1. Is there a functionality implemented in BWS allowing to provide backup link for a mod, which should be used when BWS decide that the main link is unavailable? Like may be
Down=http:/ /mods.pocketplane.net/AlassaNPC_v3.zip;http:/ /some.other.place/AlassaNPC_v3.zipor
Down=http:/ /mods.pocketplane.net/AlassaNPC_v3.zipor any other way to the same end.
BUDown=http:/ /some.other.place/AlassaNPC_v3.zip
2. There's this short and obscure remark in BWS readme:
BWS/AutoIt3 goes onlineWhat mechanic is behind this description, what exactly is downloaded and where from?
The BWS will try to update the mods data when it starts a BWP install. This is done by looking for some files hosted in the internet. The BWS (which uses the AutoIt3.exe) will attempt to fetch these files from the servers and continue.