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[Release] Valen Mod For Enhanced Edition

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#1 Hellmouse

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Posted 23 December 2020 - 04:36 PM

Hi everybody!


I know this project is inactive but I just wanted to share a port of the Valen Mod to the enhanced edition I just released. It also includes, rebalancing, rewritting and additional content. 


Happy to take feedbacks/ ideas /complaints / thoughts on what the perfect Valen Mod should be. Everything is on github (https://github.com/hellmouse/valen_ee) and I also made an annoncement on the IE/Modding forum with more infos http://www.shsforums...d-edition-mod/.


Also, I know Thorium Dragon is not very active, but if anyone has heard from him, or knows a way to contact him I could try to integrate his work to the new mod myself.



Edited by Hellmouse, 23 December 2020 - 04:37 PM.

#2 jastey

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Posted 23 December 2020 - 09:00 PM

What are the persmissions you are writing this on? Do you have an ok from Weimer or did he state somewhere that it's ok to expand on the mod without asking?

#3 Lassal

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Posted 25 December 2020 - 12:29 PM

Valen's script for all clerics to attack vampires is making a bad life for other vampire mods as well. I just started to replay BG as vampire, but I fear, that it will make SOD's part unplayable, because there are allied clerics needed for progression.

Vampire World for EET - http://www.shsforums...-world-for-eet/
Mercenaries of Sword Coast for EET - http://www.shsforums...-coast-for-eet/
Bank of Baldurs Gate for EEThttp://www.shsforums...s-gate-for-eet/
Caelar's Fall for EEThttp://www.shsforums...2-caelars-fall/
Pregnancy for EE/EET - http://www.shsforums...or-bg1bg2eeeet/
Sister of Bhaalspawn for EEThttp://www.shsforums...lspawn-for-eet/

#4 Hellmouse

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Posted 29 December 2020 - 06:44 AM

Hi Lassal!

Indeed the priest script causes many incompatibility issues.

Following Jastey's message and this discussion https://www.gibberli...hanced-edition/ on g3 forum the github is no longer accessible.

However I wrote a technical update without any content change that includes:

- EE compatibility
- the "priest" component made optional during installation.

If you don't install the priest component, it should run fine with your Vampire World mod.

The "technical only" update is available here https://www.gibberli...hanced-edition/ .

#5 Lassal

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Posted 30 December 2020 - 11:07 AM

Hi, thank you.

For now I go through BG1 part and is killing clerics.

As a vampire usially does, I take with vampires one or two living party members, who negotiates with clerics, while vampires hide away:-)

Vampire World for EET - http://www.shsforums...-world-for-eet/
Mercenaries of Sword Coast for EET - http://www.shsforums...-coast-for-eet/
Bank of Baldurs Gate for EEThttp://www.shsforums...s-gate-for-eet/
Caelar's Fall for EEThttp://www.shsforums...2-caelars-fall/
Pregnancy for EE/EET - http://www.shsforums...or-bg1bg2eeeet/
Sister of Bhaalspawn for EEThttp://www.shsforums...lspawn-for-eet/

#6 Endarire

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Posted 19 February 2021 - 10:31 AM

How fares your progress on this mod?


#7 Lassal

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Posted 27 February 2021 - 12:16 AM

I finished sod today. Valens cleric script didnt made it impossible.

Vampire World for EET - http://www.shsforums...-world-for-eet/
Mercenaries of Sword Coast for EET - http://www.shsforums...-coast-for-eet/
Bank of Baldurs Gate for EEThttp://www.shsforums...s-gate-for-eet/
Caelar's Fall for EEThttp://www.shsforums...2-caelars-fall/
Pregnancy for EE/EET - http://www.shsforums...or-bg1bg2eeeet/
Sister of Bhaalspawn for EEThttp://www.shsforums...lspawn-for-eet/