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DSotSC Bug Thread

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#1 jastey

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Posted 08 January 2020 - 01:35 AM

Please report any bugs and issues with the mod here. Please specify which mod version you are using, and which game you are on, and whether you are using an automated installer.

#2 Gwayhir

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Posted 05 March 2020 - 03:39 PM

Hello guys.

My game crashes while doing the 'rescue baby from vampires' quest.


I'm playing EET with the latest game versions, with Dsotsc v3.1, everything installed with Project Infinity.


Crash happens when I try to leave the big cave area through the eastern exit. It happened before even finding Lord Daerthmac, and also later after killing him and with the baby in my inventory.

#3 jastey

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Posted 06 March 2020 - 01:05 AM

Thanks for the report Gwayhir. I have a suspicion what could be the problem. For now, cheat your way out of the cave via the console. I'll have a look at this but it will take a while until I'll have time to update DSotSC.

#4 Gwayhir

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Posted 06 March 2020 - 09:35 AM

Well, it's not a matter of exiting the dungeon, the area I'm trying to enter is where the coffins are. Traveling there with the console results in an identical crash.

I guess I'll just refrain from stabbing those bloodsuckers for now. If I just bring the baby back the quest is complete anyway right?

#5 Gwayhir

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Posted 06 March 2020 - 10:43 AM

Now that I think about it, I got another thing to report: game freezes if I try to go into Cucoinneach's inventory. I found him regularly with his wolf, he joins the party no problem. Either right-clicking on the portrait, hitting the I key or else freezes the game and I had to alt f4 out. 

Might be worth entioning that his name has a kind of rectangle symbol instead of the letter 'u'; I wanted to post a couple of screenshots but apparently the site doesn't like JPGs. Should i use PNG?

#6 semaj577

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Posted 06 March 2020 - 06:29 PM

Hi. Playing bgt after a long time, i give a try to dsotsc 3.1. No tools i used to install, only bgt 1.21, dsotsc 3.1 and  bp-bgtworldmap 10.2.3. Thanks for the mod and the support, by the way.


After playing "all" the mission of dsotsc, i found this bugs so far:


1) Ctd in the exit of the map dsc004, x=1565 y=1341. Is the cave just near the sister of jet'laya.


2) There is a problem with the portraits of the new companions in bgt: the "small" version is ok, but the "medium" doesn´t work, it shows only the "?", like if there wasn't portrait medium. The strange thing is than if i put the .bmps in the portraits folder, and start a new game, the game can recognize the pictures. Why not in a normal gameplay?


3) Ctd in the exit of the map dsc019, x=3025 y=358. Is the deeper area of the vampire castle, passing where is the boss.


4) Cannot complete the last mission, otho nephew. Talk to otho is ok, but when you are in area ar3200, the door never appear. Strange, because the script of the area show than you need a global to activate it. The global is there, using shadowkeeper i could check it, but the door never activate. Using nearinfinity to know where exactly is the door an no luck.


In both ctds, the area what is supposed to travel cannot be seen with nearinfinity, maybe that´s a hint to the problem.


Oh, and reading the anterior post, no problems with Cucoinneach's inventory, as far i tested -only the common problem with portraits "m"-. He joins the group, do the castle mission, and leave the party.

#7 jastey

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Posted 06 March 2020 - 10:57 PM

Thank you senaj577 and Gwaihir for your reports! I have suspicions fo all of them what causes them but need time to check.

#8 Gwayhir

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Posted 07 March 2020 - 02:10 AM

In both ctds, the area what is supposed to travel cannot be seen with nearinfinity, maybe that´s a hint to the problem.

Oh, right. I can confirm. The button to 'view' the areas in nearinfinity is greyed out for both dsc009.are and dsc007.are.


Same thing for dsc035.are and dsc037.are.

#9 jastey

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Posted 13 May 2020 - 10:34 PM

Should all be fixed in v3.2.

#10 jastey

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Posted 14 July 2020 - 06:13 AM

DSotSC introduces a new protective spell, Selune's Blessing, that is taken down by Breach. BUT it doesn't give that spell a name: instead it hardcodes the 'name' field of the spell to '34735'. I don't know why, as that string isn't 'Selune's Blessing', or anything similar, on any of the IE games. (The string 'Selune's Blessing' appears only in IWD2, and in a different slot). So this is a bug in DSotSC: the spell is misnamed.

From here:



EDIT: will be fixed in v4.0!

Edited by jastey, 29 July 2020 - 07:04 AM.

#11 Roberciiik

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Posted 18 August 2020 - 09:26 AM



I found that there is a conflict/incompatibilty with TDD mod. If you install TDD and DSotSC (with BGT), spells "Faerie Fire" and "Cause Disease" will be duplicated. These spells are nearly the same in both mods and were introduced in 3.1 DSotSC version for druid dsarchdr.baf script.


Can it be solved somehow? If these spells are used only in one script, maybe it could be removed at all? Or mod can check if TDD is installed and use their spells...


What do you think?



#12 Roberciiik

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Posted 04 November 2020 - 03:41 PM

Hi everyone,


Do you know why Bub Snikt is no longer a joinable NPC? I really would like to play with him in my next gameplay.


I consider to add an optional component to restore Bub as a joinable NPC, are you ok with that?

#13 jastey

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Posted 04 November 2020 - 09:59 PM

Absolutely! I think the reason was that his dialogue doesn't fit for a joinable character, I don't know whether there were any other reasons. But since he was for a long time, I wouldn't mind an optional component that allows to take him into the party if you provide it.

#14 Lightbringer23

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Posted 14 February 2021 - 12:54 AM

Hi Jastey,

I ran into an error installing DSotSC v 4.1 on EET using Project Infinity. I have attached the debug file. I hope you can find something useful, because I'm at a loss...

Attached Files

Edited by Lightbringer23, 14 February 2021 - 12:55 AM.

#15 jastey

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Posted 14 February 2021 - 01:30 AM

Unfortunately, no. I don't think this is a problem with the mod per se, it's more of a combination with your system+game.

#16 Lightbringer23

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Posted 14 February 2021 - 11:20 AM

I thought as much. I've installed and played through an earlier version (3.x) of DSotSC on EET with PI. I'm going to try it again and see if it magically works ;)
Edit:  Aaaand this time DSotSC was a success, but TDD(z) failed to install. Maybe I need to roll the dice a few times >.> Well, nothing more for this thread, at least.

Edited by Lightbringer23, 14 February 2021 - 04:15 PM.

#17 Endarire

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Posted 16 February 2021 - 08:09 PM

Was this due to having too many spells per level?

#18 tor11

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Posted 04 September 2022 - 12:34 AM

EET + DSotSC 4.1


1. After you return Berrto Ghastkill (baby) to Ghastkills, there is no dialog about Clairis actually taking him and about her devotion to Lord Daerthmac, her letter stays in your inventory.


2. Ferthgil Trollslayer (I mentioned this in separate thread) tells you about Otho's nephew death and that he has his hammer, when you send Ferthgil away, you should still be able to finish the quest with bringing this information to Otho (without the war hammer) or you should get the hammer from Ferthgil before he leaves.


3. I dont know I remember this one correctly, but I think that after you dispose of Shar Nadal and others, there is a small mine location (you get there by elevator) with one priest or mage summoning some big tough skeletons all the time, after a while there was dozens of them around him. Is this intentional?


4. When you exit in gnoll lair at the Bandit Camp location, there is no way to go back, no explanation (I read there might be one in Sandrah Saga, not sure).

Edited by tor11, 04 September 2022 - 01:06 AM.

#19 Argent77

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Posted 11 March 2023 - 06:19 AM

EET with DSotSC 4.2: The spell "Cure Moderate Wounds" is incorrectly installed as CLERIC_CAUSE_MODERATE_WOUNDS in SPELL.IDS. The spell doesn't appear to be used directly by DSotSC, but it might confuse combat scripts from other mods.

#20 Graion Dilach

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Posted 11 March 2023 - 07:25 AM

Huh, that's a weird one. Thanks!


Notsure if I should port over the cause counterpart. It seems introducing the cause counterparts were done at all the other levels, but this IWD port was added without it. Regardless, I've filed a PR to fix this one.


EDIT: Maybe keeping the status quo is better in this regard, because DSotSC-oBG1 v1.04 lacks Cause Moderate as well.

Edited by Graion Dilach, 11 March 2023 - 07:38 AM.