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So the Infinity Animation update..

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#61 Andrea C.

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Posted 21 June 2021 - 05:30 AM

Now you see the problem: All BG1 sprites occupy slots in the 0x64xx series, which means dual-classing always invariably results in the character acquiring a BG2 sprite, potentially of the wrong race and gender (gender and race are determined by the other two digits in the animation slot, though I can't recall which is which; if the gender-to-digit and race-to-digit relationships were not upheld when assigning slots to BG1 sprites, then dual-classing can lead to acquiring sprites of the wrong race and/or gender.)



Second digit is class:


0x60XX = Cleric

0x61XX = Fighter

0x62XX = Mage

0x63XX = Thief


Third digit is sex:


0x6x0x = Male

0x6x1x = Female


Fourth digit is race:


0x6xx0 = Human

0x6xx1 = Elf / Half-Elf

0x6xx2 = Dwarf

0x6xx3 = Halfling

0x6xx4 = Gnome

0x6xx5 = Half-Orc


Infinity Animations does not abide by this convention when restoring BG1 sprites, which makes it so that dual-classing from a BG1 sprite always results in a wrong sprite being assigned to the character.


Obviously restored BG1 sprites cannot occupy the proper slots or they would overwrite BG2 sprites (and fail, since they won't work in a BG2-style slot).


However, it would be good form to at least follow the convention when it comes sex and race (second digit can remain 4 so they occupy a BG1-style slot.) This way, dual-classing should result in the correct BG2 sprite being assigned; players can then manually change it back to a BG1 sprite if they want, but it won't be out of whack if they don't.


Hold that thought. Insomniator says it probably wouldn't be so hot to change slot assignments at this point. He might be adding a component to ToBEx AfterLife to handle dual-classing with BG1 sprites.

Edited by Andrea C., 21 June 2021 - 10:37 PM.

#62 Andrea C.

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Posted 22 June 2021 - 01:40 AM



Could you add LAOLA.CRE, FERGUS.CRE, and FLAM13.CRE to the list of Flaming Fist CRE files that could optionally retain their cleric sprite?

CAEDMON.CRE as well, please.

#63 Andrea C.

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Posted 27 June 2021 - 10:37 AM

It seems that Doom Guards and Battle Horrors do not receive the BG1 male human fighter animation when using the relative IA component.

These are the CREs:






I don't know if/how mod-added CREs can be picked up. SCS adds a Battle Horror CRE called DW#DAVHO.CRE.

#64 Andrea C.

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Posted 05 July 2021 - 09:36 AM

MOAR stuff.


The Enhanced Editions also suffer from the mage robe issue. In the classics, Insomniator has come to the rescue with ToBEx AfterLife, but for the Enhanced Editions we need a different solution.


I have one in place that I'd be happy to share, so Gwendolyne hit me up with PM if you're interested.

#65 Andrea C.

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Posted 11 July 2021 - 01:53 AM



Could you add LAOLA.CRE, FERGUS.CRE, and FLAM13.CRE to the list of Flaming Fist CRE files that could optionally retain their cleric sprite?

CAEDMON.CRE as well, please.


Edited by Andrea C., 11 July 2021 - 06:09 AM.

#66 Andrea C.

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Posted 12 July 2021 - 06:51 AM

Is it possible to make the palette recolors optional in IA v6?


Some of them (e.g. green overlay on the tanar'ri animation for nabassu) looks pretty bad.

#67 Avallach

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Posted 20 November 2021 - 10:21 AM

Sorry for necroing the thread, but wanted to ask if the IA update is still in works? :)

#68 The Imp

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Posted 21 November 2021 - 10:53 AM

Nothing has changed since last time I was here, so let's decleare this a dead thread.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#69 Salk

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Posted 30 November 2021 - 10:50 PM

Gwendolyne is in charge of updating IA and we were all hoping to see a release sometimes this year as a new version's been really in the works for a long time now.


Unfortunately he is in charge of updating a ton of other modifications as well and it seems there are many such modifications that have had a much higher priority or, possibly, they require less work and for that very reason can be updated first and more frequently.


Said that, there has been work on updating IA this year as people could easily figure by checking the github's page here: https://github.com/G...nity-Animations


While it is of great concern the fact that there has been no work done for some months, it would not be true to call the development of IA "dead" or "cancelled".


It's just, again unfortunately, extremely slow going.

Edited by Salk, 30 November 2021 - 10:50 PM.

#70 Andrea C.

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Posted 21 April 2022 - 07:53 AM

Gwendolyne could you add code to the new version of IA that appends aniwksnd.2DA (the 2DA created by ToBEx to externalize creature walking sounds) with BG1 character sprite entries when the relevant component is installed?


Otherwise enabling the Externalize Creature Walking Animation setting in ToBEx results in no walking sounds at all for BG1 character sprites.

#71 TotoR

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Posted 22 April 2022 - 05:32 AM

Hi Gwendolyne,


I have a wish for the next version of IA, that it'll be possible to have controls over witch NWN animation is installed... To be true, biggers ones are ugly - don't look at those frost and fire giant Females... - or don't really fit with vanilla graphics (succubus and basilisk...).


furthermore, could it be possible to also make 'vampire animation' from moiness avatar component optional ? this animation seems a bit too far from original concerpt art.


In addition, I have some remarks on the current version:


- components 49 et 50 have been invert - you would install 'some beggars' instead of 'some beggars and slaves' and vice versa

- zombju01.cre is not a zombie lord, maybe it would be sensible to use normal zombie animation like zombiew.cre

- ichary.cre has a weapon (fail+1) that don't fit Wights Barrow animation

- firmon04.cre has a weapon (stonefire axe) that don't fit with Revenant animation

- ddguard3.cre and genie03.cre are a dao (not a djinni)

- ddguard5.cre is an efreeti (not a dao)

- firkraag guardians (ddguardx.cre) should have all been efreet as pnp lore... however visual diversity is nice in this case.

- 9xgenie.cre and u!kgen could be added to the dao list

- DAO and DAO_LEGS animation don't have the same color


Lastly, and as I am at it, the JANN and DAO animations are really nicely done with different colors for the 3 majors parts (body, clothes and jewels). In comparison, MARID end EFREET are poorly done - they seem to be "only" the application of a color filter on the DJINNI animations. What would it take to rework those animations with more sensible colors for body parts, clothes and jewels ?


Edited by TotoR, 22 April 2022 - 05:40 AM.

#72 Salk

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Posted 25 April 2022 - 09:20 PM

It would be nice to have a modernized version of this out soon because now many years have passed and it starts to feel like Jarno's predictions of doom are taking shape.


A new version doesn't need to be perfect just out of the box but keeping it under wrap for too long won't even give people a chance to test it properly and give feedback.

#73 Avallach

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Posted 27 April 2022 - 01:20 PM

I'd honestly just settle for a more user-friendly installation without all the weird symbols that have been causing me trouble on multiple PCs over the years. :D

(which to my knowledge has already been fixed in the WiP version on github?)


But yeah, hopefully there's gonna be an update soon. Actually holding off from starting my BG2 playthrough, just for this mod's update. :)

Edited by Avallach, 27 April 2022 - 01:20 PM.

#74 skellytz

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Posted 27 April 2022 - 04:23 PM

Guys, let me assure you the project is coming along. There is simply little satisfaction in releasing anything of this magnitude in a half-baked state. There have been obvious hindrances for anybody trying to get by in this mess of pandemic- and terrorism-afflicted world. There are priorities. Don't take the lack of response or GitHub commits as signs of lost interest. That being said, if you look at SHS GitHub repos, there have been updates to various other less-demanding projects. People are still there, alive and willing, but they need to gather some strength before venturing forth.


If you haven't been following TobEx updates, Insomniator has helped us immensely by implementing engine hacks necessary to fix some long-standing animation and soundset issues. Thanks to that, classic BG2 modders will now have a full toolset to tweak things like animation walking speed, footcircle size, walking sound frequency, chunked death and non-conflicting creature soundsets. Nothing short of amazing, as we'd been trying to get those features into the classics for years.


There are some exciting things coming. Give them time.

Edited by skellytz, 16 May 2022 - 01:50 PM.

#75 Salk

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Posted 27 April 2022 - 09:54 PM



of course what you say is very understandable.


But the official last release of Infinity Animation is literally 12 years old and honestly people looking in here could hardly believe that the current development version could be in a "half-baked state" after this one year old announcement from the maintainer:




I was just about to release v6.0.0 beta 1 for classic games...

I am personally very glad to read your message and I am sure everyone interested in this modification is as well.  :cheers:



#76 skellytz

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Posted 28 April 2022 - 07:06 AM

That was, of course, a blatant exaggeration on my part. What I meant was, even if the new version of IA is mostly done, everything must be thought-out, well-documented and double-checked for compatibility. After all, IA isn't just a mod; it's a complete toolset for adding new animations. Based on all the meticulous care given to prior mod updates like 1PP, which also took a long time to complete, we can fully trust Gwendolyne's judgement :)

#77 Salk

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Posted 28 April 2022 - 07:14 AM

Oh absolutely!


I have the greatest respect for Gwendolyne's work and judgement.

I know that with people like Gwendolyne, you and Insomniator (to mention a few) our future is in good hands...  :cheers:

#78 Sam.

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Posted 28 April 2022 - 03:30 PM

If you haven't been following TobEx updates, Insominator has helped us immensely by implementing engine hacks necessary to fix some long-standing animation and soundset issues. Thanks to that, classic BG2 modders will now have a full toolset to tweak things like animation walking speed, footcircle size, walking sound frequency, chunked death and non-conflicting creature soundsets. Nothing short of amazing, as we'd been trying to get those features into the classics for years.

Considering these developments, does the IA Reference Picker need another rewrite?  I'm willing and able, but would need a bit to re-familiarize myself with the inner workings.

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#79 skellytz

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Posted 28 April 2022 - 07:36 PM

Considering these developments, does the IA Reference Picker need another rewrite?

Give me some time; I'll write up a brief summary of the new TobEx AfterLife animation hacks and all APPENDs to externalized 2DAs, so you can decide if IARP needs an update.

#80 skellytz

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Posted 08 May 2022 - 04:13 PM

If you haven't been following TobEx updates, Insominator has helped us immensely by implementing engine hacks necessary to fix some long-standing animation and soundset issues. Thanks to that, classic BG2 modders will now have a full toolset to tweak things like animation walking speed, footcircle size, walking sound frequency, chunked death and non-conflicting creature soundsets. Nothing short of amazing, as we'd been trying to get those features into the classics for years.

Considering these developments, does the IA Reference Picker need another rewrite?  I'm willing and able, but would need a bit to re-familiarize myself with the inner workings.

Currently, when claiming a slot the IA Reference Picker suggests the following code (an example):


APPEND ~animate.ids~ ~0x54B8 WENDIGO~ UNLESS ~^0x54[Bb]8~
APPEND ~anisnd.ids~ ~0x54B8 ŁCK      CGAMEANIMATIONTYPE_WENDIGO~ UNLESS ~^0x54[Bb]8~


This simply adds information to the IDS reference files, where:

0x54B8 is the animation offset hardcoded by IA as BG1 Simple Monster, Normal 3 footcircle size, unpaletted
WENDIGO is the animation name
ŁCK is the animation code used for BAM and 2DA soundset filenames (hardcoded by IA)


Without TobEx, the new animation will use the default hardcoded:
- walking sound (WAL_24[ABC].wav)
- walking sound frequency (~0.5 sec between each walking sound)
- walking speed (9)
- blood and chunked death behavior


With the original TobEx modders can set custom walking sounds:


APPEND ~aniwksnd.2da~ ~0x54B8	WENDIGO	WAL_24	4~ UNLESS ~^0x54[Bb]8~
TobEx externalises all animation walking sounds to ANIWKSND.2DA, which allows modmakers to specify custom walking sounds by each animation ID. This is particularly useful for new animations introduced by Infinity Animations.



[ROWNAME]: animation ID
ANIMATION: the name of the animation for your reference (from ANIMATE.IDS)
WALK_SOUND: 6-character string specifying the root name of the walking sound. Longer strings are read truncated. Shorter strings cause havoc! A value of '*' is equivalent to no walking sound.
WALK_NUM: integer specifying the number of walking sounds available for the root name.

As per engine behaviour, a sound file will be loaded with name <WALK_SOUND><random>, where <random> is mapped 0 -> a, 1 -> b, 2 -> c, ..., (WALK_NUM - 1) -> nul.

                  WALK_SOUND     WALK_NUM
0x1234     WAL_20                 4

Walking sound for animation ID 0x1234 loads one of the following sounds:
WAL_20a [0]
WAL_20b [1]
WAL_20c [2]
WAL_20 [3]

If WALK_SOUND is set to 'TERRAIN' and WALK_NUM is set to '*', ANITNSND.2DA is used to determine the walking sound.


With the new version of TobEx AfterLife modders can override the hardcoded values:


APPEND ~extanim.2da~ ~0x54B8 10 30 * 56 0~ UNLESS ~^0x54[Bb]8~


- sets walking speed to 10
- sets walking sound frequency to 2 sec between each sound (30 / 15 = 2)
- keeps the footcircle size hardcoded to the animation slot
- sets blood color value to 56
- disables chunked death for this animation


----- Externalise Animation Config Override [M]
Externalise some usefull animation parameters to EXTANIM.2DA:

2DA V1.0
0x7B00            9       140         5                48            *

Frst column     - animation id
SPEED           - walk speed
SND_FREQ        - walk sound refresh time, in ticks (tick = 1/15 sec)
PERSONAL_SPACE  - foot/selection size
COLOR_BLOOD     - color of creature's blood
CHUNK_DEATH     - enable chunk death animation
*               - skip changes to this parameter


Note: chunk_death accepts 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled), but internally it instructs the game engine just like color_chunks in BGEE animation INI. In case you're curious, I've updated the descriptions on IESDP:

color_chunks = int

This attribute accepts color gradient values 0-255, but contrary to the key name, it does not change the blood color of the chunked death animation. Instead, it currently works like a switch to enable or disable the chunking animation on death. Any value 0-254 enables the chunked death, and 255 disables it.


sound_freq = int

This attribute specifies the frequency of playing walking sounds to match them with walking animations. It is measured in ticks (1 tick = 1/15 second). For example, "sound_freq=150" plays walking sounds every 10 seconds, and "sound_freq=8" plays walking sounds every 0.5 second.


All appends together:


APPEND ~animate.ids~ ~0x54B8 WENDIGO~ UNLESS ~^0x54[Bb]8~
APPEND ~anisnd.ids~ ~0x54B8 ŁCK      CGAMEANIMATIONTYPE_WENDIGO~ UNLESS ~^0x54[Bb]8~
APPEND ~aniwksnd.2da~ ~0x54B8	WENDIGO	WAL_24	4~ UNLESS ~^0x54[Bb]8~ // requires TobEx
APPEND ~extanim.2da~ ~0x54B8 10 15 * 56 0~ UNLESS ~^0x54[Bb]8~ // requires TobEx AfterLife


Do you think the IA Reference Picker should help modders further tweak their animations using the GUI?