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BG2 Improved GUI

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#141 Vakarian89

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Posted 07 June 2021 - 06:25 AM

This is possible, i think red thin border on portrait is good marker

Yes, I think exactly the same. :)

#142 -Arthas-

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Posted 07 June 2021 - 07:20 AM

Hi Vakarian89
Don't know if somebody already mentioned this, but I have an idea: to mark in some way, while on the inventory screen, the characters that are too far from the selected character to give them items?

This is possible, i think red thin border on portrait is good marker

Please think also about "obscuring" the portraits of far party members.

#143 Vakarian89

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Posted 07 June 2021 - 07:36 AM



Do you mean some kind of blur effect?

#144 Vlan

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Posted 07 June 2021 - 08:32 AM

Hi Vlan


Another question, would it be possible to create a AOE indicator for spells like shown here?

Unfortunately it is impossible because drawing something on main game screen(GameWorld) is incredible challenge. There is no separate Controls or UI elements, i dont know exactly how engine handle numerous sprites on this area

Alright! Thanks for the reply and the awesome work!

#145 Andrea C.

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Posted 07 June 2021 - 08:56 AM

Please think also about "obscuring" the portraits of far party members.

The mod already has a component to obscure the portrait of characters who can't use the object that is being picked up.


Obscuring far away characters would conflict with it.

Edited by Andrea C., 07 June 2021 - 08:56 AM.

#146 Vakarian89

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Posted 11 June 2021 - 04:36 AM

Another idea - Character Record facelifting. To tell the truth, space-management is not the greatest there, and some elements (ability scores, buttons of level up and dual class, the space with HP and AC) could be smaller and take less space. Maybe we could have, thanks to that, some more information at once on screen. Maybe Base/current THAC0 next to HP and AC, some space with weapon proficiences only, another for character level and XP. Something to make that "one-long-list-of-all-stats" a little bit shorter and the Record, as a whole, more user-friendly.

The question is, for I don't know a thing about it, is it possible? I'm asking strictly scripting/engine wise. I know it would call for new/additional graphics, but is it possible to achieve? The second question is: isn't it a little too much for the scope of this mod?

Edited by Vakarian89, 12 June 2021 - 03:56 AM.

#147 Insomniator

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Posted 12 June 2021 - 12:00 PM

Hi Vakarian89

Another idea - Character Record facelifting. To tell the truth, space-management is not the greatest there, and some elements (ability scores, buttons of level up and dual class, the space with HP and AC) could be smaller and take less space. Maybe we could have, thanks to that, some more information at once on screen. Maybe Base/current THAC0 next to HP and AC, some space with weapon proficiences only, another for character level and XP. Something to make that "one-long-list-of-all-stats" a little bit shorter and the Record, as a whole, more user-friendly.

The question is, for I don't know a thing about it, is it possible? I'm asking strictly scripting/engine wise. I know it would call for new/additional graphics, but is it possible to achieve? The second question is: isn't it a little too much for the scope of this mod?

I personaly use patched GUIREC.chu+GUIRECBG.mos for long time with large right panel, just rearangement in NearInfinity
Сheck yourself, may be it will fit your taste too (screen in russian, don't pay attention on it)


Attached Files

Edited by Insomniator, 13 June 2021 - 02:36 PM.

#148 Vakarian89

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Posted 13 June 2021 - 03:05 AM

Thanks for the file, I'll certainly try it out!

#149 Insomniator

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Posted 13 June 2021 - 02:34 PM

Updated to 4.00:

  • Added (Tobex): Character Behind Polygon Fix
  • Added (Tobex): Trap Disarm Distance Fix
  • Added: Bonus stats highlighted as Green on Character Record screen
  • Added: Legacy of Bhaal difficulty mode
  • Added: Yellow Border on Portrait if Party Member too far for Item Transfer
  • Fixed: Action on Portrait now switch icons if used item has multieffects

#150 TotoR

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Posted 14 June 2021 - 11:59 AM

Hi Insimniator,

Great update. Thanks a lot.

I have a strange bug with this last version : when I push "Z", Sleep shortcut, the Sleep sequence is not always initialized; pushing another time, put everyone to sleep (movie) but when the screen is back, after the movie, my characters have disappeared from the scene... with no way to have them back and creating CTD for every action made (spell casts...).

Edited by TotoR, 14 June 2021 - 12:04 PM.

#151 Insomniator

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Posted 15 June 2021 - 06:16 AM

Hi TotoR

I have a strange bug with this last version : when I push "Z", Sleep shortcut, the Sleep sequence is not always initialized; pushing another time, put everyone to sleep (movie) but when the screen is back, after the movie, my characters have disappeared from the scene... with no way to have them back and creating CTD for every action made (spell casts...).

Sorry, v4.0 is not well tested, please redownload fixed version, fixed two bugs
1) when creatures added to game, then they removed instantly <- i think your case
2) CTD if revealed new Map

Edited by Insomniator, 16 June 2021 - 02:37 AM.

#152 Salk

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Posted 15 June 2021 - 11:37 AM

Hello, Insomniator.


It is hard to know whether v4.0 we are downloading now is the correct one or not. Is there some specific file that should be marked with the 15 June 2021 date that we can check? Best would have been to create a new version (4.1) rather than replace an existing one.


By the way, thank you very much for resuming work on ToBEx!  :Bow:

I think this was the best BG-related modding surprise I had in years! Please give more publicity to your TobEx fork. There is not even an announcement in the ToBEx forum and I am sure there are many modders would love to learn about this (subtledoctor comes to mind).


Could you possibly accept request about adding EE opcodes? It would turn things around dramatically and some EE only modifications could become compatible with classic BG.


Cheers!  :cheers:

Edited by Salk, 15 June 2021 - 08:54 PM.

#153 Andrea C.

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Posted 15 June 2021 - 11:05 PM

By the way, thank you very much for resuming work on ToBEx!  :Bow:

I think this was the best BG-related modding surprise I had in years! Please give more publicity to your TobEx fork.

+1 million

Edited by Andrea C., 15 June 2021 - 11:25 PM.

#154 Insomniator

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Posted 16 June 2021 - 02:46 AM

Hello, Insomniator.


It is hard to know whether v4.0 we are downloading now is the correct one or not. Is there some specific file that should be marked with the 15 June 2021 date that we can check? Best would have been to create a new version (4.1) rather than replace an existing one.

first version has serious bug, i fully replaced with fixed one


Could you possibly accept request about adding EE opcodes? It would turn things around dramatically and some EE only modifications could become compatible with classic BG.

As i wrote before, i accept only requests for know engine/tobex bugs ("simple" visible bugs, do not ask for fixing global things)


#155 Vakarian89

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 02:42 AM

Well, I've run into some graphical "glitch" with Loot Panel, Classic EE mode. Nothing game-breaking, but it's there. It's BiG World installation and I have Widescreen mod installed with 1680x1050 resolution and 1pp GUI additions. No Tutu or W_Gui mods installed. Files biffed, but that's probably irrelevant. Any idea what can cause this problem and is it possible to correct that without re-installing everything?



#156 Insomniator

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 08:36 AM

Hi Vakarian89

Well, I've run into some graphical "glitch" with Loot Panel, Classic EE mode. Nothing game-breaking, but it's there. It's BiG World installation and I have Widescreen mod installed with 1680x1050 resolution and 1pp GUI additions. No Tutu or W_Gui mods installed. Files biffed, but that's probably irrelevant. Any idea what can cause this problem and is it possible to correct that without re-installing everything?

Problem is background mos, loot panel install own version, resize to screen width and write to override.

Open your current guiw*.chu, select panel #8 and check what file in background MOS

standart names are:

  • 640 - GUICONTB.MOS
  • 800 - GMPWMSG8.MOS
  • 1024 - GMPWMSG0.MOS

orig height 90, loot panel change to 135 for new buttons


I think real source of problem is widescreen mod, it change default names of mos background and write renamed file to .chu. i tried to made smart installer, but it is not perfect

#157 Vakarian89

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 09:03 AM

Thank you for an answer. I just figured it out, but you were first with the solution. :)

#158 Insomniator

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Posted 26 June 2021 - 06:51 AM

Coming next...


#159 Andrea C.

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Posted 26 June 2021 - 07:45 AM

The awesome is real...!

#160 Vlan

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Posted 26 June 2021 - 11:06 PM

Oh boy...