - 01:15 AM

Oracle, thank you very much! I really like this mod and therefore wanted to improve it as much as I can.
The problem with proofreading the text was solved - I was helped on the Beamdog forum, one of the users proofread the already written texts and can help with the future ones :) Today I will make the necessary updates to the texts.
I am glad here that sounds like the mod is safe hands if you need to bounce ideas of someone iam here . have fun

Thank you! You can follow the mod updates here:http://www.baldursga...p?topic=8355.15

#6 Austin

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Posted 29 June 2022 - 11:38 AM

Hi everyone! We need authors of texts for the expand of mod! default_smile.png

If you can write texts for this NPCs - let me know here, please, or in private messages!
For example, we need texts and ideas for the following:
- dialogues of any NPCs from BG1 with BG2:EE NPCs (Neera, Dorn, Hexxat, Rasaad and Wilson)
- any banters or interjections in BG2 for Shar-Teel, Xzar, Montaron, Garrick, Kagain, Deekin, Faldorn, Branwen etc.

#7 Darpaek

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Posted 10 October 2022 - 05:26 AM

I'm not sure about the EE characters, but I can certainly do all of the BG1 classic characters.  Deekin?  The NWN kobold?  You're a great modder and I have always wanted to contribute something creative to the BG modding community.  The BG1 Branwen romance in particular is one of my favorites and I have never been satisfied with her in BG2.


I think I just got a GemRB 10pp BGT modded install to work and I was considering another playthrough anyways.  I am also a native American English speaker.


The links in your earlier posts don't work.  Do you have a git?

Edited by Darpaek, 10 October 2022 - 05:30 AM.

#8 Darpaek

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Posted 10 October 2022 - 05:34 AM

This is crazy.  I know it.


What about Dynaheir?

#9 Darpaek

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Posted 10 October 2022 - 06:06 AM

OH!  How about something sick and twisted?  Like an optional component that expands the initial CI torture scene that allows the PC to choose who their party was in BG?  Obviously, Imoen has to survive, but Minsc and Jahiera don't (I know they have a ton of content).  Literally, I've spent almost every playthrough of BG2 with half of my party filled because it seems like shit to dump Minsc and Jahiera after they were captured with you, tortured, and have their own motives for revenge.


The PC could pick their four comrades from BG and choose their two favorites.  Irenicus would then torture and murder the two favorites the PC chose to "unleash his power" and the other two would end up in the cages.  Or, the PC could choose to have the two cages empty so they aren't guilted into taking Minsc and Jaheira along for the whole ride.

#10 Austin

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Posted 11 October 2022 - 09:58 AM

I'm not sure about the EE characters, but I can certainly do all of the BG1 classic characters.  Deekin?  The NWN kobold?  You're a great modder and I have always wanted to contribute something creative to the BG modding community.  The BG1 Branwen romance in particular is one of my favorites and I have never been satisfied with her in BG2.


I think I just got a GemRB 10pp BGT modded install to work and I was considering another playthrough anyways.  I am also a native American English speaker.


The links in your earlier posts don't work.  Do you have a git?

Hello! Thank you for the suggestion! Any new texts for the NPCs from BG1 (as well as the kobold Deekin from NWN, which is also added by this mod) would be welcome! :)
Branwen doesn't have a lot of texts right now, just a few banters, interjections, small ToB-part and epilogue, and there really isn't a continuation of the romance.
Links to the latest version of the mod (v.14) are here: https://forums.beamd...-for-soa-tob/p1
The mod has not yet been uploaded to Github, but in the future it should appear there, I hope)

Edited by Austin, 11 October 2022 - 10:11 AM.

#11 Austin

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Posted 11 October 2022 - 10:02 AM

This is crazy.  I know it.


What about Dynaheir?

The mod now has a "Dynaheir" component, but the original author of the mod (Smiling Imp), unfortunately, did not finish it, so Dynaheir only has a few phrases and 2-3 banters, and this component belongs to a separate group of unfinished components.
To make it a full-fledged component, a lot of text would have to be written and coded. This is a lot of work, so for now everything is left as is(

#12 Austin

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Posted 11 October 2022 - 10:10 AM

OH!  How about something sick and twisted?  Like an optional component that expands the initial CI torture scene that allows the PC to choose who their party was in BG?  Obviously, Imoen has to survive, but Minsc and Jahiera don't (I know they have a ton of content).  Literally, I've spent almost every playthrough of BG2 with half of my party filled because it seems like shit to dump Minsc and Jahiera after they were captured with you, tortured, and have their own motives for revenge.


The PC could pick their four comrades from BG and choose their two favorites.  Irenicus would then torture and murder the two favorites the PC chose to "unleash his power" and the other two would end up in the cages.  Or, the PC could choose to have the two cages empty so they aren't guilted into taking Minsc and Jaheira along for the whole ride.

The idea is interesting, but it goes beyond the "framework" of this mod, which is designed to add new NPCs to the game, but not remove existing ones:( In addition, it would require a lot of work - for example, in terms of changing scripts for the area of the start of the game, as well as creating dialogues for "alternate" NPCs in cages.In addition, there are several mods that mention that Jaheira and Minsc were locked in these cages, and any changes here could result in textual incompatibility with them.

I think this idea can be implemented in a separate mod sometime in the future) But I myself am not ready to take on such a job, unfortunately.