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Baldur's Gate Trilogy v1.21

info release

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#21 skellytz

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Posted 17 December 2019 - 03:48 PM

I'd also like to mention some changes I'm working on that didn't make it to the v1.21 release and will take some time (v1.22):


64-bit Windows, macOS and Linux support:

* Update TIS2BG2 to a 64-bit version

* Remove dependency on MOSunpack and TISunpack

* Release a cross-platform installer package


OSX (let alone macOS) support has been in an unverified state. macOS and new Linux distros now require 64-bit binaries. There have also been some changes in the newer systems that may prevent the older shell scripts from running on either of them. All of this will have to be updated and tested before we even consider properly packaging BGT with cross-platform support.


For v1.21, I've added a workaround that will let you install BGT with the 64-bit version of WeiDU.


Compatibility with Project Infinity:

* Replace READLN

* Restructure BGT Music and GUI to get them to work nicely with the install order

#22 The Imp

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Posted 17 December 2019 - 08:53 PM

Compatibility with Project Infinity:

* Replace READLN

This is not a big problem, for it's functionality that the BGT uses... as the BWS & BWP could easily overcome that... the problem was that the function was overused for romance options... where the input didn't matter if it were 99 or 101... it had to be remade every single option in a .txt file .. but the BG1 install directory is a little larger and more combersome to overcome, as it might not be installed on the computer it's read from. As the possible location is endless swamp of hazards without the READLN.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#23 -Arthas-

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Posted 19 December 2019 - 11:36 PM

Skellytz, thanks for all the work you're putting into this.

By the way, some more questions:

1) I see you suggest 1pp. But in the readme, it seems like that rather than adding its features on a game, it actually "overwrites" the way things work normally. Is it a mod that "replaces" graphics or is it a mod that adds "new" graphics? 
Given that there is also a huge amount of customizability, do you just use the BWP.pdf suggestions?

2) You reworked the StoneGui. Any reason you actually didn't re-release it?

3) Any chance the "known issues" will ever be fixed? Referring to these:


Known issues:

* Excessive saving throw / magic resistance messages in the dialogue box (cosmetic)

* The greeting string is displayed after the first line of dialogue rather than before

* Disable Force Inventory Pause may be incompatible with some NPC mods and cause problems with the inventory management (BWP readme)


I think K4thos may have an idea or two on how to fix these - I would help you myself but I got no skills to do all the (tremendous) work you're doing. Kudos to you.

4) Would you mind checking if also "permanent corpses" from UB is already integrated into BGT

Edited by Arthas, 20 December 2019 - 09:43 AM.

#24 skellytz

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Posted 20 December 2019 - 04:26 PM

1) I see you suggest 1pp. But in the readme, it seems like that rather than adding its features on a game, it actually "overwrites" the way things work normally. Is it a mod that "replaces" graphics or is it a mod that adds "new" graphics? 
Given that there is also a huge amount of customizability, do you just use the BWP.pdf suggestions?

It depends on your choices during the setup. Personally, I prefer a minimalist install, as close to BG1 as possible. Unfortunately, 1PP v4.1.0 doesn't work well with BG1 animations because it doesn't patch the changed color effect offsets in BG2 items (opcode #7: set color); you end up with Watchers wearing red helmets. So, until 1PP v4.2.0 gets released, I typically stick with the BG2 animations and the following components:


* Core paperdolls

* Extended palette entries -> Compatibility install (I actually don't like the additional bland colors and the new hair options incorrectly use offsets interpreted by the engine as "randomize on game load")

* GUI additions (if not using TuTu GUI)

* Avatar fixes

* Female Dwarves

* Thieves Galore

* Smart Avatar & Armour Switching

* Core content patches

* Consistent spell and scroll icons

* Restored Flame sword animations

* Legacy Shields

* 1ppv2 core (i.e., skip 1ppv4: Core updates and item patches -- it needs to be updated in v4.2.0)

* Fixed animations for solars and elementals

* Miscellaneous content fixes


2) You reworked the StoneGui. Any reason you actually didn't re-release it?

I haven't reworked it. I've simply added one tiny fix. There is an unofficial patch for TuTu GUI in the works, though. Hopefully, the author will soon reveal more information.


3) Any chance the "known issues" will ever be fixed? [Referring to TobEx]

I wish I could fix TobEx but I don't really know much about patching and compiling an injector like that. I too would be grateful if anybody skilled enough could take a look at the source code.


4) Would you mind checking if also "permanent corpses" from UB is already integrated into BGT?

It isn't.


#25 -Arthas-

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Posted 21 December 2019 - 02:39 AM

1) Didn't know 1pp was still under work. Thanks for the heads up.

2) Ah. Okay, I will wait for this unofficial patch (hopefully it will come out soon); there are also some issues with the fonts from what I know.

3) only @k4thos can do that probably

4) Okay, thanks.

#26 jastey

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Posted 30 December 2019 - 11:02 PM

If I understand correctly how Exists("NPCname") works (i.e. it also gives true if characters exist in other areas), then I would ask that the script block in AR7608.bcs:

    Exists("Eltan2")  // Duke Eltan
    RESPONSE #100

Gets an InMyArea("Eltan2") check because bg1ub and bg1re insert Eltan2 into the Harbormaster's Building, too.

#27 skellytz

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Posted 31 December 2019 - 09:58 AM

If I understand correctly how Exists("NPCname") works (i.e. it also gives true if characters exist in other areas)

I've read the related discussion on Beamdog forums. This doesn't seem to affect the classic BG2; I've tested the Exists() and DestroySelf() combo and they only work on:

* the creatures in the area to which the script is assigned to.

* the current party members in any areas.


So even if a party member enters AR7608 while another is in AR7702 at the same time, Eltan2 shouldn't disappear from the latter.

#28 jastey

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Posted 01 January 2020 - 02:13 AM

Thanks for linking to that, it's a bit embarassing to read that I already knew this, haha.

#29 Salk

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Posted 07 January 2020 - 02:47 AM

Hello, skellytz!


I haven't reworked it. I've simply added one tiny fix. There is an unofficial patch for TuTu GUI in the works, though. Hopefully, the author will soon reveal more information.


I don't know who is actually working on TuTu GUI but I did create a customized version of TuTu GUI which partly restores the original BG1 GUI feeling.


If you are interested in checking how it looks and works for you, please let me know.

Edited by Salk, 07 January 2020 - 02:47 AM.

#30 Salk

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Posted 07 January 2020 - 04:12 AM

By the way, 


thank you very much skellytz for carrying the BGT torch. I have great faith in the development of this beloved modification and I hope you can succeed at making those alluring improvements listed for 1.22 a reality.  :Tasty:


It would be truly amazing.


By the way, the master does not include the .exe file. Any particular reason why not?


Belated happy new year.  :cheers:

Edited by Salk, 07 January 2020 - 04:13 AM.

#31 jastey

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Posted 07 January 2020 - 04:35 AM

@Salk: there are tagged releases here. Do not download the master from GitHub but always the last tagged release, as the master could include untested changes. If you look at the last release, you see an attached bgt-v2.21.zip, which also includes the executable.

#32 skellytz

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Posted 07 January 2020 - 01:37 PM

I don't know who is actually working on TuTu GUI but I did create a customized version of TuTu GUI which partly restores the original BG1 GUI feeling.


If you are interested in checking how it looks and works for you, please let me know.

Sure, I'm interested.


I hope you can succeed at making those alluring improvements listed for 1.22 a reality.

We're halfway through: to-do list.


By the way, the master does not include the .exe file. Any particular reason why not?

Personally, I consider the master branch the source (w/o exe) of the latest stable release (w/ exe). I think of the devel branch as the source of the (unstable) changes intended for the next release and this is where stuff is happening now.


Recently, I've added compatibility with Project Infinity:

* Changed BGT - Music into components of the main TP2

* Changed biffing into an optional component (it can also be safely uninstalled)

* Separated the GUI Switcher (needs your feedback!)


ALIEN's doing some awesome work too and adding support for the BG1 directory path to the next version of PI.


Salk, we need you on board for this project. You're really good at spotting those little "BG1 experience" things too :)

#33 Salk

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Posted 07 January 2020 - 01:45 PM

Hello again, skellytz!


And great to see you again after some time and be able to benefit of your talent here. I much appreciate it.


Of course I want to help but I have been very busy for months (with no close end in sight) working on another game's (still Bioware though...  :lol: Knights of the Old Republic) modding project. On the other hand, I have in the past created something for my own use which may be welcome to other BGT users.


One is, as mentioned, a new version of TuTu Gui and another is a small collection of Tweaks which include a not-so-small number of what I consider real improvements over the BG1 part of the BGT gaming experience.

I will contact you with more details about it via email, if that is agreeable to you.



#34 Kilivitz

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Posted 13 January 2020 - 06:58 AM

I don't know how much my fixes overlap with Salk's, but for what it's worth, here's a WeiDU patch you can install on top of the base TutuGUI mod:

This will fix fonts (from the window headers that were still using BG2's blue font to the AC/HP badges) as well as font colors and sizes. It should make the Record and Journal screens identical to BG1 vanilla.


It already includes some fixes made by skellytz and mxtu as described here


It also has an optional component that makes the window borders completely stone, as opposed to LadeJarl's which use wooden panels taken from IWD.


Edited by Kilivitz, 13 January 2020 - 07:00 AM.

#35 -Arthas-

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Posted 13 January 2020 - 08:20 AM

hey kilivitz, is there any particular reason you didn't just bundle a new version of the mod, and credited also the main creator of TutuGui mod?

#36 Kilivitz

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Posted 13 January 2020 - 04:35 PM

The TutuGUI mod is hosted/distributed by the folks over at Pocket Plane. I don't think they'd be too happy if I just started distributing a new version of a mod of which I'm not the author. That's why I just made a Patch - it requires the original mod, so I don't think I'm stepping in anyone's toes.

Edited by Kilivitz, 13 January 2020 - 04:36 PM.

#37 -Arthas-

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 12:19 AM

The TutuGUI mod is hosted/distributed by the folks over at Pocket Plane. I don't think they'd be too happy if I just started distributing a new version of a mod of which I'm not the author. That's why I just made a Patch - it requires the original mod, so I don't think I'm stepping in anyone's toes.

Is this way of action warranted even when the mod is completely non-functional if you don't apply a patch?

Edited by Arthas, 14 January 2020 - 12:19 AM.

#38 jastey

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 12:46 AM

Kilivitz: Sorry in case this was already said, but does your patch fix bugs or does it make changes? If you are fixing bugs, I'd be thrilled if you'd make an update to the original TutuGUI from PPG, I'd see to it being put on the main page.


If you are doing changes only, I think a patch is a great way to do this.

Edited by jastey, 14 January 2020 - 12:47 AM.

#39 Salk

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 04:36 AM

Hello Kilivitz!


What I did was to change the BGT start screens completely (BGTSOA.mos, BGTSTART.mos and startob.mod) and to fix two alignment issues for the CUSTOMIZED CHARACTER line and for the first proficiency slot for Missile weapons (guirec.chu).


I took care of the first two and skellytz took care of the other.


I have attached here the file that contains both fixes.


Feel free to add it to your patch together with the new files I created, if you like.



Attached Files

Edited by Salk, 14 January 2020 - 04:57 AM.

#40 Salk

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Posted 14 January 2020 - 04:58 AM



I think that we have material to release a new version of TuTuGUI. 


It would be mostly for BGT players' benefit but it would still be a nice upgrade, in my opinion.



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