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BWPv18 released

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#41 EvilMax

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Posted 12 August 2018 - 10:05 PM

Hi everyone,


If someone installed Critter Parts mod you can encounter issue that most of the BAM animated images (parts icons) are prepared in wrong way: small part contains wrong center coordinated and sometimes smaller frame (32x32) is absent. I've corrected most of the issues using NI and propose to include this to the Fixpack or just overwrite mod files before install or copy to Override directory after.



Attached Files

#42 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 13 August 2018 - 12:29 AM

I was aware of this problem but not able to fix them. Thank you!




I have Ascension v1.4.24.  Is it OK to substitute this mod?  I found references to v1.41 and v1.51.  Need help finding Ascension v1.4.23.


This is a typo; should be v1.1.24
Ascension v15BETA is focused on the Enhanced Editions. Other than Ascension v1.4.24 it must be installed AFTER BG2 Fixpack v10. Not tested yet.

All other newer versions are save.
Note: BG1 Mini Quest and Encounters v18 now has 15 components.


I have Tales of Anegh v2.4.  Need help finding Tales of Anegh v2.6.



I have Tales of the Deep Gardens v12.2, Tales of the Deep Gardens v12.3, and Tales of the Deep Gardens v12.4.  Which is the best to use?

The newest one of course.


15.21   --- The Tweaks Anthology v4
I found cdtweaks-v4.exe and Tweaks-Anthology-5_RC1.  Which is the best to use?

Tweaks-Anthology-5_RC1 not tested yet


16.4  --- Hidden Adventures Beta 3
Please tell me where to locate this mod



18.8  --- Divine Remix v8.1
I found Divine Remix v8Beta.exe, but cannot find Divine Remix v8.1.  GitHub has a reference to Divine Remix v8.2a but I also cannot get that mod.  Which is best to use.

Divine Remix v8.2a


19.25  --- The Tweaks Anthology v Beta5 (3)

Typo of course

Thank you for your report.
Your problems obviously result from you are mixing BWP and BWS somehow.
From the history: BWP is the original tool. BWS was meant as a GUI and download tool (which worked really good) that uses BWP for installation. The later maintainers from the BWS tried to make BWS an independent tool for anything and everything. It was never up to date with BWP because it needed BWP as template.
From my opinion BWS looks better, BWP works better.
For a installation of the classic game the BWP is the tool of choice, for a installation of an EE game you must inevitably use BWS.


Yes, but is there BWP choice for "install all the mods I've downloaded, _nothing_ more, _nothing_ less"?

That makes "[1]   Prepare a megamod installation (backup and unzip)" for you. There you have the option "Do you want to unpack the mods out of the "BiG World Downloads" folder?"
That is exactly what you want.


Option #3 on the other hand (with unmodified individual.bat) gives me a preview list with six times more lines than I have downloaded.

The preview shows which mods and components would be installed dependent from your configuration (settings and conflict resolution) by reference to the choosen install file if all mods would be in the download folder. Just ignore the lines for mods that are not in your download folder.

I see there is a need for a guide for the Installpack.

Any suggestions to improve my tool are welcome!

#43 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 13 August 2018 - 05:10 AM



7. Now here's a problem. It wants me to reboot. Why?
  - No application should ever ask for reboot at this day and age, especially without explaining why - even asking admin access is strange, but fine.

Reboot is needed to clear the registry entries otherwise it may happen that single files will not be found although they are existing. The same fault may happen with a running virus scanner. Without admin access the next setup.exe would not be called after the previous one has been executed.

#44 new(Mike)

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Posted 13 August 2018 - 06:03 AM

where is DSotSC V3, i can only find V2.17

#45 The Imp

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Posted 13 August 2018 - 06:06 AM

where is DSotSC V3, i can only find V2.17

You can find a v3 here. ... that of course is the unofficial version, as it's made by K4thos, and not erebusant.

Edited by The Imp, 13 August 2018 - 06:09 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#46 tomkaz

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Posted 13 August 2018 - 09:02 AM

Many thanks to all those who replied to my questions.  The information is a great help.  Although I have played BWP megamod games for close to 20 years, I never had time to learn how to use the tools to fix the mods and never had time to learn to write mods.  Tried BWS.  I found EE mods to have nicer graphics, but not as much fun to play.  Now being retired, I may have time to learn the ins and outs of the classic mod structures.
Hi EvilMax (#39):
I assume you are saying to use the latest version of each mod.  But to expect some problems.  I am not familiar with ChangeLog so I will look up how to use it.
Hi Greenhorn (#40):
I think the mod you are referring to is Umbra of TROw - Arena v1.0.
Hi EvilMax (#41):
I guess I will skip Critter Parts EE v1.1 until there is a fix.
Hi Leonardo (#42):
BWP.pdf v18 installs Ascension before BG2 Fixpack v10.  So I assume I should get Ascension v15BETA and install it after BG2 Fixpack v10.  I will try to use Ascension v1.1.24.
Thanks for Tales of Anegh v26.
I will not use Tweaks-Anthology-5_RC1.
I hope Hidden Adventures Beta 3 is the same as Hidden Adventures-Master.
Thanks for all your help,

#47 tomkaz

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Posted 13 August 2018 - 09:28 AM

Hi All:
I am confused by the different types of mods.  Here is an example using Region of Terror.  For Region of Terror, there are two types of mods.  One is titled RoTv2.1.rar and the other is titled RoT-EE-master.zip.
Extracting RoTv2.1.rar gives the folder RoTerror and the files Setup-RoT.exe and Setup-RoT.tp2.
Extracting RoT-EE-master.zip gives the folder RoTerror and the files README.md and Setup-RoTerror.exe.  The README.md file tells you that the version is 3.1 EE.
Now for the questions:
For an BWP game, can either mod be used?
Are mods with the word "master" in the title only for BWS games?
How does one tell which mods work with BWP games, BWS games or both?
Does BWP work with any EE mods?
Thanks for any help,

#48 EvilMax

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Posted 13 August 2018 - 10:17 AM

@tomkaz, ChangeLog - this is text in mod docs declaring what is changed in newer versions :)
And about CritterParts fix - I already provided it (see my post above). It is just graphics clitches (icons if to be more specific).
Re Ascension, I've installed 1.4.23, but IIRC 1.4.24 differs by having Italian translation only.

Re RoT use v2.1 for BWPBWP uses SOME of the EE mods, but with conversion. It is better not to use EE mods with BWP except you 100% sure it is compatible and convertible to classic game (i.e. if EE mod isn't listed in BWP pdf, it is better to avoid it)

Edited by EvilMax, 13 August 2018 - 10:22 AM.

#49 tomkaz

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Posted 13 August 2018 - 10:44 AM

Hi EvilMax:
Thanks for your comments.  They are very helpful.  I have been wary of the EE mods and try to avoid them.  I have noticed that some mods have been switched from their original forums to GitHub and BeamDog.  I get the impression that these two are mainly for BWS games.
I get the impression the Rouge Rebalancing v4.92 is missing the Setup-......exe file.  Any chance to find it with another site?

I've moved further discussion on RR setup.exe to this thread where same issue was discussed as well.

Edited by Creepin, 14 August 2018 - 07:45 AM.

#50 EvilMax

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Posted 14 August 2018 - 02:55 AM

Came to Nashkel and found that there are no unique containers I got used to. Checks of individual.bat and process.bat has shown that this component isn't really installed.

I checked CDTWEAKS mod description in BWP manual and compared install log with batch files.



- Make Magic Shields Glow #160 isn't installed

- Unique Icons #170 isn't installed

- Unique Containers #180-182 isn't installed

- Remove Blur Effect from Items, e.g. Cloack of Displacement isn't installed #200


Mod Unique Containers v3 that was replaced by components #180-182 of CDTweaks isn't in BWP anymore.


Question: Leonardo, did you remove components #160, 170, 182 and 200 from cdtweaks from installation (both usual and individual) intentionally or this is bug? I'm asking because in v17.0.5 I see the same situation and in former mod BG2 Tweak pack exactly components untin 140 were present in this component group.


Is it safe to install all of these over existing BWP (in case of bug)?

Edited by EvilMax, 14 August 2018 - 03:03 AM.

#51 jastey

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Posted 14 August 2018 - 06:09 AM



I hope Hidden Adventures Beta 3 is the same as Hidden Adventures-Master.

The current master.zip from here is the beta 3, yes.

#52 EvilMax

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Posted 23 August 2018 - 06:09 AM

More things to be fixed:

- SirinesCall v15 Extended Lighthouse area makes BGT crash when entering this location at night or waiting until night.

File: CTiledObject.cpp
Line: 179


Msg: Tiled object resref not found 

Line could be 244. 179 I got when entering, 244 when waiting until night. Tried to register on PocketPlane, but have no admin approval in a week, so, please, Jastey, can you look into it?
I haven't found a reason, but this bug has workaround: simply don't walk to Lighthouse at night. Go at morning, solve all quest and go away.


- BoneHill creature BHORC01 has wrong look if using animation IC_ORC_RANGE2. Ranged orcs look like a water elementals. Fix: set it to IC_ORC_RANGE4. Reason unknown (IA mod conflict?).

- Some spells icons are missing (for example, summon elementals), some are scaled in wrong way. Some items too. I suspect that reason lays in adoption of several mods to EE which allows not having small icon for item or spell, while classic IE cannot handle such situation properly.

Edited by EvilMax, 23 August 2018 - 06:09 AM.

#53 jastey

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Posted 23 August 2018 - 07:41 AM

More things to be fixed:

- SirinesCall v15 Extended Lighthouse area makes BGT crash when entering this location at night or waiting until night.

File: CTiledObject.cpp
Line: 179


Msg: Tiled object resref not found 

Line could be 244. 179 I got when entering, 244 when waiting until night. Tried to register on PocketPlane, but have no admin approval in a week, so, please, Jastey, can you look into it?
I haven't found a reason, but this bug has workaround: simply don't walk to Lighthouse at night. Go at morning, solve all quest and go away.

Oh nooooo! - Thank you for the report. First it was broken for BG:EE, then fluke13 provided fixes for that, now it's (still?) broken for BGT. I will have a look at it but I'm not sure I can solve this.

#54 EvilMax

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Posted 23 August 2018 - 10:56 AM

It seems that I ignored Leonardo's warnings in manual and installed iiItems, rr's Chosen of Cyric encounter and Turmabar's gradual drow items disintegration. Maybe because of this maybe by the other reason, but on my i7 @3900MHz game lags. More time I play, more items my PC carry, lag makes worse. (Containers aren't bottomless, but anyway).


I've found that BALDUR.BCS script has 41k of rows and is 2.3M compiled. Refinements component #110 gave it +600Kb and drow dust - another +600Kb.


Question to the community: how does BALDUR.BCS is called? I mean, when is it called? Does it called by the game on some repeated manner? How frequently?


Another one: what MegaMod slowdown reasons do you know?

Edited by EvilMax, 23 August 2018 - 11:05 AM.

#55 Gwendolyne

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Posted 23 August 2018 - 11:05 AM

According to Kjeron, twice per second.

Edited by Gwendolyne, 23 August 2018 - 11:06 AM.


In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.

#56 Creepin

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Posted 23 August 2018 - 11:12 AM

EvilMax, you might find some useful info in this thread and this post in regard of ever-running scripts and what to do with these.

The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)

#57 EvilMax

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Posted 23 August 2018 - 11:21 AM

thank you! It seems that this is reaaly from the huge script.


UPD: cleaning made for baldur.bcs 12k of rows instead of 41k and compiled version is 780k now instead of 2.3M. Lags has become slightly better.

Edited by EvilMax, 23 August 2018 - 10:44 PM.

#58 tomkaz

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Posted 26 August 2018 - 09:04 AM

Hi All:
A few typos in Individual.bat or mistakes on my part.
 In BiG World Project v18.pdf, the mod Saradas Magic 2 v1.6 is found in section 11.27.
In individual.bat v18, the mod Saradas Magic 2 v1.6 is found after section 9 after the line Call %EINST% BG2eeW "0".  I expected both in the same section.
I need help with these comments about The Darkest Day.
Option 1: Install BGT after TDD to have imported BGT NPC's from BG1 to get the quests offered by TDD.
Option 2: Install TDD after BGT for TDD NPC's to have their quests function.
I really do not understand the differences between the two.  I would appreciate an explanation.
15.21 The Tweaks Anthology v4
component 3183
Allow multiple romances? (Select 1 or 2)
(2) Allow Multiple
(2) No Changes
(2) Allow Multiple should be (1) Allow Multiple
19.19 The Tweaks Anthology component 2040 appears in two different places in Individual.bat.  This may not be a typo but just my lack of understanding the code.
Call %EINSTI% cdtweaks "1220 1230 2040 2090 2192"
%IFNS%refinements.exe Call %EINSTI% cdtweaks "2200"
findstr /I /M "CSOBWPO" %SET%>nul
if errorlevel 1 (
findstr /I /M "TDD.TP2~.*#.*#0./ BP.TP2~.*#.*#14./" %ELOG%>nul
if errorlevel 1 (
Call %EINSTI% cdtweaks "2210"
:: components 2240, 2250, 2260, 2270, 2280, 2290 will be skipped, if one of the conflicting mods is installed
findstr /I /M "CSOBWPO" %SET%>nul
if errorlevel 1 (
Call %EINSTI% cdtweaks "2040"
2.16 Vlad's Compilation v1.0
1)  Makes references to Keldorn NPC mod.  I found Keldorn Romance v1.02 but nothing to Keldorn NPC mod. Also found Keldorn v101.
2)  Also confused between Tortured Souls v7.06 and TS.
3)  Vlad's Compilation component 31 is listed as install in Vlad's Compilation (2) while it is installed in Vlad's Compilation (3).
Thanks for any help, especially with TDD and Vlad's mod.

#59 Greenhorn

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Posted 26 August 2018 - 10:05 AM

I could be very wrong about this Tom as I didn't tried it myself but my understanding is that first option for TDD involves "Import more NPCs into Shadow of Amn " component of BGT tweak pack, while the second option is valid for BG1 NPC brought by TDD. Take this explanation with grain of salt however, as I'm far from certain about that.

#60 tomkaz

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Posted 26 August 2018 - 01:27 PM

Hi Greenhorn:


Thanks for your comments.  I am up to SCS checking out all the components.  Guess about four more days until I can put a game together and see if it works.  I will give the first option a try.

