Let the modders correct me, but for EE the first symbol of prefix in the name of the area is already a reason not to repeat it in other mods, so as not to cause a conflict. And for the original BG, the prefix uses two or more symbol.

Posted 29 November 2022 - 10:55 PM
Posted 30 November 2022 - 01:13 AM
Yes, that's why I propose PoF or GO that are without symbols.
As I said, you can choose another one if you want, it's up to you...
Here is the list of those who are already taken.
Edited by JohnBob, 30 November 2022 - 01:26 AM.
Posted 30 November 2022 - 02:08 AM
I have registered prefixes XG. But you can use mod Rolles author Serdrick prefix s#. This prefix s# is already in use in the installer tp2.
Edited by Goran, 30 November 2022 - 02:09 AM.
Posted 30 November 2022 - 03:23 AM
I don't understand why you didn't tell me earlier...
I think it's better not to take the one from Rolles.
Okay for XG if your are prozh ? Have you ever used it in another mod ?
Edited by JohnBob, 30 November 2022 - 03:27 AM.
Posted 30 November 2022 - 03:30 AM
Okay for XG if your are prozh, have you ever used it in another mod?
No, this prefix was not used anywhere. We had a project with prozh, but we never realized it.
Posted 30 November 2022 - 03:36 AM
Do you think it will work for him? Because the prefix is registered to his name...
I wouldn't want to have to change everything again...
Posted 30 November 2022 - 03:52 AM
No, you can use the prefix XG. I will even say this, if we still Serdrick supported the mod Paladins of Faerun Quest Pack , we would definitely use the XG prefix for EE version.
Posted 30 November 2022 - 04:13 AM
All right then.
I'll be back when it's done !
Posted 05 December 2022 - 03:37 AM
Hello !
Goran I have three questions for you, maybe you can help me understand...
- This store nwns.sto is present in stores folder but not in tp2, the nwns.cre is...
and this line in NWNSFMOD.d
IF ~~ THEN REPLY @2 DO ~StartStore("SHSFMOD",LastTalkedToBy(Myself))
SHSFMOD don't exist anywhere...
Should I add nwsn.sto in tp2 and correct the SHSFMOD name ?
- In INNHSMOD.d this line
IF ~~ THEN REPLY @1 DO ~StartStore("WTSMOD",LastTalkedToBy())
WTSMOD does not correspond to any creature or shop or else...
There is INNHSMOD.cre but no store...
- For BARFMOD.d there is a BARFMOD.STO and a BARFMOD.CRE
But this line in barfmod.d
IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("PPINN01",LastTalkedToBy(Myself))
PPINN01 points to a existing PPINN01.STO in BG2...
So maybe I should change PPINN01 with BARFMOD
And perhaps use PPINN01 instead of WTSMOD above
If you have any information on these cases, nothing game breaking but it is odd.
And maybe I'm missing something !
Edited by JohnBob, 05 December 2022 - 04:45 AM.
Posted 05 December 2022 - 09:14 AM
Hello. Serdrick tried to insert stores into the mod where they were absent. In the area quest PF0048 (Nevewinter). I don’t remember how much he implemented it, whether the shops were open or not. Yes, most likely in the d files the names of the cre files are incorrectly spelled out.
Edited by Goran, 05 December 2022 - 09:19 AM.
Posted 11 December 2022 - 03:12 PM
Hi !
The above mentioned changes have been made.
A new question, I notice that the backup folder is present with files inside, the backup is no longer needed and the files seems to be useless (the remains of an old installation, probably...), is it possible to delete it ?
I'm going very slowly because of the number of files and my lack of knowledge, I hope I don't make any mistake on the way.
Posted 12 December 2022 - 06:59 AM
A new question, I notice that the backup folder is present with files inside, the backup is no longer needed and the files seems to be useless (the remains of an old installation, probably...), is it possible to delete it ?
I'm going very slowly because of the number of files and my lack of knowledge, I hope I don't make any mistake on the way.
Better leave it for now. I myself do not know what the backup folder carries.
But there is no need to hurry, skipping the little things somewhere will lead to a crash. I struggled with this for a long time)))
Posted 12 December 2022 - 10:00 PM
I'm unsure how important the backup directory is. Various other mods have deleted it for containing nothing of note, but since there is a buncha stuff, I recommend keeping backup.
Posted 14 December 2022 - 06:01 PM
Hello !!!
More questions...
Some items / creatures / stores have no names or descriptions...
For some of them this is not a problem but for others it could be problematic or break the immersion.
An example this item is not added to the game but seems necessary for the Order and Chaos quest :
- cdmod.itm which is used in those scripts PF0083 and PF0082...
I was able to find its function looking at the scripts, put a line in the tp2 and added a description (which I hope is suitable), but it will probably not be so easy for all of them (there may not be many)...
There are also a some empty .baf (2) and .tra (36) files.
Would you have access to the old mod files to see if it is possible to find details about these items / creatures / stores / dialogs ?
(I don't really know what is important or not, but more info will always be interesting)
Sorry for all these requests...
Edited by JohnBob, 14 December 2022 - 10:39 PM.
Posted 15 December 2022 - 02:58 AM
But, we have changed some quests for the logic of their passage. In order not to create conditions for incompatibility with other mods. Items should be left in their places in scripts and dialogs.
Here is the original mod conversion in Czech. But there is also a hodgepodge still the same))
Edited by Goran, 15 December 2022 - 03:02 AM.
Posted 15 December 2022 - 05:05 AM
I don't want to make any changes, but as I said, this item is not added to the game, it is in items folder but not in the .tp2, if I just add it to the .tp2, it has no description in game... I don't touch the script, the dialog or the item !
IF Global("Reveal0083","PF0083",0) PartyHasItem("CDMOD") // ~ инжал~ THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("Reveal0083","PF0083",1) StartCutSceneMode() HideGUI() PlaySound("Mus2mod") CreateCreature("CHFMOD",[3483.572],0) // ~”бийца-÷ирикист~ ActionOverride("CHFMOD",MoveToPoint([3731.424])) Wait(5) ActionOverride("CHFMOD",Enemy()) EndCutSceneMode() UnhideGUI() AddexperienceParty(5000) END
IF Global("Reveal0082","PF0082",1) PartyHasItem("CDMOD") // ~Кинжал~ Dead("CHFMOD") // ~Убийца-Цирикист~ THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("Reveal0082","PF0082",2) HideGUI() StartCutSceneMode() CreateCreature("PRTMOD",[1680.230],0) // ~Священник Торма~ ActionOverride("PRTMOD",MoveToPoint([1378.81])) Wait(8) ActionOverride(Player1,Face(12)) DisplayStringHead("PRTMOD",@6) Wait(15) DisplayStringHead(Player1,@7) Wait(15) DisplayStringHead("PRTMOD",@8) Wait(8) TakePartyItem("CDMOD") Wait(1) ActionOverride(Player2,LeaveAreaLUA("PF0081","",[1119.198],8)) ActionOverride(Player1,LeaveAreaLUA("PF0081","",[1077.235],8)) ActionOverride(Player3,LeaveAreaLUA("PF0081","",[1161.243],8)) ActionOverride(Player4,LeaveAreaLUA("PF0081","",[1162.305],8)) ActionOverride(Player5,LeaveAreaLUA("PF0081","",[1057.315],8)) ActionOverride(Player6,LeaveAreaLUA("PF0081","",[1153.352],8)) EndCutSceneMode() UnhideGUI() END
If the item (CDMOD.itm) is not there, players will not be able to continue this quest.
did you notice any problem in game, on this part ?
I precise that my purpose is only to make the mod playable on EE, not to remove or add anything.
Here is the original mod conversion in Czech. But there is also a hodgepodge still the same))
No download link on this page, or no access...
Edit : it's not a big deal, we'll see after the implementation of the prefixes if something is causing issues.
Edited by JohnBob, 15 December 2022 - 07:31 AM.
Posted 15 December 2022 - 07:27 AM
I probably forgot to register this im in tp2. I remember that I added bam to him so that he would not be invisible. The scripts are correct as in the original.
In file hosting you click on the file. And then choose to download for free.
Edited by Goran, 15 December 2022 - 07:32 AM.
Posted 15 December 2022 - 07:45 AM
The page is not fully loaded, it doesn't matter I will do without...
Edited by JohnBob, 15 December 2022 - 07:45 AM.
Posted 15 December 2022 - 08:17 AM
Here, try to download from this file hosting.
Edited by Goran, 15 December 2022 - 08:18 AM.
Posted 15 December 2022 - 01:03 PM
Thanks Goran!
I really appreciate your help and the link !!
Here is the original description
Dýka // Dagger
Na rukojeti je vyrit znak Cyrika. // The handle is engraved with the Cyric emblem.
Here is the one I brought
@1060 = ~Mysterious Dagger~ // (not identified)
@1061 = ~This dagger seems to be tainted with a crimson liquid...~ // (not identified)
@1062 = ~This dagger belonged to the worshippers of Cyric, it is covered in blood.~ // (identified)
@1063 = ~Murder weapon~ // (identified)
Of course, I'll go back to the original. (The description will be added in English for all languages.)
The old mod will help in case of doubt...
Edited by JohnBob, 15 December 2022 - 01:04 PM.