Bg1 mini quests and encounters -> I didn’t enjoy all the components, but I still would recommend anyone to play the mod in its entirety, then choose whatever you enjoyed the mod.
- Nashkel monster quest: I wouldn’t install this quest if it just stopped in Nashkel. But it doesn’t: the quest continues until Baldur’s gate and it’s curious.
- Many little Paws. Minsc and more hamsters. The characterization is on point and the quest is funny. Try it.
- Slime quest. It's a good quest, with nice evil options. Try it

- VI. Undying Love in the Fishing Village: There are many chance to roleplay (and lot of different dialogues options to choose from) that give you the chance to characterize charname.
All the the other components did not match my expectations. Some (subjectives) notes on the why...
1) Beregost family: to me, this quest does not match thematically baldur’s gate.
2) Babysitter quest: to me, quest does not match thematically baldur’s gate.
3) Fallen paladin quest: there is no true “payoff” for the player.
4) Lovesick halforc: I felt no payoff for the player.
5) Unexpected help quest: I’m indifferent toward this content.
6) Drunk near beregost temple: this quest would be a must have quest if what is implied by dialogues happened to be true. You meet a drunkard near the temple and he tells you that if you are not going away, he is going to make you regret poking him. How? Because he is a lich. None of this happens, sadly, he just falls off sleeping.
7) A warm place for noober: no attachment whatsoever to noober and I don’t care about him enough to install this content.

10) A worried farmer: A farmer asks you to check what is going on behind his house during the night. It’s just another ghoul ... and you get 35 coins (50 gold, -1 reputation if you go evil) + 175 xp. I don’t care.
Three other components warrant a more extensive review:
XIII. Legal Seachart Sources -> try it. I won’t be reinstalling this in next playthroughs
13. A by Lumorus: If the PC helped Aldeth Sashenstar in the Cloakwood as well inside the Merchants' League, Aldeth will be very interested in the research and Balduran's artefacts. He will enable access to the sea charts without the need to steal them or intoxicate the captain.
Some notes:
1) if you bring Balduran’s artifacts to the merchant league you get more gold coins than actually selling the stuff to “vanilla” merchants.
2) This option may be appealing for paladins that respect AD&D ethos: and is available ONLY if you spared Aldeth in Cloakwood league. For anyone wondering what I mean by paladin ethos, see here:
13.B CALABALD (= Calahan + Balduran's Island) by Shuv-Oohl: The sailor Calahan in Ulgoth's Beard wouldn't be a real sailor if he wouldn't have sea charts of his own. He won't part with them without an appropriate compensation, though... PCs with enough gold have now the possibility to go to Balduran's island before entering Baldur's Gate.
Some notes:
1) You can access this piece of content only if you click the option “Knowledge is a worth pursuit” when talking to Mendas (as the original game requires; see here: Otherwise, you will not meet Calahan.
2) To me, paying 8k gold coins to Calahan to access Balduran’s isle before Baldur’s gate is not appealing. In fact...
3) You first pay Calahan 5k, then some time later he asks for 3k more. The issue is that you have to accept his request otherwise your 5k are totally lost and if you go evil after his 3k request (by killing him) he has no seacharts on his body.
XIV. Additions to the House of the Lady and the Bitch Queen's Temple -> try it. I won’t reinstall anymore this component.
14.A Prevent Jalanthe from Making a Mistake, by Lumorus: The High Priest of the Water Queen requests a Book of Wisdom for the scroll of dispel. But would it really be a wise idea for her to rely on another god's help? The PC now can ask explicitly whether the priestess is sure that Umberlee would be pleased if the ceremony was done with the wisdom received by Tymora...
If you want an expansion to the quest that gives you the chance to actually tell the high priestess not to use the book, you are welcome. Personally, I don’t feel the need to change the original quest to begin with.
14.B Tremain's Sellout: in the original game, Tremain asks the PC to retrieve his dead son from the temple of Umberlee, so he can revive him. The PC now has the possibility to bring the son to the temple, instead.
Some notes:
1) You don’t get any reward by bringing the body to the temple.
2) Text error
retreive = should be retrieve.
I would never go this path with charname, even if I was evil.
I will skip this component in my next playthroughs.
Bodies for a good cause -> try it, but I won’t reinstall it.
A necromancer (that you find in the silence shop, E baldur’s gate) asks for your help: he found a way to use necromantic energies to actually resurrect people as if he was a cleric but to test his findings he needs some bodies. He asks you to bring him corpses and to get them from the sewers. Every body you give him, he gives you 150 gold. You bring him 6 bodies and he leave the Silence sho
This is a fetch quest (I don’t appreciate them very much), but at least it has a justification and uses the corpses you probably would leave inside the sewers. Said this:
1) You can’t detect if Sylar intentions are noble, because Sylar has magic resistance
2) Killing Sylar gives no experience
3) Text error: Discredit -> Discredit
Edited by Sergio, 07 December 2020 - 01:15 AM.