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Sirene NPC for BG:EE

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#1 Artemius I

Artemius I
  • Modder
  • 48 posts

Posted 07 August 2018 - 03:50 AM

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File Name: Sirene NPC for BG:EE
File Submitter: Artemius I
File Submitted: 07 Aug 2018
File Category: Sirene (EE)

Sirene is a tiefling paladin of Ilmater, the Crying God, patron of endurance and martyrdom. While she is still new to her responsibilities and uncertain of herself, she is a loyal follower of her faith and devoted the protection of the innocent. At the same time, the stigma of her infernal heritage has made her a lonely and withdrawn individual who desperately seeks the comfort of friendship and trust.

She can be found and recruited outside of the Song of the Morning Temple by a PC of non-evil alignment at level 2 with a minimum of 2500 experience, though she will gain experience to match the PC at the moment of recruitment.

She banters with every Bioware and EE NPC at least once, talking more to good and neutral NPCs, and fourteen friendship talks planned with the option of teasing a romance. Currently there are no quests and no plans to add any.

In Siege of Dragonspear, she can be found in the Iron Throne building. She has a semi-romantic path with a PC with a minimum of 12 Charisma and any gender, alignment or race (though she will still not join evil protagonists).


Mod contents:

1 new NPC with banters, interjections and dialogues with the PC
A new paladin kit, Martyr

Full content for Siege of Dragonspear with a romance with a PC of either gender




Click here to download this file

My major projects:

NPCs: Sirene (BG:EE | BG2:EE), Drake (BG:EE), Aura (BG:EE), Pai'Na (BG2:EE)

Kits: The Artisan's Kitpack, Bardic Wonders, Warlock, Shadow Magic

Tweaks: Artemius' House Tweaks

In-progress: Aura BG2, Drake BG2, The Fallen Light, Shadow Magic: Thultanthar

A comprehensive list of my mods

The Artisan's Corner (my personal mod site)

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