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BG2 Improved GUI

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#201 Insomniator

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Posted 02 October 2021 - 11:25 AM

Hi Magus

See here, Kagain has throwing axe in MH and Crom Fayer in OH. But Crom is not "equipped", so throwing doesn't get STR bonus damage from Crom. I think it makes sense that it should.

On first picture throw axe in "melee" mode and Crom is active, game shows both THAC0. On second picture no STR bonus - bug.If axe switched to "throw" mode, Crom will be auto-disabled, game will shows only main hand THAC0 and no STR bonuses
I can't reproduce your second screen, i always get STR bonus if Crom is active in OffHand. Try "Fist+Crom" or more combination to check when STR bonus is active. If you can, please share savegame with Crom OH bug


Thanks for testing, can you tell store name/area ?

Any store as far as I can see. Example - Ulgoth's beard inn. (I run through Wine, though, so might be related to that. I don't have Windows to check on.)

New switchable scrollbars always active and don't require any .INI setting. Maybe issue with tobex.dll version ? Size of last version must be 505856, dll must be placed in root of BG2 folder. This component request mouse coordinates from Windows API, i don't think than Wine emulates it incorrect, so issue with some else...

Edited by Insomniator, 02 October 2021 - 11:25 AM.

#202 Magus

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Posted 04 October 2021 - 06:03 AM

Let's see if anyone confirms scroll on Windows.


There's something off with THAC0 when using off-hand crom and throwing axe. I recorded a video, it's easier to demonstrate that way. At times, it appears that Crom is counted as "unproficient". https://www.loom.com...35d75acbcf359f1


I also included another issue: when eqiupping+selecting a 2 hander and also having something in off-hand slot, polymorph freezes the game. Doesn't happen when a one-hander is selected.

#203 eyre

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Posted 04 October 2021 - 09:04 AM

I noticed that the new improved mouse wheel scrolling feature was not working for me on my heavily modded BGT game running under a Win7/Linux dual boot setup, so I decided to investigate.


I began by testing against a trimmed down set of "base" mods that I use for any playthrough (Tobex, BG2 Fixpack, BGT, BG graphics overhaul for EET), and then installed BG2 Improved GUI on top of these. For me, the improved scrolling (component #2600) worked as expected under both Win7 and Linux via WINE. However, when I installed Tobex Afterlife at the end of the mod stack and tested again, the scrolling behavior reverted back to the original state where moving the mouse wheel only scrolled through the store inventory.


Afterwards, I uninstalled Tobex Afterlife from my heavily modded BGT game to check if that would remedy the issue in my current game. Unfortunately it did not, but with a twist: at first, scrolling via the mouse wheel did not appear to work at all; however after selecting an item from the store inventory, mouse wheel scroll had an effect, but it actually scrolled through the selected character's inventory, not the store's inventory. So it seems likely that other mods are complicating this issue. Further investigation is required to suss out the culprit(s).


I've attached a WeiDU.log of the "base" configuration where the improved mouse wheel scrolling is working as expected under both Win7/Linux in case it is of use to anyone.

Attached Files

#204 Insomniator

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Posted 07 October 2021 - 01:24 PM

Hi eyre

However, when I installed Tobex Afterlife at the end of the mod stack and tested again, the scrolling behavior reverted back to the original state where moving the mouse wheel only scrolled through the store inventory.


Afterwards, I uninstalled Tobex Afterlife from my heavily modded BGT game to check if that would remedy the issue in my current game. Unfortunately it did not

Improved GUI and Afterlife share same dll. Afterlife much older because i dont update Afterlife after every ImGUI update. Anyway scrolling dont  works properly in all cases, i will upload test version with debug mesages to see what happens in different installations

#205 Insomniator

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Posted 07 October 2021 - 01:27 PM

Hi Magus

There's something off with THAC0 when using off-hand crom and throwing axe. I recorded a video, it's easier to demonstrate that way. At times, it appears that Crom is counted as "unproficient". https://www.loom.com...35d75acbcf359f1


I also included another issue: when eqiupping+selecting a 2 hander and also having something in off-hand slot, polymorph freezes the game. Doesn't happen when a one-hander is selected.

Thanks for video, i'll update when will find solution

#206 Insomniator

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Posted 08 October 2021 - 10:12 AM

Hi Magus

There's something off with THAC0 when using off-hand crom and throwing axe. I recorded a video, it's easier to demonstrate that way. At times, it appears that Crom is counted as "unproficient". https://www.loom.com...35d75acbcf359f1

1)axe (throw) main_thac=19 - OK

2)when offhand was first time equiped off_thac=14 - bug#1, fixed
offhand must be disabled because main is range weapon

3) axe (melee) + crom main_thac=16&off_thac=28 - bug ?
28 is too high, check Record screen about original THAC values and THAC penalties
If combat log was enabled, game will show how THAC was calculated for offhand hit.
Off-Hahd component dont change THAC calculation on Record screen, so if is it 28 too, this is really strange.

4) crom moved from main to offhand main_thac=17&off_thac=15 - OK, fist+crom

5) single axe + crom main_thac=16&off_thac=15 - OK ? (15 vs 28 for same weapon proficience)
fixed/test version



Edited by Insomniator, 08 October 2021 - 10:15 AM.

#207 Insomniator

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Posted 09 October 2021 - 05:27 AM

Hi Magus, eyre

Scrollbar fixed version, did not work for resolution other than 640x480, please test

Edited by Insomniator, 09 October 2021 - 05:29 AM.

#208 Magus

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Posted 09 October 2021 - 06:09 AM

Scroll works in stores but not other windows, also +/- buttons on level up screen seems to be shifted to the left a bit.

Captura de pantalla de 2021-10-09 20-48-31.png


Still getting 28 THAC0

Captura de pantalla de 2021-10-09 21-00-55.png

Captura de pantalla de 2021-10-09 21-01-00.png

Captura de pantalla de 2021-10-09 21-03-26.png



offhand must be disabled because main is range weapon

But why though? You don't disable shield when throwing in is MH. I can understand having 0 OH attacks when throwing is in MH, but not disabling it completely.

#209 eyre

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Posted 09 October 2021 - 08:55 AM

Hi Insomniator,


I tested at 800x600 and also at 1280x720 using widescreen mod on a BGT game with few mods on Win7 and Linux/WINE. Improved mouse wheel scrolling works as expected, both the left and right panes respond to the mouse wheel. I tested in Winthrop's store, and also with a bag of holding.


Still not working for my heavily modded BGT game in progress, I have not yet had a chance to investigate what mod(s) might be interfering.

Edit: it is working on my heavily modded BGT game as well.


Thanks for all of your work, it is appreciated.

Edited by eyre, 09 October 2021 - 09:32 AM.

#210 Insomniator

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Posted 09 October 2021 - 10:04 AM

Hi Magus

offhand must be disabled because main is range weapon

But why though? You don't disable shield when throwing in is MH. I can understand having 0 OH attacks when throwing is in MH, but not disabling it completely.

Game limits offhand to be shield or melee, let main hand is throw axe and second hand is Crom. You see enemy and hit it, what char will do ? It will move close to enemy because Crom is melee weapon. Then hit throw axe in melee combat. Stupid, is it ?

Shields works as original and throw weapon in main hand is allowed

Edited by Insomniator, 09 October 2021 - 10:06 AM.

#211 Insomniator

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Posted 09 October 2021 - 10:20 AM

Scroll works in stores but not other windows, also +/- buttons on level up screen seems to be shifted to the left a bit.

- Check if your guirec.chu was changed by some mod(just compare date of file), Improved GUI dont touch this file. This file can be changed by TobEx(original)/1pp/...
- Thanks for testing, i forget to apply same fix to Level-Up/Store/Custom portrait  BMP screens


Still getting 28 THAC0

Combat log show SpecialAC=-4(i dont remember what is it) and Left:=-8(two hand no profiency penaltiy), total penalty is -12. In Single Axe(?) + Crom offhand thac0 was 15, If we apply same penalties we get thac0=27, not as 28 but very near.

I can not explain this behaviour on your installation, you need to test more combinations to find what weapon/proficiences/weapon effects/... trigger bigger thac

Edited by Insomniator, 09 October 2021 - 10:42 AM.

#212 Insomniator

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Posted 09 October 2021 - 10:22 AM

Still not working for my heavily modded BGT game in progress, I have not yet had a chance to investigate what mod(s) might be interfering.

Edit: it is working on my heavily modded BGT game as well.


Thanks for all of your work, it is appreciated.

Still not work for level-up screen, i will fix it in next update

#213 Vlan

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Posted 27 December 2021 - 08:51 AM

The Show Hit Points/Action on Portrait (I installed "Actions Only") module gives me hard crashes to the desktop without any specific error reports during fights. They happen very frequently and somehow seem to be connected when Player characters are receiving damage.

Edited by Vlan, 27 December 2021 - 08:58 AM.

#214 Insomniator

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Posted 27 December 2021 - 09:31 AM

Hi Vlan

The Show Hit Points/Action on Portrait (I installed "Actions Only") module gives me hard crashes to the desktop without any specific error reports during fights. They happen very frequently and somehow seem to be connected when Player characters are receiving damage.

Please save windows crash report and send me

#215 Vlan

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Posted 27 December 2021 - 09:35 AM

Hi Vlan
The Show Hit Points/Action on Portrait (I installed "Actions Only") module gives me hard crashes to the desktop without any specific error reports during fights. They happen very frequently and somehow seem to be connected when Player characters are receiving damage.

Please save windows crash report and send me

Is that what you're looking for?



Edited by Vlan, 27 December 2021 - 09:36 AM.

#216 Insomniator

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Posted 27 December 2021 - 10:23 AM

Hi Vlan
The Show Hit Points/Action on Portrait (I installed "Actions Only") module gives me hard crashes to the desktop without any specific error reports during fights. They happen very frequently and somehow seem to be connected when Player characters are receiving damage.

Please save windows crash report and send me

Is that what you're looking for?

No, it is event about crash. Let me prepare debug version of mod with ability of saving crash dumps

#217 Insomniator

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Posted 28 December 2021 - 12:30 PM

Hi Vlan

Is that what you're looking for?

try v4.06, i added crashdump utility, after crash upload bgmain_crash.zip

#218 Insomniator

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Posted 28 December 2021 - 01:10 PM

Updated to 4.6:

  • Added: Custom hotkeys
  • Added: Hide Static(by equipped items) Icons on Portrait
  • Added: Crashdump saving utility
  • Fixed: Double Mouse Rate regression bug

Edited by Insomniator, 28 December 2021 - 01:10 PM.

#219 Vlan

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Posted 28 December 2021 - 01:27 PM

Hi Vlan
Is that what you're looking for?

try v4.06, i added crashdump utility, after crash upload bgmain_crash.zip



#220 Insomniator

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Posted 28 December 2021 - 02:37 PM

Hi Vlan
Is that what you're looking for?

try v4.06, i added crashdump utility, after crash upload bgmain_crash.zip


Yes, this is what i need and problem with rendering some icon from spell/item on portrait


last line is failed:

ResRef      SpellName = action->sName1;
ResSplContainer Spell = SpellName;
SplFileAbility& pAbility = Spell.GetSpellAbility(0);


  1. spell without ability 0, or damaged spell
  2. unusual action where spellname stored not in sName1 field

try special debug version of dll, it log every rendered icon to console window, you need copy only some of last lines at crash time like this:

sName1=SPWI304 sName1=
opcode=95 pAbility=CA4E242
sName1=SPWI405 sName1=

opcode=113 pAbility=CB48EBA


sName1/2 is name of spell with icon issue, pAbility mst be non-zero


link https://ufile.io/jlsxm42s