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BWPv18.2 released

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#181 The Imp

The Imp

    Not good, see EVIL is better. You'll LIVE.

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Posted 10 December 2019 - 02:07 AM

From my testing:
2) Remember, specialized mages has an opossite school, that are the rules. Your mage won´t copy a spell from his opossite school. I remember than many mages can´t copy level 3 spell "skulltrap" because is a negromancy spell, if i remember correctly.

Many ? WTF, there's only one specialist mage "class" unable to cast Nercomancy spells, and that's Illusionist's. Well all gnomes, as they default to Illusionist... but still, how the ¤%&/%& is that many ? That's 1, in the entire 20+ NPC cast and 10 specialist mages "kits". Yes, you can fail to learn a spell. But you can try as many times as you need to succeed. And you can actually boost your luck stat to get higher than 85% normal chance.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#182 semaj577

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Posted 10 December 2019 - 03:05 AM

It was an example, nothing more. Too bad if you don´t like it. For you. If you don´t like the word "many", well, too bad. Because i won´t change it.


But you can try as many times as you need to succeed. And you can actually boost your luck stat to get higher than 85% normal chance.


That´s the reason why exist that component in anthologies, genius. Many players don´t want to spend time or potions to learn spells. And that´s the reason why, in the first time, the spells of the spellbooks of the bigg tweak pack didn´t copy.


You don´t even read the posts, don´t you? If so, why you just didn´t help tomkaz in the first time, or in 2016 when he has the problem? I saw you actually see and comment in his post in 2016. But you didn´t solve his problem. Again, you even read the posts? Or just the last one? Because if that the case, you won´t help anyone with that behavior.


Just relax. If any player has a doubt than i can help, i will. But i´m not going to post all the rules of bg just only because to one person "don´t like" the word "many" -i´m not going to post every school mage and what opossite school has, useless, read the manual-. Or even a single rule, because is supossed to be knowed by all players. That´s for sure. Ridiculous, go and read the rules to gain more information if that is the case. He has an specific problem with two components, and that´s need some tests to learn what´s happening. The results are usefull not only for him, for all bwp players. If two components of different mods are incompatible between them, that´s information important to all, not only the player with the problem. The rest is simple, it don´t need more explanation.

Edited by semaj577, 10 December 2019 - 03:54 AM.

#183 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 10 December 2019 - 10:42 AM

It was an example, nothing more.

A bad one. 1 is never many. And as a generalization like you said leads to people reading it like the reason a character can't learn the spell is that the specialized mages can't learn higher-level other specialization school spells... and that's a lie*.


And in case you failed to notice, there's a few things to sort out here**. I am, in my latest post, talking about the general game experience without any mods(normal chance, for a normal mage)... if you install the mod, it sets the circumstance value to either 100, and today in 2019 it sets it to 150, as memory serves, and that means that if you took a specialist mage in 2016, like shown in the above link, you could still get 85% chance to succeed with a specialist mage, but today that same chance is 150-15=135% so you'll always succeed, no matter what. This came to light at a point in the mods history... I forgot when exactly, it's been long enough. It could have been after the post. *the lie was repeated in the thread if memory serves.

.. but still, now we are talking about the non-modified game, and you don't need to rely on the computer to roll below the 85% if you want to, you could load a save game or just set the games difficulty to non-core rules and most of these randomizations go away like that. Or you could cast a luck spell. And if you go to a tavern and drink yourself under the table you get reduced luck, if memory serves. But your morale is bolstered.

Or you could do the honest thing and try not to cheat and buy the scroll again, it's what the in-game currency was there for and then not complain about how much money there's in the game. Yes, that's commonly heard complaint too... especially with megamoded games. -**so a little perspective, would be a common courtesy.

Edited by The Imp, 12 December 2019 - 05:52 PM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#184 -Arthas-

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Posted 14 December 2019 - 02:56 AM

1) can the customization of BWP be made friendlier? I don't want to install every component for every mod.

2) Please add Angel Made in heaven components - Angel seems to have worked around the issues that may appear. 

Edited by Arthas, 14 December 2019 - 03:28 AM.

#185 tomkaz

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Posted 15 December 2019 - 08:07 AM

Hi semaj577:  Hi The Imp:


My apologies for not replying sooner.  I got stuck fixing my stepdaughter's computer and then ended up in the hospital.  These two are not related.  I am better now.


I appreciate the comments.  One other thing I failed to consider was that my megamod game mat have a mod that messes up getting the spells.  I am not certain about bard's ability to get the spells.  I have a bard, two mage/thieves and a mage.  None are a pure mage so maybe I should not expect that to work.  I do have #9000 chosen. 


After a short while the spells lose their usefulness, but it was helpful in the beginning.


semaj577 did find the post I mentioned.


Thanks again for your help.  I will try using the spell books with all my bards and mages.

#186 Insomniator

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Posted 20 December 2019 - 12:42 PM

One thing I do not understand is how the stats.ids works. Some mods are changing the symbolic identifiers that are used instead of the literal numbers.

Original / IESDP:     

168    DMWW_SLOT_168

Detectable Spells:    

Rogue Rebalancing:    


Dependent on the mods installed before the next mod to install finds very different symbolic identifiers for the same numbers. Does it not cause a lot of trouble? Does the mod work like intended?

stats.ids used when weidu try to :

- compile at install time AI scripts containing commands like : "CheckStat(xxx,1,MISSILE_DAMAGE_BONUS)", MISSILE_DAMAGE_BONUS regarding SR's stats.ids will be converted to integer 168 and harcoded to compiled script (bcs)

- compile spells with opcodes "Modify proficiencies (233)/Modify script state (282)"



1) Numbers 166-199 not used in original BG2/TOB

2) If some mod contain such scripts but stats.ids changed to for example stratagems version, compilation will be failed

3) if some mod contains AI scripts/spells in already compiled form (bcs), we dont know what is stats.ids used by author and this script may work in different way

4) Most important part is Spell, when some spell applied on char, this char get new proficiency/state with code 168 for some time and all AI scripts from Stratagems/SpelRev/RR/xxx must used same number 168 to detect this activated spell on char

5) some mods/installs add another symbolic identifiers to same number, so scripts with variants "SCRIPTINGSTATE13" and "MISSILE_DAMAGE_BONUS" will be compiled without errors to same number, but AI logic get messed -  spell1 from mod1 may influence on script from mod2 because script from mod2 think what spell2 is appllied

6) I think most right version is Detectable Spell (ver 3.x), but you have posted old ds with different symbols (bg1 only ver ?)



p.s. I think this file is not used by game itself because all scripts already compiled

#187 Alywena

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Posted 01 January 2020 - 08:21 AM

I found a list of translations not referenced in the Tra.txt file :
bgqe=En-0,Ge-1,Fr-2,It-3,Ru-4,Po-5 (wrong order)
slandor=Ge-0,En-1,Fr-2,It-3,Ru-4,Sp-5 (wrong order)

#188 -Arthas-

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Posted 09 January 2020 - 11:56 PM

I have two feature requests that hopefully will benefit the community as a whole:

1) When you finish installing BWP, usually the last mods that gets installed are the following:
Innates set to level 0
lol fixer
Area checker

to clean up the game. Would it be possible for you to actually release an archive with all the tools above bundled, so one can use it even when not using BWP? Otherwise, it would be cool if you could actually just leave an .exe inside BWP for the people that want to use only the tools above.

2) You can safely remove these patches from the fixpack:

Yoshimo romance: Yoshimo now has it included. And the fix in BWP is for a version from years ago and the string numbers changed meanwhile - if those changes are forced, then the dialogue will be messed up.

Foundling: under examination, but I guess it can be removed because it will be fixed in the next version, if there is a need. From author's word (Lava): Foundling's thing isn't there, because I need to consult it first. 

La'Viconia: I think it should be removed both from the fixpack and the manual (check page 245 - and the other relevant reference). Why? Because the mod was recoded and updated accordingly, so it is now old + redundant. From author's words: "La'Viconia no longer exists. It got a complete rework thanks to argent77 and it's been re-released with him as co-author. It's also been renamed as Viconia Revamped."

Tales of the deep gardens: Repaired DGI005.ITM effects -> it was already repaired 5 years ago, so no need anymore for it.

Gahesh -> it was completely recoded, so it's now useless to have the fix inside the fixpack

Edited by Arthas, 09 January 2020 - 11:57 PM.

#189 semaj577

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Posted 10 January 2020 - 05:27 AM

Arthas: 1) those last components are parts of a tool called "lolfixer". It can be downloaded from https://github.com/omni-axa/Lolfixer . You can choose what components install, like any weidu mod. Be careful with "innates set to level 1" include in "majestic spell fixer", in the past that can broke some mods. The mods are just only a few ones, in a very rare cases, so maybe that fix can justify the risk. EDIT: digging in the problem with "innate sets to level one", areas affected by that are Watcher´s Keep, Imprisoned One Lair and Amkethran. I just playing the part in watcher´s keep and ended "the ritual" -tactics mod- in good terms, the changes maked for "innates set to level one", for now, is when you enter the area for the first time, your party gain xp as if you used the scroll to seal the demogorgon, and your journal is updated like if you did that. But you still can start the quest as normal and gain access to the tower. So... for now, wrong journal entry and free boost xp. I have to complete all the floors to see is something more is wrong.


In others mods, this "fix" can be... terrible. For example, the mod "Boards of Magick item pack" is a new store in waukeen promenade, with good -some have bugs, or to be more specific, wrong descriptions- stuff to buy, but... the "innate set to level one" "fix" makes the seller... attack you in sight. The seller is a dragon. The store, in a normal bwp installation, is useless because that "fix". The solution is: go to the backup folder of "Innate_Fix" folder in the game, search (in this case) for "O!TALT.BCS", and copy it in the override folder of the game. The store now works and the seller don´t try to kill our patetic level 7 protagonist. Yeah, in my installation, innates set to level one fixes... 677 files. So, it fixs a lot, but in some cases, the results are nasty.


2) Interesting information for the megamod. For example, i found (many bugs, but i try to finish the game first, if i can, or if the bugs allow me finish the game) than "Jastey’s Solaufein (Solaufein's Rescue)" has a partial translation in english (is german), but is playable. But the mod won´t install if you haven´t select the german language, even when there´s a -partial- translation. One of two, or that has to be clarify in the guide (only-german mod), or is necessary to make a modification to the tra.txt file to include english. Several tries to find what´s the problem, and when I try the german language, that´s when i said: "Is the .tra file".

Edited by semaj577, 10 January 2020 - 09:27 AM.

#190 Insomniator

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Posted 10 January 2020 - 03:29 PM

Do exist some "storage" on internet containing all mod files for bwp ? or maybe linklist  ?

#191 -Arthas-

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Posted 10 January 2020 - 11:45 PM

Arthas: 1) those last components are parts of a tool called "lolfixer". It can be downloaded from https://github.com/omni-axa/Lolfixer . You can choose what components install, like any weidu mod. Be careful with "innates set to level 1" include in "majestic spell fixer", in the past that can broke some mods. The mods are just only a few ones, in a very rare cases, so maybe that fix can justify the risk. EDIT: digging in the problem with "innate sets to level one", areas affected by that are Watcher´s Keep, Imprisoned One Lair and Amkethran. I just playing the part in watcher´s keep and ended "the ritual" -tactics mod- in good terms, the changes maked for "innates set to level one", for now, is when you enter the area for the first time, your party gain xp as if you used the scroll to seal the demogorgon, and your journal is updated like if you did that. But you still can start the quest as normal and gain access to the tower. So... for now, wrong journal entry and free boost xp. I have to complete all the floors to see is something more is wrong.


In others mods, this "fix" can be... terrible. For example, the mod "Boards of Magick item pack" is a new store in waukeen promenade, with good -some have bugs, or to be more specific, wrong descriptions- stuff to buy, but... the "innate set to level one" "fix" makes the seller... attack you in sight. The seller is a dragon. The store, in a normal bwp installation, is useless because that "fix". The solution is: go to the backup folder of "Innate_Fix" folder in the game, search (in this case) for "O!TALT.BCS", and copy it in the override folder of the game. The store now works and the seller don´t try to kill our patetic level 7 protagonist. Yeah, in my installation, innates set to level one fixes... 677 files. So, it fixs a lot, but in some cases, the results are nasty.


2) Interesting information for the megamod. For example, i found (many bugs, but i try to finish the game first, if i can, or if the bugs allow me finish the game) than "Jastey’s Solaufein (Solaufein's Rescue)" has a partial translation in english (is german), but is playable. But the mod won´t install if you haven´t select the german language, even when there´s a -partial- translation. One of two, or that has to be clarify in the guide (only-german mod), or is necessary to make a modification to the tra.txt file to include english. Several tries to find what´s the problem, and when I try the german language, that´s when i said: "Is the .tra file".

1) Thank you for telling me that. I guess that if one uses few mods, and these are currently being supported by veteran modders, you do not need to use these tools.


Do exist some "storage" on internet containing all mod files for bwp ? or maybe linklist  ?

Nope. Some mods are being moved to Githhub, but that's all.

#192 tomkaz

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Posted 20 January 2020 - 05:20 PM

Hi All:


Just an update about my megamod BWP game.  The mods are in post #164.


I just finished Baldur's Gate/Tales of the Sword Coast.  I rate it a "B"/ "C" because there have been many changes in the mods which created minor errors in many mods.  It was obvious the changes were not checked with a megamod game.  But I was able to complete all the mods.  I got some crashes, but all would fix themselves with a single game reboot.


One serious error was with Temple of the Black Hand.  The area did not open automatically.  I used CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR60PB") to open that area.  Another serious error was with Krystin and Silthe.  If I killed them, the game crashed.  I had to coax Slythe away from the center of the Underground and then kill him.  I could not coax Krystin from the center so I used CTRL-Y to kill her.  These were the only errors that require work to finish the game.


I did get Shadows of Amn started without error.  I did take a very long time install with several black screens.  You need to be patient.


Hope everyone else is able to enjoy their megamod games.



#193 EvilMax

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Posted 18 February 2020 - 07:42 AM

Hmm... Tom, did you


#194 jastey

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Posted 19 February 2020 - 11:13 PM



For example, i found (many bugs, but i try to finish the game first, if i can, or if the bugs allow me finish the game) than "Jastey’s Solaufein (Solaufein's Rescue)" has a partial translation in english (is german), but is playable. But the mod won´t install if you haven´t select the german language, even when there´s a -partial- translation. One of two, or that has to be clarify in the guide (only-german mod), or is necessary to make a modification to the tra.txt file to include english. Several tries to find what´s the problem, and when I try the german language, that´s when i said: "Is the .tra file".

I just checked with current version 1.5, and the (partial) English version of my Solaufein mod installs fine and without errors on BGT, on BGII with or without the BG2Fixpack and / or Inifnite Animations, on BGII:EE, and EET.

So if you'd please tell me why you are spreading rumors about the buggines of my mod, I'd be grateful.

#195 jastey

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Posted 19 February 2020 - 11:15 PM



One serious error was with Temple of the Black Hand.  The area did not open automatically.

In addition to EvilMax's question: when did it not open "automatically", what did you do in the game where you would expect it to happen? Also, did you play the current version from SHS?

#196 tomkaz

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Posted 20 February 2020 - 06:47 PM

High EvilMax:  Hi jasty:


Lots of area names are mixed up so please excuse this if it is also mixed up.


I went to Field of the Dead and freed Redrig(?).  He is in Ulgoth's Beard now.   I went to Northern Citadel and was sent to ice salamanders to get a key.  Ice salamanders sent me to kill Black Hand before they would give me the key.  I went to Ulgoth's Beard and talked to Redrig to open up Temple of the Black Hand.  He did not tell me anything about the Black Hand and the Temple of the Black Hand did not appear on the map.  So back to CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR60PB").


Another problem.


I have 2 computers and 2 games.  Computer #1 is an Asus A78M-A.  Computer #2 is an Asus A78M-E.  They have the same processors, same memory except A78M-A has 4 sticks and A78M-E has 2 sticks, and the same operating system (Windows 7 Pro).


A78M-A has the game loaded with Sword Coast Stratagems v31 installed wherever possible and without any Big Picture v1.8 14611 installed.  A78M-E has the game loaded with Big Picture v1.8 14611 installed wherever possible and without any Sword Coast Stratagems v31 installed.


Computer #1 with SCS v31 crashes in Irenicus' dungeon when going to the second floor.  Computer #2 with BP v1.8 has not got that far.  I assume the crash was due to a jaulty program and will confirm that when Computer #2 gets to the same place as computer #1.


Why am I bringing that up now?  Well, I had an error with another program.  I tried to rum TurboTax on computer #1.  I could install federal tax but not state tax.  I spent 3 hours with TurboTax engineers tying to get TurboTax state tax to work.  I gave up and installed TurboTax in computer #2.  To my surprise, TurboTax installed my federal tax and state tax without a hitch.


My brain (or what is left of it - no joke) thinks that the problem is in the computer and not the software.  If anyone else is using an A78M-A motherboard to play a megamod game, and you have played through Baldur's Gate and Shadows of Amn without error, please post your success.


At the present time I am looking for another A78M-A motherboard because I do not trust my current A78M-A one.


I should be starting Shadows of Amn in computer #2 about 7 to 10 days.  The big test!


Thanks for any help,



Edited by tomkaz, 20 February 2020 - 06:53 PM.

#197 jastey

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Posted 20 February 2020 - 10:16 PM

tomkaz: only talking to Reedrig isn't enough. You need to have a letter from "D." addressed to "Tracea - the true believer!" in your inventory (NTPBlet4.itm) for the area to be revealed on the worldmap.

#198 tomkaz

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Posted 21 February 2020 - 07:47 AM

Hi jastey:


Thanks for the information. I had the letter, but not on me. I put it in a barrel with other letters I thought I did not need anymore.



#199 EvilMax

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Posted 22 February 2020 - 12:56 PM

My monk finally came to the BG2 and I've encountered quite an old bug with cancelling commands given to Minsc. Details available here




1. Does anyone still have this bug in v18.2 ? (it looks like this is NEJ related bug)

2. Is there less intrusive way to fix it? (I still not sure my solution will play well with Boo)

#200 -Arthas-

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Posted 22 February 2020 - 02:36 PM

Evilmax, any chance of you publishing your weidu.log

and publishing the .cre for Minsc? Just to see what is touching Minsc apart from NEJ.