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[Solved] Missing NPC Sounds


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#1 theflyingzamboni

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Posted 22 February 2020 - 08:53 AM

Hi all. I've just installed BGT for the first time, and it generally seems to work, but right at the start I've already encountered a bug with NPC sounds. In Candlekeep, several NPCs I've encountered so far that are supposed to play audio (but no text dialogue) are not playing their sounds. I haven't gone any further into the game so I don't know how widespread the issue is, but at the least the Noblewoman in the Inn and the chanters on the southwest side of the main keep don't play their audio. When I click on them, I just get the "doesn't have anything to say" text. The chanters are not playing their audio ambiently when I approach them either. All of these sounds play normally if I run BG1 on its own.


In terms of mods, I have the most recent versions of (in install order) ToBex, BG2 Fixpack, Ascension (weidu), and BGT. Does have any idea why some sounds aren't playing, and how I can repair this?

Edited by skellytz, 26 March 2023 - 06:35 AM.
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#2 Roberciiik

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Posted 22 February 2020 - 09:54 AM

As a workaround you can right-click on NPC to play its sound.

#3 skellytz

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Posted 22 February 2020 - 10:37 AM

Known issue with TobEx.
Further reading and solutions:
* Chanters in Candlekeep (SHS thread)
* Infinity Sounds

#4 theflyingzamboni

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Posted 29 February 2020 - 01:38 PM

Known issue with TobEx.
Further reading and solutions:
* Chanters in Candlekeep (SHS thread)
* Infinity Sounds

Thanks, disabling the sound fix option in tobex fixed it for me. They still won't play their sounds like they should on left-click for some reason, but ambient sound clips are playing now, and the right-click will still play it as well.

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