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1pp v4.2.0 beta for testing

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#21 Sam.

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Posted 12 August 2020 - 03:21 PM

I can provide the lists, but don't really have time to do all that myself.

From 1PP v4.2.0 beta.


The list of duplicate file names from the list of folders you indicated (the ones I could identify):



The list of duplicate contents in the entire mod.  Don't think any are from the folders in question.  Keys are MD5 hashes.


"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart-arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"

--<CHARNAME> to Portalbendarwinden


___________Old pen and paper modules of the 70s and 80s.___________

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#22 Gwendolyne

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 08:17 AM

Thanks a lot Sam. ;)


As you said, checking each file will take a long time. I am in favor of releasing the new version with the useless files. As I intend to release later a new package including 1pp HQ musics (and maybe 1pp IWD Fixpack), what about reserving the implementation of these checks for this next update?

Edited by Gwendolyne, 14 August 2020 - 08:18 AM.


In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.

#23 Sam.

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 02:18 PM

Thanks a lot Sam. ;)


As you said, checking each file will take a long time. I am in favor of releasing the new version with the useless files. As I intend to release later a new package including 1pp HQ musics (and maybe 1pp IWD Fixpack), what about reserving the implementation of these checks for this next update?

Sounds good to me.

"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart-arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"

--<CHARNAME> to Portalbendarwinden


___________Old pen and paper modules of the 70s and 80s.___________

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#24 Gwendolyne

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Posted 29 August 2020 - 01:39 AM

1pp v4.2.0 is officially released.


In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.