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BWPv18 released

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#241 tomkaz

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Posted 15 February 2019 - 08:30 AM

Hi all;


I have made comments about spell versions before.  The only safe time to use later versions is when the version number is increased only because a new language was added to the mod.  Then there should be no change in the mod actions.



#242 tomkaz

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Posted 15 February 2019 - 05:50 PM

Hi All:


I have three computers with Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.  I am only using two for BWP programs.  Computer #1 has three 1T hard drives, each divided into two equal partitions. Partition E:\ has lots of new and old Baldur's Gate files. Partition G:\ has my BGT game.  The other four partitions have nothing related to Baldur's Gate.  When I had to reinstall Windows 7, I only worked with thr C:\ partition leaving the rest of the partitions alone.  Now computer #2 has two 1T hard drives, each one divided into two equal partitions. Partition E:\ has my BGT game with a bare minimum of Baldur's Gate files needed for the BGT games.  The other two partitions do not have ant thing related to Baldur's Gate games.


A long story, now here is the question.  The BGT games on computer #2 seems to install better with less errors than the BGT games on Computer.  Partition E:\ of computer #1 always has the same Balder's Gate stuff, even before, during and after a new Windows 7 installation. Can this interfere with the BGT installation just like a Baldur's Gate CD interferes when it is in the CD drive during the BGT game installation?


I would appreciate comments about this,



#243 EvilMax

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Posted 16 February 2019 - 02:24 AM

Right, so there is no xpbonus.2da that determines the later ?

What the already learned factors in with spells, is whether or not the scroll shows the learn spell tab. Enemy spell books, can mean a multitude of things in this game, unfortunately. One is the availability of "learned spells"... which doesn't mean an item, but just a .cre edit that allows nothing by itself, as the spells castability is actually determined by the amount of charges the .cre possesses of the specific spell. This is moding thing by the by... a typical look behind the curtain.
Also should it not be obvous, other factors like spell primary type/school comes to determine if the spell shows the learn tab. And the Hidespl.2da too is a determining factor.

No, saying 'individually' I mean that for every spell in the book separate chance roll is made. So, for example, if you have Magic Arrow, Grease and Fireball in a book you can get MA and FB learned and Grease failed. XP gained for spell learning is still being got from xpbonus.2da for every learned spell correspondingly.


@Tomkaz, no comments except guesses: antivirus settings, HDD health, modified sources (clean games and/or mods).

Edited by EvilMax, 16 February 2019 - 02:27 AM.

#244 tomkaz

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Posted 16 February 2019 - 04:49 PM

Hi All:


Back in post #238, I gave the results of four megsmods I installed for BGII - SoA games.  Three failed and one is still playable.  I repeated this test with the exception that instead of BGii - SoA games, I now tried to install BGTgames.  I was hoping to see a difference between  Big Picture and Sword Coast Stratagems if there was a difference There was no difference between having only Big Picture, or only Sword Coast Stratagems or both mods in the e=megamod game.  It also made no difference if I selected BP AI or SCS AI for the megaod game.  The results were the same, all failed.


Each game looked like a normal start.  The game allowed me to create a character, the same one for each megamod.  Then Sarevok  kills the bhaal span on the roof. The I show up in Candlekeep in front of the Inn.  I try to save the game at this point and the game does not allow me to save. I get two choices.  Choose Y and close the game.  Choose N and go back to the game without saving. No matter what I do, I cannot save the game.


Any ideas how to fix this?  This is not much fun as I have been doing is installing two megamods a day.


The only thing I am certain about is that in my mod selection,  Big Picture and Sword Coast Stratagems do not conflict with each other.  The conditions are that you must use their components that are in Leonardo's WeiDU.log in BiG World Project.pdf and you must use the mod versions that are in BiG World Project.pdf.  The trouble is some of these mods in BiG World Project.pdf are near impossible to find.


Hope this information can help some other megamod players,



#245 Shuv-Oohl

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Posted 17 February 2019 - 04:56 PM

Some minor inconveniences of v18.1:
  • installation pauses and waits for a language to be chosen (probably due to AUTO_TRA in the respective TP2-file) at mods "Shards of Ice" and "The Bigg Quest Pack"
  • the Setup-GUI.TP2 (created by BGT as far as I understand) says
    BEGIN ~"Original SoA/ToB"~SUBCOMPONENT @100024COPY_EXISTING ~GUI_Mods/GUI_Mods.2DA~ ~GUI_Mods~ SET_2DA_ENTRY  1 1 2   0
    in one line and in another line
    BEGIN ~"The Darkest Day"~SUBCOMPONENT @100024COPY_EXISTING ~GUI_Mods/GUI_Mods.2DA~ ~GUI_Mods~ SET_2DA_ENTRY  1 1 2   "1"
    and is consequently messing up the GUI choice (since the first should be "0").
  • BWTextpack German seems to be flawed because for some mods (e.g. TB#QP or Stone of Askavar or Spell Revision) their lang-dir "german" is not copied allthough it's present at "Big World Textpack GERMAN\tb#quest\_copy" or "BWTPGER\_soa" resp "BWTPGER\_spell_rev" (for me
    +LANGUAGE ~German~+ ~German~+	 ~tb#quest/German/setup.tra~+ 	 BEGIN @1600  //Mprilla the spammer UNINSTALL ~setup-tb#pack.tp2~ 2 UNINSTALL "setup-prilla.tp2" 0
    from the Textpack's TP2-file looks fishy with it's "setup-tb#pack.tp2" call) and other mods (e.g. "ShardsofIce") got their lang-dir "german" buried one level deeper in the dir-structure in "BG2 - SoA\mod-name\languages" while other lang-dirs are located in "BG2 - SoA\mod-name". That prevents in an automated install the use of the buried language.

Edited by Shuv-Oohl, 19 February 2019 - 10:34 AM.

#246 EvilMax

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Posted 19 February 2019 - 01:16 AM

@tomkaz, check that you have temp/ directory inside your MegaMod folder and that you have no file named identically.

#247 tomkaz

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Posted 19 February 2019 - 04:33 PM

Hi EvilMax:
Game #1:  This is a BGT Megamod game that does not work.  In BGII - SoA, I have a yellow "TEMPSAVE" folder with nothing in it.  Then I have a white "TEMP" file with lots in it.  The problem  is I cannot open it in anything I can read.  I open it with WordPad and it looks like HEX. So I open it with HEX EDITOR NEO and it is no better.  The HEX digits are there but the conversion looks like the WordPad output.  Nothing at all is recognizable.  Tried Near Infinity but it could not read the file.
Game #2: In post 238 is "BG2 #3" and in blue color. This is a BG2 Megamod game that does work.  In BGII - SoA, I have a yellow "TEMP" folder with nothing in it.  There is not a white file named "temp".
I tried to load the white temp file from Game #1, but SHS would not allowed that.  SHS did not approve of that file.  I will try to all .txt to the temp and it might go through.


Attached File  temp.txt   1.67MB   143 downloads


Well it worked.  If you want to examine the file remove the .txt and it will be as it is in Game #1.


Thanks for the help,



Edited by tomkaz, 19 February 2019 - 04:36 PM.

#248 tomkaz

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Posted 19 February 2019 - 06:14 PM

Hi EvilMax:


Thank you very much.  I did not find out what put the white "temp" file in BGII - SoA directory.  I will let Leonardo figure that one out.


Based on your fantastic information, I removed the white "temp" file and added a yellow "temp" folder.  The game now appears to work.  At least now it saves.


So I am going to make a new game tomorrow which will have a few missing mods.


Thanks again,



#249 tomkaz

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Posted 20 February 2019 - 10:16 AM

Hi All:


Now that I have the game working (with help from EvilMax), there are some mods I need advice on how to get them installed.


The following is a list of mods that are in BiG World Downloads, but did not install.  I checked conflicts and they were not on the list.  A few are missing.  The numbers are from BiG World Project ENGLISH.pdf.  I woould like information about why they did not install and what versions I can safely use.  I am trying to stay with Leonardo's versions in BiG World Project ENGLISH.pdf.


3.11 Ascalons Questpack v2.0.4 -- I used ac_quest_2-04.zip. 
3.13 Wedges BGT Adventure Pack Alpha 0.2 -- I cannot find this.
5.23 Aerie in BG:EE v1.1 -- I used BG1Aeriev11.rar.
6.1 BG1 Unfinished Business v14.0_Beta_150228 -- I used bg1ub-14.0_beta_150128.zip.  But win-bg1ub-v16.0.zip worked in an earlier failed mod.
7.11 Tower of Deception v4.0.1 -- I used TowerOfDeception-master.zip (v4.0.1) .
7.21 Rukrakia v0.8 -- I cannot find this.
7.26 Fishing for Trouble v3.2.1  --  I used FishingForTrouble-master.zip (v3.2.1).  I found FishingForTrouble-3.2.2.zip.
9.4 Boards of Magick item pack v2.0  --  I used BoM_Item_Pack.rar.
9.14 Rolles v3a  --  I used rolles_v3a.zip but I think there is a conflict with this mod.
9.28 Volcanic Armoury v1.5  --  I used Setup-VolcanicArmoury.exe (?).  I cannot find this.  Don't ask me why, just found in my old mods.
9.62 IWD Items Pack  --  IWD Item Pack.7z is broken.  I cannot find this.
9.63 IWD Items fix  --  iwditemfix.7z  I think it is OK.
14.12 Au service d'AOghma v1.6  --  I used ThOghma_v1.6.zip.  I have ThOghma_v1.7.zip which does work.
16.2 Pickpocket Options v0.2  --  I used W_3kradziej_v0.2.zip.
18.14 Thrown Hammers v6.0.1  --  I have ThrownHammers-6.0.3.zip, but have not tried it.  I cannot find this.
19.10 Aurora's Shoes and Boots v5.2.1  --  I used Auroras-Shoes_and-Boots-5.2.1.zip.
19.26 Ding0's Tweak Pack v24  --  I used  D0Tweak-24beta.zip.
19.47 aTweaks v4.53  --  I used both aTweaks-4.53.zip (has Setup-atweaks.exe) and atweaks-v453.zip (does not have Setup-atweaks.exe).  Neither worked.
19.52 The Old Gold v0.1  --  I used The Old Gold v0.1.zip.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, particularly with Aerie in BG:EE v1.1, Fishing for Trouble v3.2.1 and aTweaks v4.53.

#250 EvilMax

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Posted 20 February 2019 - 10:49 AM


I use atweaks-v453.exe, BG1AerieV11.rar and FishingForTrouble-master.zip (v3.2.1) All worked. If you have no .exe just copy WeiDU.exe renaming to required. Sometimes my Windows Defender complains about WeiDU. And it was required to add to exclusions rr-v492.exe because nasty antivirus deleted it two times.


Well, I went to reinstall BWP due to rebuild/reformat drive. Have some questions, though.

1. tb#quest WeiDU v.240 complains about SUPPORT in emad and ac_quest mods (duh, why does it look inside?!!). So, it is required to update weidu to >=243. Is it safe to update all installers or it would be better to replace only that?

2. Somehow spwi705.spl was broken. Dunno, what was that: had no that error with corresponding Rogue Rebalance component.



I can compare repared mods from v18 and current v18.1.2 but maybe someone encountered that bug and managed to fix it? Difference, however in Rukrakia mod that I hadn't before but occasionally found that time. Coult it be a root cause?

Edited by EvilMax, 20 February 2019 - 10:52 AM.

#251 Gwendolyne

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Posted 20 February 2019 - 11:11 AM



Au service d'Oghma v1.6  is a French mod. The only new feature in v1.7 is EE compatibility.

Edited by Gwendolyne, 20 February 2019 - 11:11 AM.


In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.

#252 Creepin

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Posted 20 February 2019 - 12:02 PM

Tomkaz, about The Old Gold v0.1 - you are safe to upgrade it to v0.2. I am testing it right now installed on top of readied BWS game and all seems fine, as far as BG1 part goes at least. I especially recommend that if you are using 1PP as I fixed some misalignment in mod's graphics with 1PP's paperdolls.

IWD Item Pack got downloaded, extracted and launched fine for me. Same goes for IWD Item Fix. Have you tried those in the first and the last posts of this thread, respectively?


Thrown Hammers - I have 6.02 and can share if you need it. On the side note - this is the evils of that darn "master" releases of github, where each new version overwrites and pushes to oblivion previous version.


aTweaks v4.53 - can you clarify "not worked"? Failed to install, failed to even launch? By the way, if a mod package misses its exe (it happens, rarely) you could create it by making a copy of setup-smth_else.exe and renaming it into Setup-atweaks.exe for example. This is essentially the same file with different names.

The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)

#253 Creepin

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Posted 20 February 2019 - 01:06 PM

Thrown Hammers - I have 6.02 and can share if you need it. On the side note - this is the evils of that darn "master" releases of github, where each new version overwrites and pushes to oblivion previous version.

Huh? Nop, not true, you can download previous mod version from here: https://github.com/S...ammers/releases even without releases, all previous mod version are available for download from repository itself.

This is in fact great, thank you for the example (tomkaz, there's just 6.01 you've missed under the link)! The idea of github getting rid of version numbers and making older versions unavailable was my main issue with it, but it looks both assumptions were wrong.

The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)

#254 tomkaz

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Posted 20 February 2019 - 03:35 PM

Thank you EvilMax, Gwendolyne, Creepin, and ALIEN.


Leonardo uses atweaks, BG1AerieV11, FishingForTrouble, BigPicture and SwordCoast Stratagems in his game.  See BiG World ENGLISH v18.1, page 340, for his WeiDU.log. I do not know if he uses atweaks-v453.exe, BG1AerieV11.rar and FishingForTrouble-master.zip (v3.2.1), but I would like to know his secret.  I have a select group of mods and I fear one is blocking these mods from installing.


I could not turn off Windows Defender.  I downloaded Microsoft Security Essentials (free from Microsoft) and it turned off Windows Defender.  Just check Control Panel after you install Microsoft Security Essentials.  Microsoft Security Essentials can be truned ON and OFF.


I checked and in both megamod games I have left. WieDU v244 is in the BGII - SoA folder.  BiG World Installpack has WeiDU v244, 32 bit WeiDU v246 and 64 bit WeiDU v246.


If a mod get only updated by only adding another language, I believe it is safe to use that mod.


I will try using Old Gold v0.2.  What have I got to loose?


The IWD Item Pack in the thread Creepin noted is also corrupt.  I use HEX EDITOR NEO (free).  When it comes across any ASCII code, you see the ASCII characters.  I checked a number of mods.  Either their title or Setup-File Name-tp2 shows up.  With IWD Item Pack all I see is HEX characters.


Thanks for the information about Thrown Hammers.  I was surprised that existed in Github.  Is there something similar for all mods in Git and Github?


Thanks again to all who commented.  These comments are really greatly appreciated.  Now to try another megamod game.



#255 Miloch



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Posted 20 February 2019 - 07:08 PM

Thanks for the information about Thrown Hammers.  I was surprised that existed in Github.

Imagine my own surprise to find it there. Kidding... I sort of knew Sam. had conjured up some sort of black sorcery to this effect.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#256 EvilMax

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Posted 21 February 2019 - 09:57 AM

@tomkaz, do you have ALL of the mods on this WeiDU version? I have different versions depending on mods and some elder somehow complaining about SUPPORT statement.

#257 tomkaz

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Posted 21 February 2019 - 02:45 PM

Hi EvilMax:


Attached is a modified WeiDU.log.  I stripped the language code and some non-critical characters.


Attached File  BGT-#1-WeiDU.log.TXT   65.72K   120 downloads


I hope is is readable. Instructions at the top of attachment.



Edited by tomkaz, 21 February 2019 - 02:46 PM.

#258 EvilMax

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Posted 21 February 2019 - 11:08 PM

Tom, can you post result of the following command executed inside your MegaMod installation directory?


findstr /I "[setup" "BiG World Debug.txt" | findstr /I "WeiDU version" > weiver.txt


In other words, weiver.txt

#259 tomkaz

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Posted 22 February 2019 - 06:29 AM

Hi EvilMax:


Thanks for your help.


I apologize for being so dumb sometimes.  Today is not one of my better days.


Here is my setup.  "E:\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\". Everything is loaded into the BGII - SoA directory.  I cannot install your question into the BGII - SoA directory.  So I am assuming it should go into some other place.  Perhaps it should go into  BiG World Install.bat during the install process?




By the way, there is a component that reduces the experience and gold.  My mind is blank right now, but if you remember that I would appreciate the information.



#260 tomkaz

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Posted 22 February 2019 - 07:00 AM

Hi EvilMax:


I got half my brain working,  I searched "BiG World Debug.txt" for WeiDU Version.  There were multiple hits.  I only went through 5%.

Two versions popped up.  One was 24400 and the other was 24000.  Attached is a short section of "BiG World Debug.txt".  My guess is version 24000 is the culprit.


Attached File  WeiDU Version.txt   3.45K   118 downloads