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Walkthrough for Isra quests?


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#1 Kartikus

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Posted 17 March 2020 - 12:14 AM

I'm stuck at the part where I have to interrogate some Cowled Wizards for information on who is targeting Isra's family but I've only met a handful of them so far (Chapter 2) and none of them give me the option to ask them about Isra's quest. Who do I talk to? 


Is there any walkthrough for her questline? 

#2 Kartikus

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Posted 17 March 2020 - 07:36 AM

Alright, now she's begun complaining about me ignoring her quest. She said we need to got to the Government District, and that's where I am but I still don't see what has to be done here. Only Cowled Wizard I can find on the whole map is this Tolgerias or something fellow, and he just tells me to go hunt down Valygar. Who am I missing? 

#3 Kartikus

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Posted 17 March 2020 - 09:55 AM



In the Council of Six Building, there is one guy called Corneil. He is a BioWare NPC, intended for selling you the magic license. At the very bottom of the list of questions you can ask him, there is an option to ask him who GD is, for Isra's quest. He will not prove to be of much help, but right as you leave the building after making that inquiry, you will be approached by a new NPC (called Phaedra or something) who will point you in the right direction for the quest. From there onward it's fairly straightforward.

#4 Kartikus

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Posted 20 March 2020 - 11:56 AM

Hey, anybody know how to get the rest of her questline? I finished the first quest, started the romance, went on the whole Spellhold adventure and now I'm in chapter 6 but I never got another quest from her, even though the romance part is progressing just fine. Some folks in these forums are saying there should be more content with the Jysstevs though... 


Once again - anybody got even a rough walkthrough of the quests and/or quest requirements of the quests in this mod? It's a pretty complex mod, and information online is quite sparse, what with this being unofficial content and all. 

#5 Kartikus

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Posted 20 March 2020 - 12:31 PM

Did a little more research on these forums. Found out there's this character called Alia Ghadir in the Seven Dales inn (Waukeen's Promenade of Athkatla), who is connected to the second quest triggering. So I've just been constantly chatting her up. She's Isra's sister I think. They're not on good terms, mostly just snap at each other. Still I'm strolling around the city waiting for the quest to trigger, periodically hitting up the Seven Dales to pester Alia. 


No luck so far, unfortunately. Is this second quest supposed to only unlock before the finale or something? I'm already at the part where you're working with the elves to hunt down Bodhi for the artifact that leads to the elven city. Or is there yet another piece of the puzzle I'm overlooking here...

#6 Kartikus

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Posted 21 March 2020 - 05:52 AM

On the old post which tipped me off towards Alia, the mod author mentioned use of console commands to get the second quest to spawn. Specifically, one "rh#IsraQuestTimer"... which should supposedly be returning some value. For that particular gentleman, it happened to be 784409. So I followed in the ways of the enlightened old masters that once inhabited this great citadel, and unlocked the cosmic powers that be BG2EE Console Commands. 


I make the edits to Baldur.lua, boot up the game, and press Ctrl+Space as the fabric of reality shifts and the legendary Console Textbox itself materializes before me. Reality can be whatever I want... 


I may have used this arcane contraption to gain immense wealth, transcend mortality and become undying as if I were a lich, or even max out all my ability scores to become a walking god upon the surface of Toril. But you see, I am a man of focus. I had but one goal in mind. And so it was, grinning at my well-earned victory, that I typed in the words I had unearthed from the ancient forum posts - rh#IsraQuestTimer


"[string "rh#IsraQuestTimer"]: 1 : syntax error near '#'"


I am undone. 

#7 Rhaella

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Posted 21 March 2020 - 01:06 PM

Hello! Sorry for the delayed response.
It's actually the other way around--the quest is technically supposed to trigger before you leave for Spellhold. It's tied to the dialog track, so shortly after the 10th talk, it should automatically start. If you went to Spellhold too early, you might have accidentally missed a fair amount of content, since there are separate dialog tracks for the first half of the game and the second half.
Could you open Shadowkeeper or use the Console to find out what the value of the variable "rh#IsraTalks" is? If it's lower than 20, you wouldn't have yet reached the part where the quest triggers.
C:GetGlobal("rh#IsraTalks","GLOBAL") should be the console code to get you that number on EE. CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("rh#IsraTalks","GLOBAL") on the vanilla version of the game.

#8 Psionica

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Posted 04 June 2020 - 09:08 AM

Rhaella, on 21 Mar 2020 - 21:06, said:

"rh#IsraTalks" is? If it's lower than 20, you wouldn't have yet reached the part where the quest triggers.


Mine is currently @17, do i need to get it past 20 before I goto Spellhold?


Note: Romance is committed (2)



"Love" that's a very rare thing, when u find it you better safeguard it. ---Shirley Manson

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