Trollford -> I didn’t like this mod and I don’t recommend it at all.
Story: you go to umar hills and a woman asks you to find her son. You rescue the son and come back. Then if you act polite you get a reward from the mother. The son will then ask you to find his girlfriend (that you fred while exploring the dungeon). Charname comes back to Windsp... I meant trollford and finds the girl bottom right (the nimph place in windspear).
1) the woman giving you the quest speaks from the fog of war and you cannot refuse her quest.
2) Trollford is a clone of Windspear hills.
3) There is another robe of Vecna waiting for you in the place where you would find the anti-dragon weapon and armor in vanilla firkraag’s dungeon.
4) mod is as linear as it can get.
5) You (almost) always have 2 dialogue options, but rarely people react when you behave badly.
TL;DR: why do I have to play a copypasted area with the excuse of rescuing a child, when it’s already done better with Firkraag Dungeon?

Posted 03 October 2019 - 03:53 AM
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.
Posted 03 October 2019 - 03:53 AM
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.
Posted 03 October 2019 - 03:55 AM
Riatavin -> I played it and I didn't like it. I don’t recommend it
Edited by Sergio, 03 October 2019 - 09:56 AM.
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.
Posted 03 October 2019 - 03:58 AM
Onnset of the darkest day -> I don’t recommend it at all
Edited by Sergio, 05 October 2019 - 04:48 AM.
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.
Posted 03 October 2019 - 05:04 AM
Also a note important enough to be in his own post: all the TDD content lacks of map markers. Why is this a flaw? Because it's not fun to go into a place knowing there is a tons of generic and filler content. The map markers should be a way to give direction to players on where the meat of the mod is. It's not fun having to enter all the houses just to read some generic mumble or to raid everything.
Iylios npc mod -> I didn’t like it and I won’t install it anymore
The good: Iylios has a strong personality.
The bad:
- I can’t see my charname having Ilyos with him all the time. Why? Because he acts like an entitled prick all knowing. He constantly tells you that he is watching over you and that if you choose the wrong path you will pay the price. I guess that one time it is fine, second time too, but at the third it is so annoying that I can see any of my charname, including the good-aligned one turn into the slayer and feast on his body.
- I had hoped that having Iylios with you during the Balthazar encounter would have changed something. But it seems like there is no content, apart from a banter Iylios will tell right after killing Balthazar where he screams that he will make amelyssan pay.
Edited by Sergio, 03 October 2019 - 05:11 AM.
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.
Posted 03 October 2019 - 09:53 AM
With respect to Purskal:
You're not supposed to walk back to the town but instead You get teleported about 5 or 6 rounds after killing the lich (or maybe after looting the chest he guards). Arriving back in town a cutscene starts that explains some background and thereafter the chief of the town thanks you and gives a reward. This is the end of that mod.
I didn't check if there are some variables set within this cutscene but Your experience (with the Nameless One) in Riatavin makes me believe that this is the case.
Anyway I'm just writing for sake of completeness and I doubt very much that the cutscene would change Your opinion on that mod.
Posted 04 October 2019 - 02:11 AM
Shuv-Oohl I appreciate your remarks.
What do you mean when you refer about my experience with the nameless one? The solution here mentions http://www.geocities...an3001/tdd.html that the nameless one can be attacked, but that he will always respawn and w/e.
Mod for the orderly -> I won’t install it anymore, but I would advise you to try it .
So north of the slums, you’re approached by a grey-cowled guy in the slums that asks you to bring him a scroll of “friends” in exchange for a ring.
What I didn’t like:
1) No matter how many “friends” scroll you have, he will take them all.2) Given that the mod is just another container, I would have preferred it to be sold at Ribald rather than having a quest you can “stumble” into.
3) They key-ring, sadly, does not work like in Arcanum. In Arcanum, once you got the keyring every key will just be automatically added to the keyring, while here, being just a mere container, you could just use a bag of holding and you would have the same effect. It's merely for cosmetic reason.
Edited by Sergio, 04 October 2019 - 05:44 AM.
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.
Posted 04 October 2019 - 02:27 AM
As far as I know, the mod offers two choices: add the contaner to a shop, add it via quest. From the readme:
2'. Subcomponents (or which version should I install?)
Component 1: Nanoquest version
Following a suggestion from a mysterious and alluring stranger, this mod now offers you a choice of installation:
This installs a tiny, tiny, tiny little quest that you must complete in order to gain the keyring. The keyring itself comes with a wordy irrelevant description that may or may not be mildly amusing (hey, I wrote it, what else do you expect?).
Component 2: Consistency Plus version
This installs the suggested version where the keyring is found in a storekeeper's possession, much like the in-game gem bags and scroll cases. ie You buy the keyring rather than complete a quest to get it. The keyring's description is brief and to the point. Stop cheering.
It's a bit unfair to give a bad review if you chose the wrong install for your taste?...
My Own: Ajantis BG1 Expansion Modification -- Sir Ajantis for BGII -- Ajantis Portrait Pack -- Another fine Hell -- Brage's Redemption -- BGQE at Gibberlings 3 / BGQE at Kerzenburgforum -- Brandock the Mage -- Endless BG1 -- Grey The Dog NPC -- Imoen 4 Ever -- Imoen Is Stone -- Jastey's SoD TweakPack -- Road to Discovery (SoD) -- Solaufein's Rescue - jastey's Solaufein NPC Mod -- The Boareskyr Bridge Scene (SoD)
Contributions: Adalon's Blood (Silberdrachenblutmod) -- Alternatives -- Ascalon's Questpack -- Ascalon's Breagar NPC -- Balduran's Seatower -- BG1 NPC Project -- BG1 Romantic Encounters -- Corthala Romantique -- Edwin Romance -- Fading Promises -- Gavin BG1 --Hidden Adventures -- Imoen Can Die -- Keldorn Romance (berelinde's) -- Lure of Sirine's Call -- NTotSC -- Romantic Encounters (BGII)
Avatar by Rabain
Posted 04 October 2019 - 02:37 AM
Thanks, I didn't know that!
I installed it via Roxanne's BWS. I will report this to her.
Still, the review is far from bad. I reviewed the "quest" option and the point 1) is still true: No matter how many “friends” scroll you have, he will take them all.
And the point 3) still remains: <They key-ring, sadly, does not work like in Arcanum. In Arcanum, once you got the keyring every key will just be automatically added to the keyring, while here, being just a mere container, you could just use a bag of holding and you would have the same effect. It's merely for cosmetic reason.>.
Edited by Sergio, 04 October 2019 - 02:49 AM.
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.
Posted 04 October 2019 - 02:48 AM
I meant the "won't install it again because" and then your reasons being your dislike of the quest.
Thank you for your reviews!
My Own: Ajantis BG1 Expansion Modification -- Sir Ajantis for BGII -- Ajantis Portrait Pack -- Another fine Hell -- Brage's Redemption -- BGQE at Gibberlings 3 / BGQE at Kerzenburgforum -- Brandock the Mage -- Endless BG1 -- Grey The Dog NPC -- Imoen 4 Ever -- Imoen Is Stone -- Jastey's SoD TweakPack -- Road to Discovery (SoD) -- Solaufein's Rescue - jastey's Solaufein NPC Mod -- The Boareskyr Bridge Scene (SoD)
Contributions: Adalon's Blood (Silberdrachenblutmod) -- Alternatives -- Ascalon's Questpack -- Ascalon's Breagar NPC -- Balduran's Seatower -- BG1 NPC Project -- BG1 Romantic Encounters -- Corthala Romantique -- Edwin Romance -- Fading Promises -- Gavin BG1 --Hidden Adventures -- Imoen Can Die -- Keldorn Romance (berelinde's) -- Lure of Sirine's Call -- NTotSC -- Romantic Encounters (BGII)
Avatar by Rabain
Posted 04 October 2019 - 05:25 AM
Anyway... Thanks for your comments. I liked also the comment by Shuv-oOhl so I get the full picture for the mods I actually play.
Edited by Sergio, 04 October 2019 - 05:54 AM.
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.
Posted 06 October 2019 - 12:16 AM
You might think theres a punchline to this sentence but no thats just what happened in a dialogue
Actual stuff: Almateria's Restoration Project | Icewind Dale 2 Fixpack + Restorations
Skips: Hell Recollection | Fake Import Mod
Assorted tweaks from when I was 14: Alma Tweaks (macOS)
Posted 06 October 2019 - 12:22 AM
Actual stuff: Almateria's Restoration Project | Icewind Dale 2 Fixpack + Restorations
Skips: Hell Recollection | Fake Import Mod
Assorted tweaks from when I was 14: Alma Tweaks (macOS)
Posted 06 October 2019 - 02:25 AM
@Sergio: You might want to edit the first post and index the review posts per mod.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 15 October 2019 - 02:20 AM
Never Ending Journey (only available for classic Baldur’s gate) -> worth it. I think I will be reinstalling it every time I play classical BG2.
Difficulty in reviewing the mod: It is difficult to review this mod, because Vlad thinks of it as an unicum that has to be appreciated together with the entirety of components of Vlad’s compilation: in fact Vlad’s compilation has components that actually integrate and are being used inside NEJ.
So when reviewing Nej I will actually be referring to how Vlad wants Nej to be experienced and so some components from Vlad’s compilation will be “considered” too.
The meat of the mod will be NEJ, not the other stuff being added.
Story, as explained here (http://forums.blackw...p?showtopic=988): This mod is actually a whole game in itself without any connection to the main BG2 plot. The first part of the mod takes you from Irenicus's dungeon back in time approximately 100 years to a small town in the Spine of the World known as Easthaven. If you have played IWD then the plot follows the IWD game from there with many new items and dialogues between NPCs. There is also a new optional kit for Imoen, which retains her original class as thief if you wish, designed specially for her, and three new joinable NPCs. The second part takes place after you have returned to and exited Irenicus's dungeon. There are three more new NPCs whom you can add to your party. Hrothgar's is the main quest/plot and is what NeJ is all about. Throughout the game he will take you into the past several times and also, into the future in order to complete his very important quest. There are many, many new areas to visit as well as those of Baldur's Gate. You will have the opportunity to gain new spells on the completion of mage specific quests and discover new items. All new NPCs come with quests of their own, and all come with their own weapons and items.
Never ending journey is divided in three parts:
- One takes you to IWD
- The second takes you to Halruaa
- The third takes you to IWD
Edit: Review was edited tue to the fact that I'm going to talk about vlad compilation in a separate review.
Edited by Sergio, 17 October 2019 - 03:05 AM.
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.
Posted 24 October 2019 - 01:14 PM
All said, I like NEJ. But we must be honest...
Never Ending Journey (only available for classic Baldur’s gate) -> worth it. I think I will be reinstalling it every time I play classical BG2.
Funny (not haha) that you complain about other mods rehashing areas from the base game, but are thrilled by NEJ's usage.
Also a bit confused- there's been a version of NEJ available for 'BP' (i.e. MegaInstalls) for years.
So when reviewing Nej I will actually be referring to how Vlad wants Nej to be experienced and so some components from Vlad’s compilation will be “considered” too.
Another funny - if you really want to experience NEJ the way Vlad wants, you would never include it in a MegaInstall!
And the funnies keep on coming- when Vlad made the 'Vlad Compilation'. Looks like a megainstall to me!
Edit: Review was edited tue to the fact that I'm going to talk about vlad compilation in a separate review.
I hope you put that not only in a separate thread here, but also on BWL. Vlad will love that.
Keep the reviews coming!
Edited by Azazello, 24 October 2019 - 01:16 PM.
Posted 24 October 2019 - 01:48 PM
1) I don't think you got my opinion right when I talk about area reusage. What I don't like from mods is when they copy paste areas without the minimal effort just to fill it with barely an ounce of content and expect me (and some would say "charname") to actually believe it's a different area just by naming them differently.
What actually happens in Nej is that the author(s) actually used original areas as link to their new content. So, for example, you get a new slavery quest in the old bandit camp, that is used by slavers after all the time passed and the camp got deserted due to your meddling in the past. That actually is a smart way to add content without it feeling like a sore thumb, because you are making new “believable” content for the old areas.
2) The other comments left me a little indecisive about what you want me to realize. All in all, I wrote inside the review that the version I used was the one Vlad published on his website, that Vlad wants it to be installed it in a certain way (see "issue 3" inside the review) and that Nej proved to be stable and without bugs of any sort.
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.
Posted 18 November 2019 - 01:17 AM
Vlad’s compilation -> Worth trying. I like some components more than others. [Baldurash fixpack]
[Tortured Souls] http://forums.blackw...p?showforum=163 -> Worth playing, but I doubt I will install it again.
[Keldorn Romance]
This romance was a rollercoaster. I won’t play it again. Suffice to say that
[Third path] -> almost a must.
6. "Firewalker" Shar-Teel
7. Leina
I got a bug with her that made the romance stuck: so I can’t write my experiences about her. From the little I’ve seen it seems to be decently written.
10. Restored antidragon items
New items to kill dragons. Do I need to add more?
12. Improved Copper Coronet and Slavers Encounters (by Vlad)
This component not only toughens the slavers and makes it so that if you destroy the slavers they will ambush you in some areas of the city every time you return until Underdark.
Also, it seems that the slavers are now linked to the compound you have to enter via the use of a rogue stone in the bridge district, but I didn’t start the quest so I cannot express my thoughts on that.
17 + 19. Cromwell in Brynnlaw and Item Upgrade + cespenar's New Items Upgrade
I already mentioned this in Nej’s review. I like the new upgrades to the items and you are going to get really powerful, as a Bhaalspawn deserve.
All the rest
I won’t make any note about kit mods and difficulty enhancing components. You either like them or don’t, and that is all related to personal feelings.
Edited by Sergio, 18 November 2019 - 01:49 AM.
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.
Posted 18 November 2019 - 03:49 AM
Thank you for your report!
I answered to you in BWL
Posted 18 November 2019 - 05:49 AM
For anyone curious about my exchange with Senka, click here: http://forums.blackw...t=0
Another mod review:
The minotaur and Lilarcor [BG2: http://www.shsforums...r-and-lilacor/] -> I won’t install this mod anymore
According to me, this mod has several flaws:
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.