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BG2 Improved GUI

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#241 Insomniator

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Posted 06 January 2022 - 01:14 PM

Hi TotoR

thank for info, i will revert to original engine if it disable off-hand slot for shapeshifters/spell weapon

That would be great!

Original BG2 allow to use off-hand slot for shapeshifters, so i cannot say this is bug or decision


In addition, you can't created 2 handed weapons without a crash, witch is a minor modding issue.

to reproduce bug i only need patch existed magic weapon .ITM to make it two-weapon, right ?

I wounder if you could address this "bug" by the same way as the component "Unlimited Hand Off Slot" do and make two-handed all shapeshift items?

Unlimited Hand Off Slot must disable second weapon if first is two-hand weapon, i never tested it fully with magic weapon yet. If it is bugged, it just need to fix


For weapons created by spells, it does not seems to be linked to the weapon itself but to the way it is created... if the weapon is created in the inventory, obviously there is no issue and it can be used without issue, even with an off-hand weapon. If the weapon is created in hand (with an off-hand weapon or shield), the game crash: ASSERTION FAILED! Return Address: 0x84AC3C File: ObjAnimation.cpp Line: 20462 Expression: m_currentVidCellShield == NULL Message: (null)


For 2-handed Shapeshift itm, The issue seems different as the game crash with no "ASSERTION FAILED!"  at all when equipped with an off-hand weapon or shield. I have add, in the link above, an itm from Stratagems mod (DW#SHBRP) which is used to shapeshift into bear and create CTD.

confirm both issues

1)  ASSERTION FAILED! - bug in Unlimited Hand Off Slot, fixed.Then magic/polymorph weapon was created and if it is two-hands, it will fit without error and disable hand-off

2) Issue with opcode 53 (change animation), this opcode is tricky, it temporarily unequip all items from char and then equip all back. but opcode processed inside equipping of item with this opcode, so there is recursion (BioWare rulez!) and Unlimited Hand Off Slot get crazy. In one of big BWP installation only 3 items have this opcode, they are non-weapons so no issues with hand-off slot

#242 TotoR

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Posted 06 January 2022 - 10:02 PM

Hi Insomniator,


Thanks for looking into this.


Original BG2 allow to use off-hand slot for shapeshifters, so i cannot say this is bug or decision

This is an exploit of the oBG2, so no, technically, it is not a bug. However, EE change this to be more consistent as it seems odd to have access to your off-hand sword attack or the increase protection from a shield even when changed into wolf, bear, jelly... you can even have the 2-handed weapon style bonus, and the bonus of AC of a shield equipped in this configuration. For EE, I may be wrong, but all weapon are changed to two-handed.


confirm both issues

1)  ASSERTION FAILED! - bug in Unlimited Hand Off Slot, fixed.Then magic/polymorph weapon was created and if it is two-hands, it will fit without error and disable hand-off

2) Issue with opcode 53 (change animation), this opcode is tricky, it temporarily unequip all items from char and then equip all back. but opcode processed inside equipping of item with this opcode, so there is recursion (BioWare rulez!) and Unlimited Hand Off Slot get crazy. In one of big BWP installation only 3 items have this opcode, they are non-weapons so no issues with hand-off slot

1) Thank you for the fix.

2) It seems to be more complexe than I expected. For BWP installation, Stratagems mod created 20 weapons (DW#SHxx.itm) that use the opcode 53 when you install "Improved shapeshifting" that are flag 2-handed; some other druid mod do the same(cdtweaks or Druid Kit Enhancements 1.0). With "Unlimited Hand Off Slot" you won't be able to equip the item with off-hand equipped without CTD...


Thank you for your time.



Edited by TotoR, 07 January 2022 - 12:02 AM.

#243 -Arthas-

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Posted 07 January 2022 - 04:22 AM

Hi Arthas


2) I also would like to ask another thing. This is my weidu:
Installing this mod last: http://www.shsforums...baldurs-gate-2/ makes the game crash when loading a savegame.

because this mod has stupid installer:

COPY_EXISTING ~guiw10.chu~ ~override~

WRITE_SHORT "0x00000C67" "49"
WRITE_SHORT "0x00000C6F" "49"
WRITE_SHORT "0x00000CDD" "49"
WRITE_SHORT "0x00000CE5" "49"
WRITE_SHORT "0x00000F07" "49"
WRITE_SHORT "0x00000FE7" "49"
WRITE_SHORT "0x00000FEF" "49"

So it is incompatible with any mod if guiw10.chu was changed before (i mean some structs inside file shifted), Loot Panel component change this file because it require additional loot buttons

I think you just need install this font mod before any GUI mods


Please add a font option inside improved GUI so we don't have to rely on other mods ;)

Have you thought about why I'm not getting the "scaled" UI?

#244 Insomniator

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Posted 07 January 2022 - 05:28 AM

Hi Arthas

Hi Arthas

 Been trying the streched GUI. Nothing can be done about the inventory screen and the menu screen or did I install stuff wrongly? 

Setting: x=960, y=540 [wanted 1920x1080 res]

This is what I installed: 
~WIDESCREEN/WIDESCREEN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Widescreen Mod: v3.08
~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #100 // TobEx - Core: Beta 0025
~BG2IMPROVEDGUI/BG2IMPROVEDGUI.TP2~ #0 #2320 // Stretched GUI for HD Resolutions (1280x960 and above) -> GUI + Cursor/Tooltips: 4.6
~BG2IMPROVEDGUI/BG2IMPROVEDGUI.TP2~ #0 #2400 // Stretch GUI for Widescreen Mod, select only if Widescreen Mod was reinstalled at low resolution: 4.6

yes, these 4 options are enough for stretched gui+widescreenmod
please share your TobExTweak.ini after installation, maybe some options was not activated


This is what I see: https://imgur.com/a/lOOhiIc

This is normal, you have Stretched GUI by Bioware. I didn't restored backgrounds at screen edges like on original BG2 (see screenshot), there is black space around at you screens.
Only Area screen stretched to fullscreen because Bioware had no extra money/time to make GUI screens at 800x,1024x resolutions, so we have only 640x (exactly 512x480 pixels) for all screens (inventory, start, ...), in Stretched GUI mode such screens has 1280x (exactly 1024x960) resolution

Edited by Insomniator, 07 January 2022 - 06:01 AM.

#245 Insomniator

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Posted 07 January 2022 - 05:47 AM

Hi TotoR

Original BG2 allow to use off-hand slot for shapeshifters, so i cannot say this is bug or decision

This is an exploit of the oBG2, so no, technically, it is not a bug. However, EE change this to be more consistent as it seems odd to have access to your off-hand sword attack or the increase protection from a shield even when changed into wolf, bear, jelly... you can even have the 2-handed weapon style bonus, and the bonus of AC of a shield equipped in this configuration. For EE, I may be wrong, but all weapon are changed to two-handed.

In EEs polymorph weapons are still one-hand. In BG2EE into .ITM was added new flag to disable off-hand weapon, but in BG1EE v2.5 i dont see thif flag on polymorph weapons (PLYWOLF1.ITM/...).
I can add this flag to TobEx, but only vanilla weapons will be affected (because we know item names), external mods may have new polymorph weapons or patch vanila "paws" items to new names, so this is weak solution

2) Issue with opcode 53 (change animation), this opcode is tricky, it temporarily unequip all items from char and then equip all back. but opcode processed inside equipping of item with this opcode, so there is recursion (BioWare rulez!) and Unlimited Hand Off Slot get crazy. In one of big BWP installation only 3 items have this opcode, they are non-weapons so no issues with hand-off slot

2) It seems to be more complexe than I expected. For BWP installation, Stratagems mod created 20 weapons (DW#SHxx.itm) that use the opcode 53 when you install "Improved shapeshifting" that are flag 2-handed; some other druid mod do the same(cdtweaks or Druid Kit Enhancements 1.0). With "Unlimited Hand Off Slot" you won't be able to equip the item with off-hand equipped without CTD...

issue#2 also fixed, no more recursion bug with this opcode inside .ITM

try https://ufile.io/yyoliy1c

Edited by Insomniator, 07 January 2022 - 06:12 AM.

#246 Insomniator

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Posted 07 January 2022 - 05:55 AM


2) I also would like to ask another thing. This is my weidu:
 Installing this mod last: http://www.shsforums...baldurs-gate-2/ makes the game crash when loading a savegame.

because this mod has stupid installer:
COPY_EXISTING ~guiw10.chu~ ~override~
WRITE_SHORT "0x00000C67" "49"
So it is incompatible with any mod if guiw10.chu was changed before (i mean some structs inside file shifted), Loot Panel component change this file because it require additional loot buttons
I think you just need install this font mod before any GUI mods

Please add a font option inside improved GUI so we don't have to rely on other mods

Fonts is just new graphiс, I'm not interested. Ask someone to fix installer to remove the dependency on original files only

#247 -Arthas-

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Posted 07 January 2022 - 07:19 AM

Hi Arthas

Hi Arthas

 Been trying the streched GUI. Nothing can be done about the inventory screen and the menu screen or did I install stuff wrongly? 

Setting: x=960, y=540 [wanted 1920x1080 res]

This is what I installed: 
~WIDESCREEN/WIDESCREEN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Widescreen Mod: v3.08
~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #100 // TobEx - Core: Beta 0025
~BG2IMPROVEDGUI/BG2IMPROVEDGUI.TP2~ #0 #2320 // Stretched GUI for HD Resolutions (1280x960 and above) -> GUI + Cursor/Tooltips: 4.6
~BG2IMPROVEDGUI/BG2IMPROVEDGUI.TP2~ #0 #2400 // Stretch GUI for Widescreen Mod, select only if Widescreen Mod was reinstalled at low resolution: 4.6

yes, these 4 options are enough for stretched gui+widescreenmod
please share your TobExTweak.ini after installation, maybe some options was not activated


This is what I see: https://imgur.com/a/lOOhiIc

This is normal, you have Stretched GUI by Bioware. I didn't restored backgrounds at screen edges like on original BG2 (see screenshot), there is black space around at you screens.
Only Area screen stretched to fullscreen because Bioware had no extra money/time to make GUI screens at 800x,1024x resolutions, so we have only 640x (exactly 512x480 pixels) for all screens (inventory, start, ...), in Stretched GUI mode such screens has 1280x (exactly 1024x960) resolution

But isn't area screen stretched anyway with only widescreen? Basically there seems to be no difference between scaled GUI and widescreen only. Unless you suggest to play only at 1024x? 

#248 TotoR

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Posted 07 January 2022 - 11:29 AM




Hi TotoR
Original BG2 allow to use off-hand slot for shapeshifters, so i cannot say this is bug or decision

This is an exploit of the oBG2, so no, technically, it is not a bug. However, EE change this to be more consistent as it seems odd to have access to your off-hand sword attack or the increase protection from a shield even when changed into wolf, bear, jelly... you can even have the 2-handed weapon style bonus, and the bonus of AC of a shield equipped in this configuration. For EE, I may be wrong, but all weapon are changed to two-handed.

In EEs polymorph weapons are still one-hand. In BG2EE into .ITM was added new flag to disable off-hand weapon, but in BG1EE v2.5 i dont see thif flag on polymorph weapons (PLYWOLF1.ITM/...).
I can add this flag to TobEx, but only vanilla weapons will be affected (because we know item names), external mods may have new polymorph weapons or patch vanila "paws" items to new names, so this is weak solution

2) Issue with opcode 53 (change animation), this opcode is tricky, it temporarily unequip all items from char and then equip all back. but opcode processed inside equipping of item with this opcode, so there is recursion (BioWare rulez!) and Unlimited Hand Off Slot get crazy. In one of big BWP installation only 3 items have this opcode, they are non-weapons so no issues with hand-off slot

2) It seems to be more complexe than I expected. For BWP installation, Stratagems mod created 20 weapons (DW#SHxx.itm) that use the opcode 53 when you install "Improved shapeshifting" that are flag 2-handed; some other druid mod do the same(cdtweaks or Druid Kit Enhancements 1.0). With "Unlimited Hand Off Slot" you won't be able to equip the item with off-hand equipped without CTD...

issue#2 also fixed, no more recursion bug with this opcode inside .ITM

try https://ufile.io/yyoliy1c

Great, I'll let you know if something goes wrong, but so far all is good! Thank you a lot.


Concerning the new flag, It should be usefull even for vanilla only. In addition and from what I know, CamDawg is currently maintaining BG2 fixpack, cdtweaks and IWDification, Alien maintains Ascension and lastly, but maybe not in a near future, DavidW will update Stratagems. All those mods are fairly common and modifies shapeshifts...


However, as now the "Unlimited Hand Off Slot" with shapeshift items flag 2-handed seems to be fixed, it could be enough; it will let the possibility to deactivate the 2nd hand without crash - paws and claws could be flag two-handed. The only limit, I see, is the install order as this component should be now installed with Tobex to be used by modders...



#249 Insomniator

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Posted 07 January 2022 - 03:55 PM

But isn't area screen stretched anyway with only widescreen? Basically there seems to be no difference between scaled GUI and widescreen only. Unless you suggest to play only at 1024x?

Original stretched mode (i called it "stretched", but technicaly it is x2 pixel scaler) by BioWare designed for 1280x960, 1600x1200 and 2048x1536, no need widescreen mod. Widescreen mod cheat engine to set any resolution.

I just fixed some bugs of this mode: no scaled video, no x2 cursor, etc

#250 TotoR

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Posted 08 January 2022 - 01:40 AM

Hi Insomniator,


issue#2 also fixed, no more recursion bug with this opcode inside .ITM

try https://ufile.io/yyoliy1c

Great, I'll let you know if something goes wrong, but so far all is good! Thank you a lot.


Results of tests with the TobEx.dll, the shapeshift works with off-hand weapon but:


        - If an off-hand weapon is already equipped the game lags and is close to unplayable

        - When you equipped an off-hand weapon, if any, when shapeshift, the game freeze undefinatly

Edited by TotoR, 08 January 2022 - 01:42 AM.

#251 Insomniator

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Posted 09 January 2022 - 06:13 PM

Hi TotoR

Results of tests with the TobEx.dll, the shapeshift works with off-hand weapon but:
        - If an off-hand weapon is already equipped the game lags and is close to unplayable
        - When you equipped an off-hand weapon, if any, when shapeshift, the game freeze undefinatly

Thanks for feedback, please check better version to resist again equip()/unequip() ping-pong when shapeshifted/polymorhed

Edited by Insomniator, 09 January 2022 - 06:13 PM.

#252 TotoR

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Posted 09 January 2022 - 08:13 PM

Hi TotoR
Results of tests with the TobEx.dll, the shapeshift works with off-hand weapon but:
        - If an off-hand weapon is already equipped the game lags and is close to unplayable
        - When you equipped an off-hand weapon, if any, when shapeshift, the game freeze undefinatly

Thanks for feedback, please check better version to resist again equip()/unequip() ping-pong when shapeshifted/polymorhed

Test done and shapeshift works with off-hand weapon:

         - No more laggs

         - No more crash

         - with only some version of shapeshift (see file: https://www.mediafir...6h1c3lkwu/shape), if you equip/re-equip a shield, AC bonus stack until AC=-20 and stay after going back to human form; AC bonus can't be removed by usual ways after that.

#253 Insomniator

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Posted 11 January 2022 - 03:22 PM

Hi Totor

Test done and shapeshift works with off-hand weapon:

- No more laggs
- No more crash
- with only some version of shapeshift (see file: https://www.mediafir...6h1c3lkwu/shape), if you equip/re-equip a shield, AC bonus stack until AC=-20 and stay after going back to human form; AC bonus can't be removed by usual ways after that.

Thanks for feedback, i see this part need to rewrite, i did not fully imagine the states of item in slot.
Now i see 4 possibilities:
1) Totally disabled
2) Has active effects, but no animation
3) Has animation on doll/area, but effects disabled
4) Fully Activated

In Inventory screen engine works with 1) and 4). Polymorph and Change animation opcodes work with 2) and 4). There is mess with my implementation of this state machine

Edited by Insomniator, 11 January 2022 - 03:24 PM.

#254 Azazello


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Posted 11 January 2022 - 09:08 PM

Let's not let this get buried under troubleshooting posts! .....



Experiments with spell icons on main screen, maybe it will be lite version of Bubb's EEex spell menu for BG2 classic



Insomniator, if you can indeed make this come true... then you truly bring Christmas 11 months early!! :wub: :lol:

#255 Vakarian89

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Posted 12 January 2022 - 11:18 AM

Test done and shapeshift works with off-hand weapon:

         - No more laggs

         - No more crash

         - with only some version of shapeshift (see file: https://www.mediafir...6h1c3lkwu/shape), if you equip/re-equip a shield, AC bonus stack until AC=-20 and stay after going back to human form; AC bonus can't be removed by usual ways after that.


I had this lag problem (I'm playing version 4.0 of Improved GUI) when changed into drow form in the Underdark and later during The Darkest Day questline - any shield/weapon in the off-hand made the game unplayable. As for the AC stacking, I get this when changing armours/robes while holding some shields (but not all, it seems only bucklers), but it gets back to normal after reload.

#256 The Imp

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Posted 12 January 2022 - 02:15 PM

As for the AC stacking, I get this when changing armours/robes while holding some shields (but not all, it seems only bucklers), but it gets back to normal after reload.

You have the Generalized Biffing installed after any and all media addon mods ?

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#257 Insomniator

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Posted 12 January 2022 - 08:16 PM

Hi Azazello

Let's not let this get buried under troubleshooting posts! .....

Let this be, thanks to the players for detecting some rare bugs. Without this you never get bug-free code.


Experiments with spell icons on main screen, maybe it will be lite version of Bubb's EEex spell menu for BG2 classic



Insomniator, if you can indeed make this come true... then you truly bring Christmas 11 months early!!

Already done, not published because i want to totaly fix bugged "Unlimited Off hand" before

#258 Insomniator

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Posted 12 January 2022 - 08:25 PM

Hi  Vakarian89

I had this lag problem (I'm playing version 4.0 of Improved GUI) when changed into drow form in the Underdark and later during The Darkest Day questline - any shield/weapon in the off-hand made the game unplayable. As for the AC stacking, I get this when changing armours/robes while holding some shields (but not all, it seems only bucklers), but it gets back to normal after reload.

Thanks to TotoR,  now i can say - all previous versions of "Unlimited Off hand" not compatible with Polymorph/Change animation opcodes, so it can hang in endless loop.

AC Stacking - it shouldn't be if you don't use polymorphs

#259 Insomniator

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Posted 12 January 2022 - 08:27 PM

Hi Totor

Test done and shapeshift works with off-hand weapon:

         - No more laggs

         - No more crash

         - with only some version of shapeshift (see file: https://www.mediafir...6h1c3lkwu/shape), if you equip/re-equip a shield, AC bonus stack until AC=-20 and stay after going back to human form; AC bonus can't be removed by usual ways after that.

I think this version can handle all possible item states, please check if you have time


#260 Vakarian89

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Posted 13 January 2022 - 11:18 AM

You have the Generalized Biffing installed after any and all media addon mods ?
