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So the Infinity Animation update..

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#141 Insomniator

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Posted 21 May 2022 - 02:28 PM

false_color         (IESDP description, IA BG2 paletted/unpaletted ?, vanilla BG2 Chars have 1)

false_color         (IESDP description, IA BG1 paletted/unpaletted ?)

Yeah, these are basically paletted (false_color = 1) and unpaletted (false_color = 0). Will it be possible to add false_color to EXTANIM for other animations? That way we won't be restricted to specific subranges for paletted/unpaletted anims anymore.



In BG2EE each anim type has this field, In classic BG2  Icewind, Ankheg and some other don't

Edited by Insomniator, 21 May 2022 - 02:54 PM.

#142 Insomniator

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Posted 21 May 2022 - 02:47 PM


Ok, so for reference what exactly would be the difference in armor/robe appearance code for each?

Currently only W has meaning - fake mage class animation check in few BG1 functions, staticIA BG1 mages already has harcoded check for anim range 6430-6435
EDIT: It allows 2W/3W/4W equipped robe appereance for mages as original engine does for BG2 mages with AnimID mask x2xx. For non-mage classes any 2W/3W/4W robe converted to 1W robe appereance

Edited by Insomniator, 22 May 2022 - 10:49 AM.

#143 Insomniator

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Posted 21 May 2022 - 02:49 PM


v4 update has bug with IA BG1 chars if resref_paperdoll specified and not equal resref


this is fix


also class column added

#144 skellytz

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Posted 21 May 2022 - 03:20 PM

I added 60xx(BG2 Chars)/640x(BG2 Legacy Chars)/641x(BG1 Chars) experimental external animation prefix support to TobEx AL (tested a little on vanilla BG2 with and without IA )

I've tested all character subranges with v5. Everything works well except for anim_class and height_code_shield.



When set to W, robe levels show up properly, but now they play leather/chain/plate amor movement sounds (ARM_xxx.wav)




height_code = s@b

height_code_shield = s@c


Shield object paperdoll shows up properly s@cpd2in.bam


Shield object animation should be s@cd2g1.bam but incorrectly expects s@bd2g1.bam

#145 Insomniator

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Posted 22 May 2022 - 09:43 AM

Hi skellytz

I added 60xx(BG2 Chars)/640x(BG2 Legacy Chars)/641x(BG1 Chars) experimental external animation prefix support to TobEx AL (tested a little on vanilla BG2 with and without IA )

I've tested all character subranges with v5. Everything works well except for anim_class and height_code_shield.

Thanks for test and bugreports !

When set to W, robe levels show up properly, but now they play leather/chain/plate amor movement sounds (ARM_xxx.wav)

i will check

height_code = s@b
height_code_shield = s@c
Shield object paperdoll shows up properly s@cpd2in.bam
Shield object animation should be s@cd2g1.bam but incorrectly expects s@bd2g1.bam

This is original behavior of EquipShield(), it take HeightCode for shield object animations, but take HeightCodeShieldPaperDoll for inventory BAM. Even Bioware's name of this variable tell about special purpose.
Only 7 AnimIDs has different shield object and shield inventory codes, WQH used only for shield and only for 7 AnimIDs:
6303 CIMB  THIEF_MALE_HALFLING HeightCode= WQS  HeightCodeHelmet= WQS HeightCodeShieldPaperDoll = WQH
Seems for Halfling/Dwarf shield paperdolls they introduced(or reused BG1) separate 4 WQH BAMs: WPHD1INV.BAM WPHD2INV.BAM WPHD3INV.BAM WPHD4INV.BAM.
EquipHelmet() take proper HeightCodeHelmet as base for objects and inventory, no differences


I can bypass this logic and use height_code_shield for object and inventory if code specified in 2DA

Edited by Insomniator, 22 May 2022 - 09:47 AM.

#146 Salk

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Posted 22 May 2022 - 10:26 AM

Forgive the intrusion but I have a question for Insomniator about the BG1 animations dual-wielding fix that is currently part of Andrea C.'s miscellaneous tweaks.


The current status is such that if the player equip the off hand weapon first and then the main hand weapon later, the avatar will attack using the main hand weapon while equipping the main hand weapon first and the off hand weapon later, the avatar animation will be bare handed attack. Correct?


Being very much aware that creating new animations for the BG1 sprites is a pipedream, I was wondering if it might at least be possible to always force the avatar to use the main hand weapon animation, ignoring what order the weapons were equipped.



Edited by Salk, 22 May 2022 - 10:27 AM.

#147 Insomniator

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Posted 22 May 2022 - 11:09 AM

Hi Salk

The current status is such that if the player equip the off hand weapon first and then the main hand weapon later, the avatar will attack using the main hand weapon while equipping the main hand weapon first and the off hand weapon later, the avatar animation will be bare handed attack. Correct?


Being very much aware that creating new animations for the BG1 sprites is a pipedream, I was wondering if it might at least be possible to always force the avatar to use the main hand weapon animation, ignoring what order the weapons were equipped

It is not full-featured fix, just bypass CTD to run with off hand weapon.

To enable forced main hand animation - i think it is possible, but i keep it disabled by default because it mess up player's visual experience

#148 Salk

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Posted 22 May 2022 - 11:28 PM

Hello, Insomniator.


To enable forced main hand animation - i think it is possible, but i keep it disabled by default because it mess up player's visual experience


But isn't the visual experience more messed up by showing a bare hand attack?

#149 Andrea C.

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Posted 23 May 2022 - 01:12 AM

But isn't the visual experience more messed up by showing a bare hand attack?

To be fair, clicking the main-hand weapon again to make it display after equipping an off-hand weapon isn't very time consuming so it's not like people will be punching enemies to death on a regular basis with BG1 sprites ;)

#150 Salk

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Posted 23 May 2022 - 06:32 AM

Hello, Andrea.

But isn't the visual experience more messed up by showing a bare hand attack?

To be fair, clicking the main-hand weapon again to make it display after equipping an off-hand weapon isn't very time consuming so it's not like people will be punching enemies to death on a regular basis with BG1 sprites ;)

Yes, but it'd still be more messed up than not having to do that at all because there's no punching whatsoever.

#151 Insomniator

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Posted 23 May 2022 - 10:31 AM

Hi Salk, Andrea


Check improved off hand support for BG1 chars:

1) No more need old 5B9977 75->EB 5CCB00 74->EB 5B9A26 75->EB 5FFB5D 74->EB hacks, now no missed animation BAMs


2) Enabled Off hand weapon paperdoll on inventory screen, you need place proper-named files to override folder

WP[S/M/L] + WeaponCode + "O" + "IN.BAM"

Halfling with Axe: WPS + AX + O + IN.BAM = WPSAXOIN.BAM


BG2 has many WP*OIN.bam paperdolls, but i don't sure is it BG1 compatible paperdolls or not


3) Area animation forced to use main hand weapon, no matter order of equiping weapons


4) to enable tweak, add new line to TobExTweak.ini:

UI:Enable BG1 Animation Off Hand weapon=1



(ignore *.2DA insode archive)

#152 skellytz

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Posted 23 May 2022 - 07:11 PM

I can bypass this logic and use height_code_shield for object and inventory if code specified in 2DA

Ok, height_code_shield would make more sense then.


2) Enabled Off hand weapon paperdoll on inventory screen, you need place proper-named files to override folder
BG2 has many WP*OIN.bam paperdolls, but i don't sure is it BG1 compatible paperdolls or not

I'll help test this. Offhand paperdolls are correctly aligned for IA BG1 restored characters. There seems to be a problem with object colors, though.


Try this:

1. Equip main hand weapon sw1h04 - blade uses ITM color (opcode #7 set color)

2. Equip offhand weapon sw1h07 - blade uses CRE color (matches armor color 0x31)

3. Unequip offhand -> main hand blade loses ITM color

4. Equip offhand again -> main hand blade inherits CRE color


3) Area animation forced to use main hand weapon, no matter order of equiping weapons

This seems to work fine.


4) to enable tweak, add new line to TobExTweak.ini:

Just a small note: APPEND_FILE and inlined tempfile TobExAL uses to add new keys to TobExTweak.ini forces end-of-line to LF for these keys. So, if somebody is using a simple text editor on Windows (rather than eg Notepad++), it will show them in a single line.

#153 Andrea C.

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Posted 23 May 2022 - 11:20 PM

I can't seem to download that file. It keeps sending me to some spammy hentai link.

#154 Insomniator

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Posted 23 May 2022 - 11:49 PM

I can't seem to download that file. It keeps sending me to some spammy hentai link.


#155 Andrea C.

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Posted 24 May 2022 - 03:00 AM

Thank you, Insomniator.


In my game, it does prevent the CTD when dual-wielding without the need for the old hack to be installed, but the rest of the fixes does not appear to be working. I'm on BGT with 1PP as well, in case that's a factor?

#156 Insomniator

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Posted 24 May 2022 - 06:02 AM

Hi Andrea, Skellytz, Sam

2) Enabled Off hand weapon paperdoll on inventory screen, you need place proper-named files to override folder

BG2 has many WP*OIN.bam paperdolls, but i don't sure is it BG1 compatible paperdolls or not

I'll help test this. Offhand paperdolls are correctly aligned for IA BG1 restored characters. There seems to be a problem with object colors, though.
Try this:
1. Equip main hand weapon sw1h04 - blade uses ITM color (opcode #7 set color)
2. Equip offhand weapon sw1h07 - blade uses CRE color (matches armor color 0x31)
3. Unequip offhand -> main hand blade loses ITM color
4. Equip offhand again -> main hand blade inherits CRE color

also v6 lost main hand animation when off-hand weapon was unequipped


v7, fixed: 1) inventory colors and 2) lost animation

i hope now un/equipping off-hand weapon do not touch main hand animation





1) Since v6 false_color moved from extani60 and extani64 to global EXTANIM.2DA

it affects other animation types except 0xxx, 4xxx, Bxxx, Dxxx(tobex dosn't have hooks for this types yet) and all other types without this field like Exxx

2) I never hear armor sound from mages with robes, please check on v7 this bug on your installation

#157 Insomniator

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Posted 24 May 2022 - 06:06 AM


In my game, it does prevent the CTD when dual-wielding without the need for the old hack to be installed, but the rest of the fixes does not appear to be working. I'm on BGT with 1PP as well, in case that's a factor?

If you don't see off-hand paperdolls, seems 1pp skips tobex injects, i didnt checked with 1pp yet

I need 1pp weidu log  to repeat your installation

#158 Andrea C.

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Posted 24 May 2022 - 08:03 AM



here's my WeiDU log.


Got a CTD earlier. Is it possible that this ToBEx DLL requires 2DA files from the latest versions you've made for skellytz that weren't in your latest official release?


Unfortunately I installed ToBEx AL very early on in my stack, right after the original ToBEx. Restacking now would be a bit of a b!tch but I could put the files manually into the override folder.

#159 Insomniator

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Posted 24 May 2022 - 07:06 PM

here's my WeiDU log.


Got a CTD earlier. Is it possible that this ToBEx DLL requires 2DA files from the latest versions you've made for skellytz that weren't in your latest official release?

new 2DAs requires only if Externalise Animation Config Override=1 in TobExCore.ini

off-hand fixes are independed


Unfortunately I installed ToBEx AL very early on in my stack, right after the original ToBEx. Restacking now would be a bit of a b!tch but I could put the files manually into the override folder.

replacing dll is enough


#160 Insomniator

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Posted 26 May 2022 - 07:03 AM

Hi Andrea

Got a CTD earlier. Is it possible that this ToBEx DLL requires 2DA files from the latest versions you've made for skellytz that weren't in your latest official release?
Unfortunately I installed ToBEx AL very early on in my stack, right after the original ToBEx. Restacking now would be a bit of a b!tch but I could put the files manually into the override folder.

1) I found crash, 0x7xxx animation regression, probably it is same as your crash
2) i have no issues when 1pp installed, inventory screen and area animation work as expected
3) 0x7xxx animation fix
4) If you still have some crash, attach crash dump bgmain_crash.zip
5) Also enable logging of missed resources, if you miss something about animation BAMs, you get crash, this is original engine behaviour:
1) baldur.ini
[Program Options]
Logging On=1 
Log File Mode=1
Log Missing Resources=1

Output messages will be stored in Baldur.log

p.s. Install TobEx AL/Improved GUI at end because it is frequently updated mod

Also new TobEx AL's "Remove doubled Improved Invisibility saving throws +4 bonuses" works as fix to bg2fixpack and must be installed after (i forget to point this in last TobEx documentation)

Edited by Insomniator, 26 May 2022 - 07:08 AM.