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BWPv18 released

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#21 new(Mike)

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Posted 09 August 2018 - 05:43 AM

No, installer will ask you to prepare anyway and you must agree. But you simply give him path to the folder where you unpacked mods - it will just check them and you hanve no necessity to repack them. To save your time you can disagree to backup original game. 

In the BWP17 or earlier, I can choose [2] Install the megamod? to install mods, I needn't choose [1] Prepare a megamod installation (backup and unzip)?.

In the BWP18 , if I don't choose [1] Prepare a megamod installation (backup and unzip)?.,I cannot go on install mods.

when i choose [1] Prepare a megamod installation (backup and unzip)?, it tell me "There is no folder "BiG World Downloads" in the same directory. But in fact I have build a "BiG World Downloads" empty folder,no files in the folder. the window appears "You must first prepare a megamod installation before you can install it."
no message tell input the folder where you unpacked mods and i cannot go on install
if i donot choose [1] Prepare a megamod installation (backup and unzip)? ,I cannot choose [2] Install the megamod?

now, i don't know how i can go on my installotion

I want to know if it is possible for me to install BWP18 to only choose [2] Install the megamod? without choosing [1] Prepare a megamod installation (backup and unzip)?

#22 EvilMax

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Posted 09 August 2018 - 06:34 AM

I already wrote that you can't. There are possible some hacks with txt files generated by install... Anyway, I advice you to stick with more reliable scenario.


1. Copy all unpacked mods including installlpack, fixpack and textpack into the Big World Downloads floder (or any else)

2. Copy this folder contents to clean BG2 installation with prepared baldur.ini folder

3. Run installpack. Choose [1] Prepare a megamod installation (backup and unzip)... It will ask you where is your downloaded mods. Give it a path to the directory with already unpacked mods - this is OK.. Do not choose backup (if you backed clean BG2 before) - this faten process. Or backup if it is slow to reinstall clean BG2 in case of failure (it could happen). Allow installer check presense of mods - this is fast, because it will see that you're already done with unpacking and just check installers.

4. Continue with your installation.


This way I installed my BWP v18

Edited by EvilMax, 09 August 2018 - 06:37 AM.

#23 new(Mike)

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Posted 09 August 2018 - 08:02 AM

I already wrote that you can't. There are possible some hacks with txt files generated by install... Anyway, I advice you to stick with more reliable scenario.
1. Copy all unpacked mods including installlpack, fixpack and textpack into the Big World Downloads floder (or any else)
2. Copy this folder contents to clean BG2 installation with prepared baldur.ini folder
3. Run installpack. Choose [1] Prepare a megamod installation (backup and unzip)... It will ask you where is your downloaded mods. Give it a path to the directory with already unpacked mods - this is OK.. Do not choose backup (if you backed clean BG2 before) - this faten process. Or backup if it is slow to reinstall clean BG2 in case of failure (it could happen). Allow installer check presense of mods - this is fast, because it will see that you're already done with unpacking and just check installers.
4. Continue with your installation.
This way I installed my BWP v18

1. Copy all unpacked mods including installlpack, fixpack and textpack into the Big World Downloads floder
2. Copy this folder contents to clean BG2 installation with prepared baldur.ini folder
3. Run installpack. Choose [1] Prepare a megamod installation (backup and unzip)... It will ask you where is Baldur's Gate folder, i input the path
4. ask me if i will backup, i choose no,
5. sak me "Do you want to unpack the mods out of the "BiG World Downloads" folder? otherwise press 'N' to quit this tool. if i choose n, the installation is over, cannot carry on
if i choose y, the installation continues
6. ask "Do you want to list all mods existing in the BiG World Downloads directory?", if i choose n, the installation is over, cannot carry on
if i choose y, the installation continues
7. ask "If you agree with your downloaded mods start unpacking by pressing enter." after i press enter,
command line error:
too short switch

then the installation is over, i donot know how to do

My OS is Win 8.1
i donot know if this is caused by my OS

#24 EvilMax

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Posted 09 August 2018 - 09:47 AM

Haven't encountered that. Maybe, something isn't unpacked correctly or you have some archive/unknown format in your downloaded dir.

Here is the structure of directory containing unpacked mods. All these files I manually copied to BG2 directory before install. Maybe this will help.




More investigations about Rjali.

tpa\multi.tpa contains folloowing code:

  COPY_EXISTING ~DORN.bcs~ ~override~
      REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~!Global("DornRomanceActive","GLOBAL",[12])~ ~False()~

  COPY_EXISTING ~HEXXAT.bcs~ ~override~
      REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~!Global("HexxatRomanceActive","GLOBAL",[12])~ ~False()~

  COPY_EXISTING ~RASAAD.bcs~ ~override~
      REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~!Global("RasaadRomanceActive","GLOBAL",[12])~ ~False()~

As far as I understand these NPCs are from EE and absent in classic BG/BG2. I will try to comment this and check if mod installs.

Attached Files

Edited by EvilMax, 09 August 2018 - 10:30 AM.

#25 Sergio

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Posted 09 August 2018 - 11:36 PM

I've never used BWP but I see that you are putting a lot of effort into it after all these years (I've been here since 2008 and you are still updating it). So I've got a few questions; please, be kind with me because it may annoy you but that ain't my purpose:

1) How does BWP compare with BWS?

1.1) How would you choose between the two?
2) I remember that BWP had a "dos" interface that was 'hard' (or should I say just very different?) to use compared to BWS. Was the interface improved?
3) I remember you were supposed to download all the mods you wanted to use and put them in a folder, including the BWP installpack and Fixpack (but for these two is a no-problem, because they are the core of the program). Is it still like that?
4) Does it still support BGT?
5) Is there anywhere a "recommended" mod list by either you or anyone else...?
6) Given that Item revision is having a shittons of problems due to the prolonged absence of Demiurgus, were you able to add item revision revised into the mix?  (http://gibberlings3....opic=28894?st=0)
7) Is Lollorian still working with you?
8) What's your idea about EE? No hard feelings, I appreciate the merits of both baldur's gate but I was just looking for an opinion on how much it messed with BWP and if you are able to support both original and EE without big issues.

and thanks.


Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#26 EvilMax

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Posted 10 August 2018 - 03:40 AM

1) AFAIK, BWS for original game has much less support than required. So, I think BWP is better choice.

2) No. It is still batch file.

3) Yes

4) Yes

5) This is the matter of taste. Of course, you can look to the some of the BWP or BWS pre-selections as starting point


Other things I'll leave to Leonardo :) Re EE vs original game, you can read his opinon inside BWP manual.



More about Rjali v9. It seems that this version is much more coupled with EE. Removing stated code eliminated error, but new one was found, related to Neera. There are a lot of references to this PC and related resources. I think I'll skip Rjali for now until BGT fix is ready. Fortunately this doesn't break installation.

Edited by EvilMax, 10 August 2018 - 03:44 AM.

#27 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 10 August 2018 - 05:29 AM

Thank you for your reports. I will add your findings with the next release.
I'll try to add Rjali v9 to BWP again. It's a pretty mod that I won't miss.

6) I wasn't aware of this add-on but will add it with the next release.
7) No. Unfortunately he isn't active any more.

1-5 already answerd by EvilMax.

#28 Sergio

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Posted 10 August 2018 - 06:45 AM

Thanks to you both. Got last two questions:

1) What is the best way to download all the mods if I'm going to use BWP?
2) How much time before a new update

By the way 'IR revised' topic has a lot of informations. Be sure to not skip reading it - I fear it may be an hassle to add to BWP.
If for you is a huge time sink, ignore my 'request', no need to spend time over it and I would feel regret if you regretted it.

Ah, Leonardo, thanks for being still there after all these years.

Edited by Sergio, 10 August 2018 - 10:46 AM.

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#29 EvilMax

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Posted 10 August 2018 - 07:20 AM

More question. I've found an error in individual.bat

if errorlevel 1 (
	findstr /I /M "skip_SCS_6000" %CON%>nul
	if errorlevel 1 (
		Call %EINSTI% stratagems "6000"
	findstr /I /M "replace_SCS_6000" %CON%>nul
	if errorlevel 1 (
		Call %EINSTI% stratagems "6010"

It seems that brackets are problematic and I got Stratagems component 6010 (Better calls for help) installed with BP AI. Should it be a problem? Should I reinstall my BWP again ?


More findings:

- Scales of Balance SBO - Stat bonus overhaul component wants splstate.ids which is absent:

ERROR Installing [SBO - Stat Bonus Overhaul], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall  14 files for [SCALES_OF_BALANCE/SCALES_OF_BALANCE.TP2] component 200.
Uninstalled     14 files for [SCALES_OF_BALANCE/SCALES_OF_BALANCE.TP2] component 200.
ERROR: Failure("resource [splstate.ids] not found for 'COPY'")

More EE stuff? In SoB v5.13 Readme this component stated as for EE 1.4+ Needs conversion, but how? For now I think I have to reinstall. Just removed dialogue-based proficienies from 200 component (dunno why they are there)

Edited by EvilMax, 10 August 2018 - 07:53 AM.

#30 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 10 August 2018 - 10:21 AM

Indeed, there is one bracket too much (in line 6).

Stratagems component 6010 can also be installed without the Smarter general AI component. From my knowledge this should not harm with BP. At least, I never heard anything to the contrary. However, it may not be installed with BP Component 150 "Generic Creature & Script Processing".

There is a workaround because of the "out of memory" error with 32-bit architecture. You obviously have choosen the option to replace component 6000 and all dependent components by the equivalent BP components. If you are unsure about this you can choose the option to install the BP AI instead.

I don't know about SoB comp 200 because I didn't install this. It is designated for EE. I will add a note to the guide.

1) I have planned a download tool of my own, however, it is not ready yet. First I'm working on the next release with EvilMax's findings before I continue with my download tool.
Just use BWS and download all the archives, then use BWP Installpack.
2) It may last 1 or 2 months.

#31 Sergio

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Posted 10 August 2018 - 10:45 AM


Thanks a lot.

I've got one last question: I was checking your pdf but there is something I seem to be missing. It seems there are times when you are supposed to choose what to install from mods. 
I get that some mods are automatic in their installations, while others aren't?

Edited by Sergio, 10 August 2018 - 11:26 AM.

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#32 EvilMax

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Posted 10 August 2018 - 10:54 AM

Yes. This time I chose BP, Ascension BP and BP encounters as my AI components (BP_Ascension, BP_AI, BP_Encount settings). Stratagems is very good, but all scenarios are qute similar. Casters with similar set of spells will behave exactly etc.


I managed to install this SoB component removing dialog-based proficiency code block from components/200_SBO_revised_stats.tpa I was wondering why it is there. But I think there is much simpler solution. SoB mod has INI file. Setting int_extra_prof=0 in this file will disable dialog-based prof. component part and no errors should happen. Adding this to installer and manual is much simpler and less invasive than patching .tpa


I don't know about SoB comp 200 because I didn't install this. It is designated for EE. I will add a note to the guide.

Edited by EvilMax, 10 August 2018 - 11:04 AM.

#33 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 10 August 2018 - 11:41 AM

Nearly all mods and components are installed automatic except those which conflit with others. Only then you are promted to make a selection. Take a few minutes for configuration. As a result some hours later you will get a bug free installation.

Thank you for your hint.

#34 Sergio

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Posted 10 August 2018 - 11:54 PM


Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#35 Iridian

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Posted 11 August 2018 - 10:57 AM

New user here.
BWP looks like an awesome tool, without it there's zero chance I'd be trying classic with mods.
But now I'm now stuck after going through following process:
1. I set up BG and BG2 with the first initial saves, with correct paths in baldur.ini - I used InfinityLauncher.exe to launch them the first time to set up the paths correctly. 
  - The installation directories are: "C:/users/me/BWS/Baldur's Gate" and "C:/users/me/BWS/Baldur's Gate 2"
2. I used BWS to select the mods of the "recommended" preset. 
  - It downloaded and extracted the mods to BW2 folder, including BWPv18 itself, nice
3. After BWS is done with the installs + extracts, it launches BWPv18
  - here was the first time I got confused - BWP wants the script to be launched as administrator, which BWS probably doesn't do. Maybe this info screen should contain instructions for users who come from BWS?
4. I chose the BWPv18 option 1.
5. I gave the ...BigWorldSetup-master\App-Downloads to BWP, skipped backup
  - it extracts the mods again to BG2, even though BWS already did this. But fine, I guess.
6. Start a new installation immediately - Yes
  - opens a PDF - I do that.
7. Now here's a problem. It wants me to reboot. Why?
  - No application should ever ask for reboot at this day and age, especially without explaining why - even asking admin access is strange, but fine.
8. Option 3: BGT [BG1 + BG2] - this is what I want.
9. I have to give the "BiG World Downloads" again. I give it the ...BigWorldSetup-master\App-Downloads
10. It did some checks and corrections. 
  - I chose EN as language. Cool.
11. Listing mods in BGII - SoA dir. Y. Looks like the selection I had in BWS. I choose not to see mods that are not in BGII - SoA.
12. "Do you want to list at the end all not installed mods?" 
  - what does this mean? "Once the installation is complete, do you want to see a list of mods that were not successfully installed?"? I choose yes.
13. I want to run the installation unattended, I choose [1]
14. So now I'm at the screen where previously everything is wrong. There are four options, none of which apparently does what I want. 
  1. Do you want to choose a preselection
     - I have already chosen a preselection in BWS - it's all the mods BWS downloaded. Total happiness, total happiness plus, personal mod selection from players - none of them help me.
  2. Do you want to assemble ... 
    - I tried this, picked an interesting combination - got huge list of mods and after 30 hours of install process I gave up. Not good.
  3. Do you want to use an installer changed by your own and skip the settings?
    - The preview once more lists a huge list of mods, much more than is in the downloads folder or "currently existing". Looks similar to option 1 - Not good.
  4. Do you want to install all you can get
    - Same as option 1 - it wants me to pick a preselection but I have already done that with BWS. Not good.
Stuck, what do? Maybe I'm missing something obvious?
Thoughts: both BWS and BWP look awesome, and it would seem like they to different things, BWS = select, download and extract mods, BWP = selects and install mods safely.
Ideal solution from my perspective would be to fully have BWS do the mod selection and then have BWP continue the actual installation from where BWS left it off. I guess this was how earlier versions of BWS+BWP did it, but at least with BWPv18 it is not at all obvious what must be done to continue.
I'm a professional software developer: I think BWP is technically _very_ impressive tool in what it does. But BWS solves the problem it has from the perspective of a new user: usability. It would be a real pity if these two don't work together seamlessly, especially as my instinct tells me that the BWS->BWP installation transition shouldn't be even that hard to maintain.


#36 EvilMax

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Posted 11 August 2018 - 12:28 PM

It is normal install.


14. It is OK. You should select one. For me I choose #3 because I want to use my custom indivisual.bat. You may choose #1, but you have to use BWP preselection. You may choose #3 with unmodified indivisual.bat. In this case BWP will try to resolve possible conflicts and mixes in its way which is good, and then install all found and compatible mods without preselection.


Problem is that you mixed BWS and BWP. BWS isn't supported in this thread and generally more outdated and less supported than BWP, so, forget about BWS her. In terms of BWP you 'just downloaded mods you want'. Now you must choose what to do with them. I.e. select one of possible BWP scenarios.

#37 tomkaz

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Posted 11 August 2018 - 03:59 PM

Hi All:
I have been ill for the past four months so I missed playing BGT.  Also I  crashed three computers while I was not functioning.  I manage to get some files back, but sorting out the files is a major effort. 
I am back at the BGT game now and very excited to see Leonardo Watson is still improving BWP.
I had V17.5 somewhat working.  Stumbled through Baldur's Gate then crashed at the beginning of BGII - SoA.  Creating a new game with V18.
One problem I had was with an item called Luo ring.  Never found out what its purpose was or what it was to do in the game.  Please let me know which mod it came from as I do not wish to play it until I learn more about the mod.
Below are some problems I had finding the mods listed in v18.  The numbers are from v18.  
1.10 --- Ascension v1.4.23
I have Ascension v1.4.24.  Is it OK to substitute this mod?  I found references to v1.41 and v1.51.  Need help finding Ascension v1.4.23.
3.3  --- Northern Tales of the Sword Coast v2.2.2
There is a new version, Northern Tales of the Sword Coast v2.3.0.  Is it OK to substitute this mod?
3.7  --- BG1 Mini Quest and Encounters v17
There is a new version, BG1 Mini Quest and Encounters v18.  Is it OK to substitute this mod?
5.5  --- Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters v2.53
There is a new version, Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters v2.6.  I also have Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters v2.5.  Which version is OK to substitute 
for this mod?
7.1  --- Tales of Anegh v2.6
I have Tales of Anegh v2.4.  Need help finding Tales of Anegh v2.6.
7.18  --- Tales of the Deep Gardens v12.2
I have Tales of the Deep Gardens v12.2, Tales of the Deep Gardens v12.3, and Tales of the Deep Gardens v12.4.  Which is the best to use?
7.25  --- Eillistraee's Song v6.5. 
There is a new version, Eillistraee's Song v6.6.  Is it OK to substitute this mod?
7.27  --- Southern Edge v1.10
There is a new version, Southern Edge v2.10.  Is it OK to substitute this mod?
10.29  --- Vampire Tales v1.03
I have Vampire Tales v1.04 b ut not Vampire Tales v1.03.  Is it OK to substitute this mod?  Where can I get Vampire Tales v1.03?
14.24  --- Almateria's Restoration Project v8.2.8
There is a new version, Almateria's Restoration Project v8.2.9.  Is it OK to substitute this mod?
15.21   --- The Tweaks Anthology v4
I found cdtweaks-v4.exe and Tweaks-Anthology-5_RC1.  Which is the best to use?
16.4  --- Hidden Adventures Beta 3
Please tell me where to locate this mod.
18.8  --- Divine Remix v8.1
I found Divine Remix v8Beta.exe, but cannot find Divine Remix v8.1.  GitHub has a reference to Divine Remix v8.2a but I also cannot get that mod.  Which is best to use.
Problems with The Tweaks Anthology v4 mod names in BiG World Projects.pdf
15.21  --- The Tweaks Anthology v4 (1)
19.22  --- The Tweaks Anthology v4 (2)
19.25  --- The Tweaks Anthology v Beta5 (3)
20.18  --- The Tweaks Anthology v3 (3)
Someone please correct the names if required.  I was not able to find versions earlier that v4 on the Gibberlings site.
I could not load these two kerzenburg urls.
The sites crashed immediately upon opening.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
My donation is in honor of Leonado and the excelent work ha has done in making BWP.
Now to read all the post on v18.

#38 Iridian

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Posted 11 August 2018 - 04:28 PM

Yes, but is there BWP choice for "install all the mods I've downloaded, _nothing_ more, _nothing_ less"?

Option #1 has three options: Total Happiness, Total Happiness Plus and experienced players preselection - none of these seems to be it.
  As as far as I understand, BWP doesn't do downloads itself. If it did then I would be fine ditching BWS. But plane of fire freezes over before I start downloading a hundred mods manually, that's what tools are for. I'm fine with going to the mod home pages at the end of the installation (for example through a text file which contains list of installed mods and their home page URL's) to read what each individual mod does, so that this way they get visibility and ad revenue.
Heck, I might even do this during the installation if the installed-mods-home-page-urls.txt is automatically opened for me.

Option #3 on the other hand (with unmodified individual.bat) gives me a preview list with six times more lines than I have downloaded. Apparently for BWP it's okay if the list contains mods which are not present: the problem is just that when I did a similar thing with 14.#2, the installer apparently tried to install mods that had not been downloaded and this was very slow.
_After 30 hours_ it had only installed a small part of them.
So I'm hesitant to choose this option either.

Thanks for your response,


Edited by Iridian, 11 August 2018 - 04:30 PM.

#39 EvilMax

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Posted 12 August 2018 - 11:44 AM

@tomkaz, generally there are no problems of installing fresh npc, quest and mini mods. However there is subtle probability that during gameplay you'll get some issues in compatibility, banters etc. So, my advice: read ChangeLog of every newer mod, possibly look into BWP Fixpack and its patches and then make decision. Nobody will tell you 100% sure about mods: it is required to install them and successfully play to tell that they are OK, but changes and patched analysis can tell you if problems likely or not likely to occur. In my case I've updated almost everything that I found with newer versions, including NToSC. We'll see how will it be )))


According to mod sources, it is possible to find and download them all. Unfortunately, http://kerzerburg.baldurs-gate.eu/ went down, but I've got not more than 5-7 mods from list from there. Everything else could be found on G3, SHS, SHS mod search topics, BWL and some Polish site.


@Iridian, '_After 30 hours_'  ???  O_o O_o O_o

This is A LOT! I've installed about 330 mods from BWP v18 approximately in 8 hours using #3 with slight editing individual.bat. I changed it a bit - only about 10 or 15 mods installations are added, commented or modified in batch file. However, I think 8 hrs or about was possinble because no SCS AI in this install.

Try to disable all antivirus software including Windows Defender for installation.

Edited by EvilMax, 12 August 2018 - 11:47 AM.

#40 Greenhorn

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Posted 12 August 2018 - 01:10 PM

One problem I had was with an item called Luo ring.  Never found out what its purpose was or what it was to do in the game.  Please let me know which mod it came from as I do not wish to play it until I learn more about the mod.

It has been a long time tomkaz, but if my memory serves me right that item is from mod which is called Arena or something like that. I think it is made by chinese author and it gives +100 lore and True seeing at will. In addition if you use it's special ability you will be transported to some dimension where you must fight host of ultra powerful monsters for ultimate prize. What that prize would be I don't know as I never actually finished the mod... 

Edited by Greenhorn, 12 August 2018 - 01:10 PM.