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[Solved] BGT 64-bit support


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#1 skellytz

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Posted 15 December 2019 - 05:25 AM

v1.21 now lets you install BGT using the 64-bit version of WeiDU on Windows. The binary files needed for unpacking area tilesets (TISunpack), GUI and map backgrounds (MOSunpack), and "degreenifying" the affected areas (TIS2BG2) are still 32-bit as their respective authors have never released 64-bit versions. Currently, there aren't any known issues with this approach on Windows.


macOS (10.15 Catalina) and some newer Linux distributions require 64-bit binaries. While v1.21 ships with the 64-bit versions of TISunpack and MOSunpack for macOS and Linux, the included TIS2BG2 has only ever been compiled with 32-bit support (by the bigg and Turambar). This means the installation will fail if your system doesn't support 32-bit binaries.


Would anyone skilled in C++ like to help me out and compile 64-bit versions of TIS2BG2 for Windows, macOS and Linux? The source code is available here.

Edited by skellytz, 26 March 2023 - 06:36 AM.
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#2 Roberciiik

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Posted 18 December 2019 - 10:48 AM

I will take a look on this and try to provide 64bit version for linux and osx. My quick code review for Windows code shows that it would be hard to compile it on modern setups as program uses deprecated Turbo C++ header file. To enable 64bit Windows executable I would have to make a refactoring on this code.


So I think we should enable linux/osx first and then we can think about update this tool to modern code base for both Windows and Unix-like systems. I suggest making a new repository for that .cpp file (on SHS github), so I could apply my changes on this.

#3 skellytz

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Posted 18 December 2019 - 02:10 PM

Thank you, Robert! I'd be grateful if you could just drop a zip package here without going into all that git formality (unless you think it's necessary) :)

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