I would like to ask for permission to disable language-specific sounds. In my opinion if mod is fully translated, English sounds (Will O'Hara soundset as of now) are confiusing and even annoying for non-english mod selection. As far as I understand, I need to comment/delete the following section in tp2 file:
ACTION_BASH_FOR ~ntotsc/language/english/ogg~ ~^.+\.ogg$~ BEGIN ACTION_IF NOT FILE_EXISTS ~ntotsc/language/%LANGUAGE%/ogg/%BASH_FOR_FILE%~ BEGIN COPY ~%BASH_FOR_FILESPEC%~ ~ntotsc/language/%LANGUAGE%/ogg~ END END
Should I change something more in the code?
Game engine will replace missing sounds with text messages in console so correct translation for sound will be displayed.
What do you think about this?