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BWPv18 released

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#281 tomkaz

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Posted 26 February 2019 - 03:43 PM

Hi All:


To all who put up with my questions and comments, thanks for your patience and kindness.  My megamod game is loaded and running OK now.  The only changes I made were The Calling mod was removed from BiG World Downloads and my computer was restored to the condition it was four days earlier.


The winds were incredible. With in thirty miles of my house the high speeds were 69 to 75 mph.  I know this is nothing compared to those of you who suffer from tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons, but it was quite an experience for us.  Four years ago we got seven feet of snow one night.  It was a mess but took just as long to restore electricity as it will for this storm.


The one fast power blip caused my problem. But I was protected from electrical damage to my computers by my surge protector. I recommend you all get one if you do not have one.


Thanks again to all for their kindness and help,



#282 tomkaz

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Posted 02 March 2019 - 03:12 PM

Hi All:


This game is driving me nuts.


Last week, I ran two almost identical games.  Big World Downloads had the exact 244 mods.  Same exact individual.bat.  Game 1 used Stratagems for AI and Encounter Conflicts.  Game 2 used Big Picture for AI and Encounter Conflicts.


I could not save Game 1 as game quit when I tried to save it.  Game 2 worked almost normally.  I had problem with the spell books.  None would work.  Had problems with all areas.  None were black, all were open.


There were two minor components that I wanted to remove.  So I installed two new games today.  This time Game 1 worked.  It saved like the game should and I plan to play it tonight.  Game 2, the one that worked three days ago, failed.  I got the old out of space crash.  


validate line 619 . . .

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

Not enough storage is available to process this command.

G:\Black Isle\BGII - SoA>


The game crashed just before generalized_biffing.  Trying to get the game to continue. 


Got instructions to use "Level 1 NPCs" one-time-only rest script, make sure the AI lantern is on (green).  Select new character and press R as soon as character joins party.  The truth is I do not understand these instructions.


Well it is late now.  Will try this game tomorrow when all is cleaned up including RESTORE.


Any help is welcome,



Edited by tomkaz, 02 March 2019 - 03:16 PM.

#283 Sergio

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Posted 03 March 2019 - 02:15 PM

Leonardo where are thou? we need another release

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#284 EvilMax

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Posted 06 March 2019 - 08:16 AM

Hi, everyone,

After some time playing I've found that Call Lightning is messed by the SpellpackB6. It hits caster and adds Otiluke's Resilent Sphere instead of the next sky bolt to innate abilities. I've decided to revert to Spell Revisions 



UPD: no questions. Just reverted to spell_rev variant. All glitches I saw with vanilla animations were from the fog of war.

Edited by EvilMax, 07 March 2019 - 07:36 AM.

#285 zelazko

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Posted 09 March 2019 - 05:55 AM

I have found a slight conflict between BGEE converted to BGT mod Tenya Thermidor and Jarls BGT Adventure Pack (JAP). You have two Tenyas if you recruited Tenya as joinable NPC.

The original Baldur's Gate Tenya appears after you give book of wisdom to the high priestess Jalantha in exchange for Lothander's gease cure.

The quest is about killing Talos priest who ordered the fishermen murder of Tenya's mother. 

Edited by zelazko, 09 March 2019 - 08:14 AM.

#286 EvilMax

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Posted 09 March 2019 - 12:51 PM

I did not install that mod yet. Did you have any problems with quests or just some inconvenience with two Tenyas ?

Edited by EvilMax, 09 March 2019 - 12:54 PM.

#287 tomkaz

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Posted 13 March 2019 - 08:17 AM

Hi All:


Just fishing for an answer about areas.  There is a command to open the entire area.  It is "CLUAConsole:ExploreArea()".  Is there something to darken the entire area?  Over 90% of the areas I have been to have the entire area explored.  Not as much fun as dark areas.



#288 The Imp

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Posted 13 March 2019 - 11:35 AM

You simply have installed a mod component that does that for you.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#289 tomkaz

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Posted 13 March 2019 - 12:47 PM

Thanks The Imp:


I will go search it out.



#290 EvilMax

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 02:57 AM

Does anyone ecountered Orc slaves and tough (+2 and +3 bows, arrows of piercing, good armor, lvl 15, +5 in bows profficiency - dealing dozens of damage per shot and with high APR) bandits in Bandit's Camp ? According to scripts, it seems that they spawn without any guarding conditions. It is possible to defeat them having character with 60+ HP, hiding in tent, hiding in shadows, taunting and killing one by one, but they depleted all my stock of healing and extra healing potions.


Although it is very challenging but beatable, I want to ask: could this spawn early in BG1 break NEJ walkthrough if I decide to?

Edited by EvilMax, 04 April 2019 - 02:57 AM.

#291 tomkaz

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 11:09 AM

High EvilMax:  


I had lots of trouble with Bandits Camp.  Regeneration around the old temple (?) in the south was a problem.  Had to kill all guards before resting or the guards regenerate.  Shortly after the first battle, all the characters from the camp join the fight.  Managed to kill all with Wand of Fire and Fireball spells, Skull Trap spells and a short bow that shoots Magic Missiles (expensive but worth it).  I had one bard and three mages with me.  I went into lots of softer areas first to build up characters before taking on the hard fights.


Sorry I cannot remember more, but I am having memory problems.  Need to write lots of notes to remember what I did in the game.  My doctor thinks it is normal for my old age, but I find it very miserable.



#292 tomkaz

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 05:29 PM

Hi All:


My main character got Energy drained by two vampires.  Neither spells nor temples can fix him.

From Shadow Keeper [Affects] I found the following, but do not know how to use this information.


TYPE                          Param1          PARAM2        Resource 0        Resource 3                                       Time            Flags             Target

--------                          ----------          ------------         ---------------        ----------------                                       ------                          -----------

0x0081                        0                    2                    UNDHIT3           SPCL241                                           0                0x00000009   0x0002

0x0081                        0                    2                    UNDDAM3         SPCL241                                           0                0x00000009   0x0002


0x0128                        0                    185                SPFLAYER        Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]     0                0x00000009   0x0002

0x0128                        0                    185                SPMINDAT        Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]      0                0x00000009   0x0002

0x010B                        14102            185                                          Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]      0                0x00000009   0x0002

0x00A9                        0                    59                                            Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]      0                0x00000009   0x0002 

Portrait Icon                 0                    90                                            Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]      0                0x00000009   0x0002


Immunity to Effect        0                   109                                           Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]      0                0x00000009   0x0002 

Immunity to Effect        0                   175                                          Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]       0                0x00000009   0x0002

Immunity to Effect        0                   216                                          Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]       0                0x00000009   0x0002

Immunity to Effect        0                   185                                          Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]       0                0x00000009   0x0002

0x00A9                         0                   13                                             Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]     0                0x00000009   0x0002 

0x010B                         41495           0                                               Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]     0                0x00000009   0x0002

0x010B                         40968           0                                               Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]     0                0x00000009   0x0002

0x010B                         40969           0                                               Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]     0                0x00000009   0x0002

0x010B                         40979           0                                               Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]     0                0x00000009   0x0002

0x010B                         41616           0                                               Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]     0                0x00000009   0x0002

Immunity to Effect        0                   78                                             Immunity Charm Hold [SPCL242]      0                0x00000009   0x0002

Constitution                  -3                  0                                               F_VAMP1                                          47824188  0x00000010   0x0002

Portrait Icon                  0                   53                                             F_VAMP1                                          47824188  0x00000010   0x0002

Constitution                  -3                  0                                               F_VAMP1                                          47833268  0x00000010   0x0002

Portrait Icon                  0                   53                                             F_VAMP1                                          47833268  0x00000010   0x0002


When this happened to non main character, I just killed him then resurrected him and that fixed the problem.  Now nothing works.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.





Edited by tomkaz, 04 April 2019 - 05:33 PM.

#293 Shuv-Oohl

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 08:43 PM

CTRL + r with your mouse hovering above the selected Char doesn't help?

#294 EvilMax

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 11:45 PM

@tomkaz even Greater Restoration didn't help???

Re Bandit Camp, I hope we won't encounter problems with NEJ quest later because those Orc Slaves and tough bandits are from NEJ.

Edited by EvilMax, 05 April 2019 - 12:05 AM.

#295 Creepin

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Posted 05 April 2019 - 01:53 AM

Tomkaz, in case CTRL + r and Greater Restoration won't help, can you attach saves: with your main character drained and with him healthy (for comparison)? Perhaps the drain was implemented badly in some mod vampires and it could be fixed manually.

The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)

#296 tomkaz

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Posted 05 April 2019 - 10:28 AM

Hi Shuv-Oohl, hi EvilMax and hi Creepin:


I guess I am really messed up and my memory is really deteriorated.  It takes me 4 to 7 times to type these posts before I get them right.  Just now I forgot my main character's name.


I played some more and overwrote the games so I do not have a healthy save for comparison.  I never used CHEATS before so I have not been able to use CTRL+R.  Cheats=1 is in the baldur file.  I use CTRL-Space to open up the bar.  Tried all forms of Cheats, but got all errors.  I will search for instructions on how to use it.  I will search out Greater Restoration and install it in my cleric.  She is 13th level has 6th level spells, but not Greater Restoration.  So I will search out a cleric that has the spell.


I deleted the two lines with Constitution  -3 in them.  Only fixed the data in the RECORD page.  I will try also deleting Portrait Icon lines following Constitution  -3.  Be right back. Guess what, half my brain is still working.  Removing 


Constitution                  -3                  0                                               F_VAMP1                                          47824188  0x00000010   0x0002

Portrait Icon                  0                   53                                             F_VAMP1                                          47824188  0x00000010   0x0002

Constitution                  -3                  0                                               F_VAMP1                                          47833268  0x00000010   0x0002

Portrait Icon                  0                   53                                             F_VAMP1                                          47833268  0x00000010   0x0002


from Shadow Keeper [Affects] took the Energy Drain icons away and fixed the Constitution value.


Now another problem.  I just skipped over this one.  In Dark Side of the Sword Coast v3, I came across bone golems.   After two hours, of trying everything, I gave up.  Tried every weapon, both magical and non-magical without success.  Checked with Near Infinity.  Not good with it, but I can read the details.  The name is ICBONE01.CRE.  I did not find that name that name in the Dark Side of the Sword Coast v3 cre list.  All creatures start start with "ds" except skellord.cre.  No name with resembling "golem".


There is a Resist list which I assume stands for weapons that do no damage.  From that, bone golems are 50% resistant to slashing, piercing and missile weapons and bone golems not resistant to magic cold and crushing weapons.  I tried these too.  Not one weapon did any damage to the bone golems and about every bone golem hit did major damage to my characters.  I hope other players find a way to kill these bone golems.


Thanks again to all for your help.  I hope my solution helps others.



#297 EvilMax

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Posted 06 April 2019 - 01:59 AM

One more bug of MegaMod and some spell changing mods. It seems that some component adds effect to the Slow spell "221 Remove spell type protection". Also we have that in JELLMU1.ITM which is Mustard Jelly attack item. This component is suspicious as stripping item effects on hit. How did I find that: Mustard Jelly in Firewine Ruins hit my monk and striped all equipped item effects.


I found that item has two 221 code effects. I don't know which one is wrong. According to DLTCEP, Spell Revisions added removing of secondary type 15 (0xf) that is shown by NI as K1#HASTE.  SpellpackB6 seems adding another one with secondary type 0 and resource HASTE. However, NearInfinity does not show ths resource claiming it is unused.


So I have three questions:
1) which tool is right, DLTCEP or NI regarding effect 221 "Remove spell type protection" ? In other words, which effect is broken, added with the code 15 or with code 0 and resource HASTE that is shown by NI as unused (?)  Both are right: NI that resource is unused for 221 opcode, and DLTCEP where BROWSE button is unavailable. SpellpackB6 is guilty - added incorrect 221 opcodes to spells and items.
2) Some fixers, like LOLFIXER - are they tracked somehow and have their changes shown by weidu --change-log ?

3) Secondary type 12 - COMBINATION. What is that and what will be after application of 221 opcode that removes combination?

Edited by EvilMax, 06 April 2019 - 04:07 AM.

#298 The Imp

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Posted 06 April 2019 - 12:36 PM

EvilMax, on 06 Apr 2019 - 09:59, said:

2) Some fixers, like LOLFIXER - are they tracked somehow and have their changes shown by weidu --change-log ?

The lolfixer just reads all your files and automatically changes the file if it has a specific condition that is known to cause bad effects. And no, there's no spyware in the weidu code, so no tracking ... and yes, the --change-log is really the only way to know what mod changed which files .... or by reading all the setup-modname.debug -files while already installing the mods with full debug mode and then finding the what's done to the files.... .... aka it's really hard thing to do even in the best possible cases.

General answer to the 3rd ... is to not try install both SR & SpellpackB6 as they try to do multiple things that will create a mess around the whole. It's been like this for as long as the two mods existed. And they are only tested in the non- BGT-weidu enviroment too. So taking stabs at combining them in a megamoded game is fairly well out there, in the distance.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#299 EvilMax

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Posted 07 April 2019 - 12:14 AM

:lol2: question wasn't re spyware. Thank you, The Imp. Well, Spell Revisions seems like more accurate spell tweaking mod, but SpellPackB6 adds IWD animation to spells. Generally I haven't found issues of the SR&SpellpackB6 conflicts in MegaMod. I made some changes and fixes by myself to SpellpackB6, but tose are this mod bugs, like unresistable Web, strange innate traps, Finger of Death crashing contigencies by having wrong effect and now we have a "Haste and Slow" component that adds incorrectly defined effect. (It seems that resource is ignored for 221 opcode, so without the Secondary Type all and every effect is stripped from the target).

Does anyone know if Lost Crossroads SpellpackB6 is still maintained?


UPD: B6 ad iwdification messed with some spell scroll descriptions and icons too...

Edited by EvilMax, 07 April 2019 - 02:28 AM.

#300 The Imp

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Posted 07 April 2019 - 03:57 AM

EvilMax, on 07 Apr 2019 - 08:14, said:


Does anyone know if Lost Crossroads SpellpackB6 is still maintained?

Looking of it's forums here... there hasn't been update sinse 2017... but I think I have seen Galactygon in the G3 forums, so presuming he is still active, just hit him in the correct forum and go from there.

The secondary types chart could be overwritten by multiple mods in a megamod, especially with this old mods... meaning that it could probably be fixed by the right person easily with current weidu code ... but that needs knowledge of the exact mods that are involved. And updates to each.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.