Much thanks for the update; I assume it's better to spam thanks here rather than in the updates thread, .

BG2 Improved GUI
Posted 15 December 2022 - 11:15 AM
Posted 15 December 2022 - 09:12 PM
Head shoot... Thank's for keeping this up !
@Insomniator, I have a request:
- I always miss my old feeling of SOA without lv9 spells and hla... Could you add a level cap in BGT-TOTSC part and SOA part at engine level ? I think it is possible in EE by changing values in a 2da file
From what I know, mods that exist Don't do it right; dual class may be less affected as each class can reach the cap or the cap is simulated by adding arbitrary negative values wich is weird.
Edited by TotoR, 15 December 2022 - 09:12 PM.
Posted 15 December 2022 - 09:25 PM
Hi TotoR
- I always miss my old feeling of SOA without lv9 spells and hla... Could you add a level cap in BGT-TOTSC part and SOA part at engine level ? I think it is possible in EE by changing values in a 2da file
From what I know, mods that exist Don't do it right; dual class may be less affected as each class can reach the cap or the cap is simulated by adding arbitrary negative values wich is weird.
BG2: Edit XPLEVEL.2DA , set unreachable XP at all levels above 17. You mages will stuck at 17 level forever
BG1: same way
Unfortunately need restore this file while transition bg1->bg2
Posted 15 December 2022 - 10:57 PM
True and for tob-part afterwards...
You are right, I could edit manually this 2da file, but it won't work for every configuration of modded game and will need to be put manually after each transition.
FWIW, SOA was clearly designed without hla and lv9 spells and TOB cap should have never been applied to this part of the game, it is a bad design choice.
For EE, EET_Tweaks gives the possibility to add additional cap for BG1, SOD and/or SOA.
Would it not be possible to add additional xp cap with a new 2da file (as it is not possible with mod...)?
Edited by TotoR, 16 December 2022 - 12:31 AM.
Posted 15 December 2022 - 11:05 PM
BTW I've made an additional inventory screen for THAC0 numbers just for my own use, if anyone has any interest in it let me know and I can upload it as well.@GiantPotato
If You are still around: Pretty please upload your inventory screen files.
It looks absolutely perfect and feels like the way it's meant to be.
Posted 16 December 2022 - 06:36 AM
FWIW, SOA was clearly designed without hla and lv9 spells and TOB cap should have never been applied to this part of the game, it is a bad design choice.
1) I dont sure about Watcher's Keep area, is it available on map only in ToB part ?
2) You want to play bg1 part with xplevel/xpcap = 161 000, then Soa with 2 900 000 and Tob with unchanged cap?
3) How about split bg1 to orig 89 000 and tosc 161 000 ? Problem is what "dividing line", if Sarevok is alive, then apply bg1 cap even if player started adventures on Ulgoth’s Beard ?
Edited by Insomniator, 16 December 2022 - 06:42 AM.
Posted 16 December 2022 - 01:21 PM
1) Since TOB, Watcher's Keep is accessible during SOA as Ulgoth’s Beard is accessible in BG1. FWIW, BGT TWEAK (Ulgoth’s Beard) and SCS (Watcher's Keep) have components that delay access to both dungeons. wich seem a far better design choice.
2) Yes, this is the spirit. Play those game with different xp cap during BG1, BG2 and TOB.
3) for both cases (89 000xp or 161 000xp), you stay weaker than Sarevok witch kept the last confrontation a challenge. However, with TOB, and In SOA you can became stronger than Joneleth and bit him with stronger spells than he has...
Posted 17 December 2022 - 12:24 AM
1) Since TOB, Watcher's Keep is accessible during SOA as Ulgoth’s Beard is accessible in BG1. FWIW, BGT TWEAK (Ulgoth’s Beard) and SCS (Watcher's Keep) have components that delay access to both dungeons. wich seem a far better design choice.
2) Yes, this is the spirit. Play those game with different xp cap during BG1, BG2 and TOB.
OK, i will add new component to [Harder Difficulty Modes] group
Posted 17 December 2022 - 09:01 AM
1) Since TOB, Watcher's Keep is accessible during SOA as Ulgoth’s Beard is accessible in BG1. FWIW, BGT TWEAK (Ulgoth’s Beard) and SCS (Watcher's Keep) have components that delay access to both dungeons. wich seem a far better design choice.
2) Yes, this is the spirit. Play those game with different xp cap during BG1, BG2 and TOB.OK, i will add new component to [Harder Difficulty Modes] group
Great! Thank you.
Posted 30 January 2023 - 08:57 AM
Hi TotoR!
1) Since TOB, Watcher's Keep is accessible during SOA as Ulgoth’s Beard is accessible in BG1. FWIW, BGT TWEAK (Ulgoth’s Beard) and SCS (Watcher's Keep) have components that delay access to both dungeons. wich seem a far better design choice.
2) Yes, this is the spirit. Play those game with different xp cap during BG1, BG2 and TOB.OK, i will add new component to [Harder Difficulty Modes] group
Great! Thank you.
Check v5.6, i didn't place it to difficulty group, just usual option
Posted 30 January 2023 - 08:25 PM
Which Windows version did you use to test DSOAL?
Posted 31 January 2023 - 12:00 AM
Which Windows version did you use to test DSOAL?
Win7 x64 + HDA motherboard
Posted 31 January 2023 - 11:35 AM
Hi TotoR!
Check v5.6, i didn't place it to difficulty group, just usual option
Hi Insomniator,
Thank you, it is much appreciated !
Posted 31 January 2023 - 04:13 PM
Win7 x64 + HDA motherboard
I suggest more tests with newer Windows 10 versions. Infinity Sounds v2 has the same component using DSOAL to restore environmental audio/EAX. It worked fine a few years ago, but when the testers upgraded to Windows 10 versions 2XXX their games started crashing upon launching. This was around the time when Windows 10 v1903+ was reported to have broken the DirectSound wrapper support. I haven't had a chance to install a newer Windows 10 version myself, so I haven't started properly troubleshooting these issues. Hopefully, the latest DSOAL builds have fixed this.
Posted 31 January 2023 - 04:26 PM
Hi !
"Freeze/Unfreeze sounds when game paused/unpaused" is still beta, please report bugs if enjoyed with it, currently reported:
1) Double GUI click sound when unpaused - fixed
2) Replays sound from start if sound was started in pause mode - fixed
3) Storekepper sound paused when entering Store screen - fixed
Edited by Insomniator, 01 February 2023 - 07:00 AM.
Posted 31 January 2023 - 04:59 PM
He skellytz
Win7 x64 + HDA motherboardI suggest more tests with newer Windows 10 versions. Infinity Sounds v2 has the same component using DSOAL to restore environmental audio/EAX. It worked fine a few years ago, but when the testers upgraded to Windows 10 versions 2XXX their games started crashing upon launching. This was around the time when Windows 10 v1903+ was reported to have broken the DirectSound wrapper support. I haven't had a chance to install a newer Windows 10 version myself, so I haven't started properly troubleshooting these issues. Hopefully, the latest DSOAL builds have fixed this.
Thx for report, i use official DSOL 1.4, by default it has config to disable DirectSound Host API and prefer other way(alsoft.ini, drivers="-dsound,"), i guess WASAPI, but dsoal logs don't tell what API is used.
Available options:
- drivers="wasapi," prefer WASAPI
- drivers="dsound," prefer DirectSound
- drivers="-dsound," disable DirectSound
- drivers="-wasapi," disable WASAPI
- empty "drivers=" prefer autodetect
Posted 01 February 2023 - 08:01 AM
Great stuff.
New suggestions:
1. I second the request for innates in quick slot.
2. Do not clear quick spells on equipping armor (mage multiclass, set quick spells, eqiup armor, remove it - all quick slots are clear).
One tricky thing here is that cleric/mage multi can have quick divine spells, so can't just disable quickslots, have to disable actual spells in slots, like in main spell menu.
3. Do not lose modal actions on switching weapons. (E.g Hide in shadows, switch to another quick weapon - lost hidden state).
Posted 01 February 2023 - 08:44 AM
New suggestions:
1. I second the request for innates in quick slot.
OK, but if new "overlay" spell selection is enabled and innates count is too much, this can be useless on small screens like 640x480, not big issue anyway #1
2. Do not clear quick spells on equipping armor (mage multiclass, set quick spells, eqiup armor, remove it - all quick slots are clear).One tricky thing here is that cleric/mage multi can have quick divine spells, so can't just disable quickslots, have to disable actual spells in slots, like in main spell menu.
OK, i will check for this bug #2
3. Do not lose modal actions on switching weapons. (E.g Hide in shadows, switch to another quick weapon - lost hidden state).
Changing weapon is serious action, char ever swith to READY state, but OK, i accept request for hided chars #3
Edited by Insomniator, 06 February 2023 - 01:47 AM.
Posted 01 February 2023 - 09:23 AM
Forgot #4: each time after kicking anyone from party dialog window switches to the smallest size for no reason. Probably shouldn't do that.
(Edit: the same happens when using new speel overlay. Not sure, maybe due to screen space issues on 640x480? My resolution is higher though.)
OK, and #5, not working scroll on mouseover.
Right side not scrolling.
(Also maybe can make both right and left side bags wider? I mean more columns. Although, probably not so much space at 640x480, would need to check.)
Custom portrait selection, lower scroll not working.
(I also wonder if it can be made longer, there's a lot of wasted space)
Edited by Magus, 02 February 2023 - 02:30 AM.
Posted 06 February 2023 - 01:46 AM
Forgot #4: each time after kicking anyone from party dialog window switches to the smallest size for no reason. Probably shouldn't do that.
Accept #4
(Edit: the same happens when using new speel overlay. Not sure, maybe due to screen space issues on 640x480? My resolution is higher though.)
Yes, because 640x480, i will check what can be improved for high resolutions #5
Right side not scrolling.(Also maybe can make both right and left side bags wider? I mean more columns. Although, probably not so much space at 640x480, would need to check.)
Accept #6
Custom portrait selection, lower scroll not working.(I also wonder if it can be made longer, there's a lot of wasted space)
Accept #7