words removed about a spam post eariler
Apparently that was a bit of nastiness.
Gwen you can remove this post too
Edited by Sir-Kill, 18 April 2021 - 05:19 PM.
Posted 18 April 2021 - 10:06 AM
words removed about a spam post eariler
Apparently that was a bit of nastiness.
Gwen you can remove this post too
Edited by Sir-Kill, 18 April 2021 - 05:19 PM.
Posted 18 April 2021 - 10:35 AM
Do you think the Unlimited Off-hand component would work with LadeJarl's Tutu GUI on BGT?
I'd also like to know if someone has been successful using some components of this modification together with TuTuGUII see what TutuGUI is popular, i'll post with detailed info about compatibility with this GUI Mod.
Posted 19 April 2021 - 09:02 PM
Do you think the Unlimited Off-hand component would work with LadeJarl's Tutu GUI on BGT?I'd also like to know if someone has been successful using some components of this modification together with TuTuGUII see what TutuGUI is popular, i'll post with detailed info about compatibility with this GUI Mod.
If nothing works, I'll change Impoved GUI to be compatible with TutuGUI.
Much appreciated.
Posted 20 April 2021 - 03:58 AM
Thank you, Insomniator.
Posted 20 April 2021 - 04:04 AM
Do you think that it is possible to have an "always-on" choice or remembering player in-game choice for the component ~900 // Grayscale background on Pause~ ?It is possible, i will add new option to installer selectable "Enable grayscale background On by default"
When you start the game, this component is always on off.
Thanks a lot mate.
By the way, I have tested the component 11. Show NPC's active effects on right mouse click - It causes CTD when you right click on a door and maybe on any others animated objects.
Posted 22 April 2021 - 11:19 AM
Edited by Insomniator, 23 April 2021 - 09:42 AM.
Posted 22 April 2021 - 11:22 AM
Hi TotoR
By the way, I have tested the component 11. Show NPC's active effects on right mouse click - It causes CTD when you right click on a door and maybe on any others animated objects.
Looks like a bug, thanks for the report, i will check
Edited by Insomniator, 22 April 2021 - 11:23 AM.
Posted 22 April 2021 - 11:42 PM
Brilliant stuff, Insomniator!
Thank you once again for ensuring compatibility with TutuGUI
Posted 23 April 2021 - 09:41 AM
By the way, I have tested the component 11. Show NPC's active effects on right mouse click - It causes CTD when you right click on a door and maybe on any others animated objects.
Looks like a bug, thanks for the report, i will check
It really was a bug, fixed in v3.15
Posted 23 April 2021 - 10:18 AM
Auto On/Auto Off installation options -- nice, thanks
It really was a bug, fixed in v3.15 -- and easy.
Great work ! Thanks a lot
Posted 24 April 2021 - 12:34 AM
Insomniator, this mod is great. Can you make UI Scaling possible for higher resolutions?
Edited by Arthas, 24 April 2021 - 12:34 AM.
Posted 24 April 2021 - 11:47 AM
Hi Arthas
Insomniator, this mod is great. Can you make UI Scaling possible for higher resolutions?
If you explain/show what you mean "UI Scaling", i will answer
Main problem is absense of GUI images in highres, of couse we can upscale, but it looks not good
Posted 24 April 2021 - 01:21 PM
Main problem is absense of GUI images in highres, of couse we can upscale, but it looks not good
There has been some research into this. One example is here. There was someone contributing to GemRB to allow it to handle such upscaled area tilesets. You could get one of these people to upscale all the UI MOS and BAM files, but I guess you'd still need code to dynamically adjust all the CHU files accordingly. An equally big problem is the paletted nature of those file formats: there's a limit to how much detail you can actually retain.
"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart-arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"
--<CHARNAME> to Portalbendarwinden
___________Old pen and paper modules of the 70s and 80s.___________
Posted 24 April 2021 - 09:02 PM
Posted 26 April 2021 - 05:10 AM
Quick note about the component that lets you equip shields and off-hand weapons while two-handed weapons are equipped in the main hand.
Say you have a bow in your first slot, which you are wielding. In your second slot you have a long sword, and there's a shield in your off-hand slot.
When you switch from the bow to the sword, your character does not automatically also wield the shield; you need to go into the inventory screen and re-equip it.
Would it be possible to change this behavior so that switching to a one-handed weapon also automatically equips the off-hand slot?
Posted 27 April 2021 - 09:10 AM
When you switch from the bow to the sword, your character does not automatically also wield the shield; you need to go into the inventory screen and re-equip it.
Would it be possible to change this behavior so that switching to a one-handed weapon also automatically equips the off-hand slot?
When switching from two-hand weapon to one-hand, shield/off-hand weapon is activated automaticaly. This works in inventory and main screen when pressign F2<->F3
Please recheck again, also check animation on game screen, you must see shield in hand after pressing F3
Posted 28 April 2021 - 05:17 AM
When switching from two-hand weapon to one-hand, shield/off-hand weapon is activated automaticaly. This works in inventory and main screen when pressign F2<->F3Please recheck again, also check animation on game screen, you must see shield in hand after pressing F3
No dice. Even with the F2/F3 keys, shield does not get re-equipped until I do it manually.
I have a sizeable mod stack on my current playthrough so it might be due to an interaction between mods, although yours is among the very last I've installed so it should take precedence.
The only other mods I'm using that hack the exe are ToBEx and Infinity Animations. Perhaps restoring BG1 sprites with Infinity Animations causes this?
Posted 29 April 2021 - 11:42 PM
Phenomenal work as always, but these Windows sounds definitely need to go.
TADA.wav could be replaced with EFF_M72C.wav
FOLSTART.wav could be replaced with EFF_P22C.wav or EFF_P87.wav
Posted 01 May 2021 - 12:02 AM
Hi Andrea !
When switching from two-hand weapon to one-hand, shield/off-hand weapon is activated automaticaly. This works in inventory and main screen when pressign F2<->F3Please recheck again, also check animation on game screen, you must see shield in hand after pressing F3
The only other mods I'm using that hack the exe are ToBEx and Infinity Animations. Perhaps restoring BG1 sprites with Infinity Animations causes this?
No dice. Even with the F2/F3 keys, shield does not get re-equipped until I do it manually.
Can you share weidu.log and one of savegame with broken off-hand shield ?
Posted 01 May 2021 - 05:30 AM
I've attached my weidu.log and my latest save (it's a multiplayer game as I created two characters.)
Thank you for looking into this
WeiDU.log 21.96K
000000009-Main Save II.zip 209.09K