I installed for BGEE DLC merge and Shine on caelar. In order to play at "caelar rescue" for BG2EE, I must install the mod "EET". However, EET can't be installed because he don't recognize "shine on caelar". It's an error message. Have you an idea to solve this problem?

shine on caelar isn't recongnized by EET
Posted 03 September 2020 - 06:59 AM
Posted 03 September 2020 - 12:49 PM
First get a completely clean BG2EE game and completely clean BG1EE + SoD + DLC merge'ed game, then install EET, then install Shine Of Caelar on to the EET'ed BG2EE game, then install the EET_end. Modding tools forum...
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 04 September 2020 - 12:37 PM
Ok Thanks. I cleared all and install EET. Finally, I don't arrive to install EET Indeed, I choose the language and I ask to install EE core resource importation. I must enter the full path to my BGEE+SOD Installation. I write:
C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\Common\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
But it doesn't work. The path isn't recongnized. I don't know what to write, it's the path.
Semeone has any solution?
Posted 04 September 2020 - 02:08 PM
C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\Common\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
Well, is this on a Windows 10 ? I ask because you will not have modification rights to that folder even as the admin in the C drive, but only on to your own profile files, aka anything under here: C:\Users\<windows user name>\
This is in my oppinion because of the past idiocity didn't work, so Windows had to fuck up more of itself... for security reasons. Just like it's spying you by default.
So you will likely need to install the game to a non default install folder, and then install the DLC merge -tool on it. Also I will suggest the obvious and recommend to either use a different directory than the C, or install every gamer you ever will have in to here for example: C:\Users\<windows user name>\<the term "Games" translated onto your own language>\ ... so here's example: C:\Users\Imp\Pelit\ ..
You could also just copy to game folder into that folder, but that will then make uninstalling and reinstalling a bit more tricky, and you will need to remember what you did and so on.
Edited by The Imp, 07 September 2020 - 03:10 AM.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 06 September 2020 - 02:46 AM
Finally, EET is installed in C:\My games\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
I want to install now shine on caelar before EETend
Ican install SoD Alternativesbut not Caelar Rescue.
This is the error message:
[ShineOnCaelar/ToBd/BDCaelar.d] ERROR ar line 16 column 1-2 Near text :@6
In the current file it's indicated at the begining:
IF~Global("InParty","LOCALS",1) !InParty("BDCaelar")~THEN BDCaelar Kicked
++@1+ Kicked2
++@2 + Kicked2
++@3DO~JoinParty() ChangeAIScript("DPlayer2",DEFAULT)~EXIT
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Kicked2
@4DO~RunAwayFrom(Player1,20) Wait(4) MoveBetweenAreas("bd2000",[3224.1415],5)~EXIT
IF~Global("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",31)~THEN BDCaelar KickedSelf
DO~DestroyItem("BDSolGlo") Wait(2) LeaveParty() EscapeAreaDestroy(55)~EXIT
IF~Global("BD_ToB_CaelarD","Global",1)~THEN BDCaelar AfterPlane1
@6 is at the line 16 as indicated in the error message? I don(t know how to solve this problem.
Posted 06 September 2020 - 08:08 AM
I tried
@5 = @6
but it didn't work.
This is the description in the file in the begining:
IF~Global("InParty","LOCALS",1) !InParty("BDCaelar")~THEN BDCaelar Kicked
++@1+ Kicked2
++@2 + Kicked2
++@3DO~JoinParty() ChangeAIScript("DPlayer2",DEFAULT)~EXIT
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Kicked2
@4DO~RunAwayFrom(Player1,20) Wait(4) MoveBetweenAreas("bd2000",[3224.1415],5)~EXIT
IF~Global("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",31)~THEN BDCaelar KickedSelf
@5 = @6
DO~DestroyItem("BDSolGlo") Wait(2) LeaveParty() EscapeAreaDestroy(55)~EXIT
IF~Global("BD_ToB_CaelarD","Global",1)~THEN BDCaelar AfterPlane1
@5 = @6 is at the line 15and the error message is the same.
Posted 06 September 2020 - 08:56 AM
The last CHAIN misses an EXIT at the end. (Here is hope this is not only because you didn't copy it from the file.)
My Own: Ajantis BG1 Expansion Modification -- Sir Ajantis for BGII -- Ajantis Portrait Pack -- Another fine Hell -- Brage's Redemption -- BGQE at Gibberlings 3 / BGQE at Kerzenburgforum -- Brandock the Mage -- Endless BG1 -- Grey The Dog NPC -- Imoen 4 Ever -- Imoen Is Stone -- Jastey's SoD TweakPack -- Road to Discovery (SoD) -- Solaufein's Rescue - jastey's Solaufein NPC Mod -- The Boareskyr Bridge Scene (SoD)
Contributions: Adalon's Blood (Silberdrachenblutmod) -- Alternatives -- Ascalon's Questpack -- Ascalon's Breagar NPC -- Balduran's Seatower -- BG1 NPC Project -- BG1 Romantic Encounters -- Corthala Romantique -- Edwin Romance -- Fading Promises -- Gavin BG1 --Hidden Adventures -- Imoen Can Die -- Keldorn Romance (berelinde's) -- Lure of Sirine's Call -- NTotSC -- Romantic Encounters (BGII)
Avatar by Rabain
Posted 06 September 2020 - 10:54 AM
No, the exit is not missing. I wrote only the begining of the files.
This is the contain of the files:
IF~Global("InParty","LOCALS",1) !InParty("BDCaelar")~THEN BDCaelar Kicked
++@1+ Kicked2
++@2 + Kicked2
++@3DO~JoinParty() ChangeAIScript("DPlayer2",DEFAULT)~EXIT
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Kicked2
@4DO~RunAwayFrom(Player1,20) Wait(4) MoveBetweenAreas("bd2000",[3224.1415],5)~EXIT
IF~Global("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",31)~THEN BDCaelar KickedSelf
@5 = @6
DO~DestroyItem("BDSolGlo") Wait(2) LeaveParty() EscapeAreaDestroy(55)~EXIT
IF~Global("BD_ToB_CaelarD","Global",1)~THEN BDCaelar AfterPlane1
++@9+ AfterPlane2
++@10+ AfterPlane2
++@11+ AfterPlane2
++@12+ AfterPlane2
IF~~THEN BDCaelar AfterPlane2
++@14+ AfterPlane3
++@15+ AfterPlane3
++@16+ AfterPlane3
IF~~THEN BDCaelar AfterPlane3
==BDCaelar IF~InParty("CVSandr")~THEN@18
IF~Global("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",1) !InParty("CVSandr")~THEN REPLY@19+ AfterPlane4a
IF~Global("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",1) InParty("CVSandr")~THEN REPLY@20+ AfterPlane4a
IF~Global("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",0) InParty("CVSandr")~THEN REPLY@21+ AfterPlane4a
++@22+ AfterPlane4b
IF~~THEN BDCaelar AfterPlane4a
DO~SetGlobal("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",3) Wait(2) AddJournalEntry(@2014,QUEST)~
==IF_FILE_EXISTS C0Sir25J IF~InParty("C0Sirene")~ THEN @24EXIT
IF~~THEN BDCaelar AfterPlane4b
DO~SetGlobal("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",3) Wait(2) AddJournalEntry(@2014,QUEST)~
==IF_FILE_EXISTS C0Sir25J IF~InParty("C0Sirene")~ THEN @24EXIT
IF~Global("BD_ToB_CaelarD","Global",4)~ THEN BDCaelar Volu1
++@27+ Souls
++@28+ Noword
++@29+ Volu2
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Noword
@30DO~SetGlobal("BD_Cae_Belive","LOCALS",10) Wait(2) RealSetGlobalTimer("BD_ToB_CaelarT","Locals",3100)~EXIT
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Souls
++@32+ Many
++@33+ Hephi
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Many
@34EXTERN BDCaelar Noword
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Volu2
@35EXTERN BDCaelar Souls
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Hephi
@36EXTERN BDCaelar Many
IF~Global("BD_SaradushFell","Locals",1)~THEN BDCaelar Saradfall
==BDCaelar IF~ GlobalLT("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",4)~THEN@38
==BDCaelar IF~ GlobalGT("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",3)~THEN@39
++@41+ Saradfall2
++@42+ Saradfall3
++@43+ Saradfall3
++@44+ Saradfall3
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Saradfall2
=@46 EXIT
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Saradfall3
IF~Global("BD_ToB_CaelarD","Global",6) IsGabber(Player1) !RealGlobalTimerExpired("BD_ToB_CaelarT","Locals")~THEN BDCaelar NoPIDs
IF~Global("BD_ToB_CaelarD","Global",6) IsGabber(Player1) RealGlobalTimerExpired("BD_ToB_CaelarT","Locals")~THEN BDCaelar PIDs
IF~Global("BD_eyes","Locals",0)~THEN REPLY@51DO~SetGlobal("BD_eyes","Locals",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("BD_ToB_CaelarT","Locals",600)~+ CaeEyes1
IF~Global("BD_hepha","Locals",0)~THEN REPLY@52DO~SetGlobal("BD_hepha","Locals",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("BD_ToB_CaelarT","Locals",600)~+ Hepham1
IF~Global("BD_crusa","Locals",0) ~THEN REPLY@53DO~SetGlobal("BD_crusa","Locals",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("BD_ToB_CaelarT","Locals",600)~+ blood1
IF~Global("BD_crime","Locals",0) Global("BD_crusa","Locals",1)~THEN REPLY@54DO~SetGlobal("BD_crime","Locals",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("BD_ToB_CaelarT","Locals",600)~+ crime1
IF~Global("BD_futu","Locals",0)GlobalGT("Chapter","Global",20)~THEN REPLY@55DO~SetGlobal("BD_futu","Locals",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("BD_ToB_CaelarT","Locals",600)~+ CaeServe1
IF~GlobalGT("BD_Cae_Belive","LOCALS",11) GlobalLT("BD_Cae_Belive","LOCALS",20)~THEN REPLY@56+ JudgeG
IF~GlobalLT("BD_Cae_Belive","LOCALS",9)~THEN REPLY@57+ JudgeB
IF~~THEN REPLY@58DO~RealSetGlobalTimer("BD_ToB_CaelarT","Locals",600)~EXIT
IF~~THEN BDCaelar CaeEyes1
++@61+ CaeEyes2
++@62+ CaeEyes3
++@63+ CaeEyes3
IF~~THEN BDCaelar CaeEyes2
@64EXTERN BDCaelar PidFin
IF~~THEN BDCaelar CaeEyes3
@65EXTERN BDCaelar PidFin
IF~~THEN BDCaelar CaeServe1
++@67+ CaeServe2a
++@68+ CaeServe2a
IF~~THEN BDCaelar CaeServe2a
++@72+ CaeServe2
++@73+ CaeServe2
++@74+ CaeServe2
IF~~THEN BDCaelar CaeServe2
++@76+ CaeServe3
++@77+ CaeServe3
++@78+ CaeServe3
IF~~THEN BDCaelar CaeServe3
=@80EXTERN BDCaelar PidFin
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Hepham1
++@82+ Hepham2
++@83+ Hepham2
++@84+ Hepham2
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Hepham2
++@88+ Hepham3
++@89+ Hepham3
++@90+ Hepham3
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Hepham3
++@92+ Hepham4
++@93+ Hepham4a
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Hepham4a
@94EXTERN BDCaelar Hepham4
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Hepham4
=@96EXTERN BDCaelar PidFin
IF~~THEN BDCaelar blood1
++@98+ blood2
++@99+ blood2
++@100+ blood3
IF~~THEN BDCaelar blood3
@101EXTERN BDCaelar blood2
IF~~THEN BDCaelar blood2
=@103 EXTERN BDCaelar PidFin
IF~~THEN BDCaelar crime1
++@105+ crime2
++@106+ crime2
++@107+ crime2
IF~~THEN BDCaelar crime2
=@111DO~StartCutSceneMode() Wait(2) StartCutScene("bdcut20m") ~ EXIT
IF~~THEN BDCaelar PidFin
IF~Global("BD_crime","Locals",1)~THEN BDCaelar crime3
@117EXTERN BDCaelar PidFin
IF~~THEN BDCaelar JudgeG
++@119+ Uphill
++@120+ Uphill
++@121 + JudgeB
++@122+ break1
IF~~THEN BDCaelar Uphill
IF~~THEN BDCaelar JudgeB
++@122+ break1
++@125+ Uphill
IF~~THEN BDCaelar break1
++@128 DO~LeaveParty() EscapeAreaDestroy(55)~EXIT
++@130DO~LeaveParty() EscapeAreaDestroy(55)~EXIT
I don't know where is the problem
Posted 06 September 2020 - 10:58 AM
My Own: Ajantis BG1 Expansion Modification -- Sir Ajantis for BGII -- Ajantis Portrait Pack -- Another fine Hell -- Brage's Redemption -- BGQE at Gibberlings 3 / BGQE at Kerzenburgforum -- Brandock the Mage -- Endless BG1 -- Grey The Dog NPC -- Imoen 4 Ever -- Imoen Is Stone -- Jastey's SoD TweakPack -- Road to Discovery (SoD) -- Solaufein's Rescue - jastey's Solaufein NPC Mod -- The Boareskyr Bridge Scene (SoD)
Contributions: Adalon's Blood (Silberdrachenblutmod) -- Alternatives -- Ascalon's Questpack -- Ascalon's Breagar NPC -- Balduran's Seatower -- BG1 NPC Project -- BG1 Romantic Encounters -- Corthala Romantique -- Edwin Romance -- Fading Promises -- Gavin BG1 --Hidden Adventures -- Imoen Can Die -- Keldorn Romance (berelinde's) -- Lure of Sirine's Call -- NTotSC -- Romantic Encounters (BGII)
Avatar by Rabain
Posted 06 September 2020 - 12:14 PM
I put an attached picture.
Posted 06 September 2020 - 12:55 PM
CHAIN IF~Global("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",31)~THEN BDCaelar KickedSelf @5 = @6 DO~DestroyItem("BDSolGlo") Wait(2) LeaveParty() EscapeAreaDestroy(55)~EXIT
Should likely be:
CHAIN IF~Global("BD_Visited_BD5300","Global",31)~THEN BDCaelar KickedSelf @5 = @6 DO~DestroyItem("BDSolGlo") Wait(2) LeaveParty() EscapeAreaDestroy(55)~EXIT
Also hopefully you edit the original text as the forum software clips a few of the unremarkable characters from the above(spaces etc), which could mess up the code.
Edited by The Imp, 06 September 2020 - 12:57 PM.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 06 September 2020 - 02:08 PM
The Imp : I made modifications but the situation hasn't change. I send an another attached picture
This picture raises an issue, be sure to remove the "Caelar-master" folder from there, as the files you need to edit are inside the "ShineOnCaelar" ones, as that's the extracted files from the mods own archive.
As in, you only need the "ShineOnCaelar" -folder(with the files inside it) and the setup-ShineOnCaelar.exe in the game folder.
Edited by The Imp, 06 September 2020 - 02:11 PM.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 06 September 2020 - 10:15 PM
The Imp: the layout changes you suggested to the code don't make any difference for the engine, it's just optics.
And the Caelar-master folder isn't necessary, but it also doesn't hurt if it's inside the game folder (other than clutter up the folder).
I'm at a loss here, the error message is not specific enough and I do not see any syntax error I could detect by looking at the code.
My Own: Ajantis BG1 Expansion Modification -- Sir Ajantis for BGII -- Ajantis Portrait Pack -- Another fine Hell -- Brage's Redemption -- BGQE at Gibberlings 3 / BGQE at Kerzenburgforum -- Brandock the Mage -- Endless BG1 -- Grey The Dog NPC -- Imoen 4 Ever -- Imoen Is Stone -- Jastey's SoD TweakPack -- Road to Discovery (SoD) -- Solaufein's Rescue - jastey's Solaufein NPC Mod -- The Boareskyr Bridge Scene (SoD)
Contributions: Adalon's Blood (Silberdrachenblutmod) -- Alternatives -- Ascalon's Questpack -- Ascalon's Breagar NPC -- Balduran's Seatower -- BG1 NPC Project -- BG1 Romantic Encounters -- Corthala Romantique -- Edwin Romance -- Fading Promises -- Gavin BG1 --Hidden Adventures -- Imoen Can Die -- Keldorn Romance (berelinde's) -- Lure of Sirine's Call -- NTotSC -- Romantic Encounters (BGII)
Avatar by Rabain
Posted 06 September 2020 - 10:56 PM
...And the Caelar-master folder isn't necessary, but it also doesn't hurt if it's inside the game folder (other than clutter up the folder).
I'm at a loss here, the error message is not specific enough and I do not see any syntax error I could detect by looking at the code.
You sure about the -master folder ? I ask because, if read only state of the folder structure coming from Windows 10's security states anything, ... this coming from this:
Finally, EET is installed in C:\My games\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
Which is not in the profile files sub-folder. -... it could be read as the only valid .tp2 file for weidu, and thus as you have no other better explanations. Just thinking aloud here. Exactly, this is not the way I would install things either.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 07 September 2020 - 03:09 AM
You need to install the game into the so called "utilisateurs" aka "users" sub-folders, so you can edit the files there within. As without it, the Windows 10's security features will prevent you from editing the actual files and so on... without it being in the users subfolders. Yes, in French the folder is likely something called utilisauters, but in actuality it's "Users". I know this because in Finnish, the operation system uses the term "Käyttäjät", which is the same thing in Finnish, but the operation system is originally coded to be one language system, so the English is the default thing it reverts into, in actual coding.
Which is why this:
Actually becomes that:
So make the Jeux folder so it's here: C:\Users\<windows user name>\Jeux\ and then install the game in to a further subfolder from there on.
Edited by The Imp, 07 September 2020 - 03:51 AM.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 07 September 2020 - 11:46 AM
It seems it works this tim. I installed EETend.
I play to TOB in roder to do a test. For now, I must find Aunt Argent in Saradush. For the moment, I don't find him.
Thanks for your patience. It wasn't esay.