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BWPv18 released

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#181 Jourin

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Posted 24 November 2018 - 10:04 AM

Thanks Creepin!  I have the main folder for Sandrah 1.11 but I also have Sandrah Item folder (which I think was a required patch) along with SandrahHF41 and SandrahADD and I don't know where they came from. Sandrah is installed at the end so it is probably still OK to use although I would like a fresh copy.


I wish she had left the last BGT copy out there for folks like me who still prefer to play BGT. She already had the no support line because of the EET version.  Since the day after Thanksgiving is my annual authorized computer binge day and I missed the opportunity with the crashed drive, it will be at least a week before I install BWP.  Maybe Santa Claus will come early and someone will upload it.  Thanks again!

#182 Jourin

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Posted 24 November 2018 - 07:04 PM

Question on Oversight.  BWP by Leonardo V18.1 has Oversight v15.  Kish indicates that v16 has been released since 2014 yet the only version available for download is v13.  Does 16 have a problem and that is why BWP recommends v15? Where can V15 or v16 be downloaded?

#183 Creepin

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Posted 25 November 2018 - 01:01 AM

There's a working link to v16 in the very same post where Kish announced its release ;)

The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)

#184 Jourin

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Posted 25 November 2018 - 11:37 AM

Creepin.  Thank you I found it.  I tried two other drop box links but they didn't work.  I also tired all the other links on that page and may others in the forum.  I obviously missed the one link that worked.  Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.  I actually missed it again the second time but kept on looking because you said it was there.  I guess it is obvious once you know where it is, but I kept on missing it.  It would actually be great if the main download folder would have the v16 instead of v13 so it wouldn't be so hard to find.  Thank you again!

#185 Sergio

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Posted 15 December 2018 - 11:44 PM

hey Leonardo,

do you have a page for BWP?

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#186 ChitownWillie

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Posted 16 December 2018 - 03:09 PM

Heads-up : Dark Side of Sword Coast v3 Beta is buggy and causes CTDs (Assertion Failed).


Is it possible to repackage BWP v18.1 w/ old stable version (DSotSC-v217)?

Edited by ChitownWillie, 16 December 2018 - 03:10 PM.

#187 zelazko

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Posted 16 December 2018 - 07:19 PM

Fair warning for anyone messing with default weapon proficiencies. 

Ashes of Embrace

Rogue Rebalancing - Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards

Item Revision - Remove Weapon Restrictions from Multi-classed Divine Spellcasters

CD Tweaks - ToB Style NPCs

Polytweak v2 - Related Weapon Proficiencies

Level 1 NPCs - Tweak weapon proficiencies for some classes (a la Ashes of Embers and aVENGER's Rogue Rebalancing


Choose only one really. There is no clear statement in the guide that installing more than one will mess up your weapon proficiency system (except polytweak and lvl1 NPCs).


Big Picture Custom Grandmastery

The Bigg Tweak Pack WSPATCK Only for ** and up

CDTWEAKS - Alter Weapon Proficiency System -> Rebalanced Weapon Proficiencies


Above components  are safe to install with any problematic components I listed. I am not sure about Universal Clubs component from CDTweaks/Anthology Tweaks. 


It is recommended to skip all problematic components and install Level 1 NPCs' Tweak weapon proficiencies for some classes. It lets you fine tune how weapon proficiencies should look like.

Edited by zelazko, 16 December 2018 - 09:53 PM.

#188 tomkaz

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Posted 25 December 2018 - 07:10 AM

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate this holiday.  Hope Santa Clause was generous with you.  Also hope that those who celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Boxing Day also had and will have wonderful holidays.


Installed my first BGT v18 game.  I had severe problems with it crashing.  I could talk with any character that came with the Baldur's Gate game, but locked up if I talked with any character that came with any MOD.


First, I am asking Leonardo for a favor.  In the next version of BiG World Project.pdf, please put an explanation of how to use Platform Conversion Utility (PCU) in the introduction.  Does it go in the BiG World Downloads folder?  Does it get installed in the BGII - SoA folder with the BiG world Project utilities?


I had the following MODs added to the BiG World Downloads folder, but none were in stalled.  It could be due to the way I edited "individual.bat".  I also suspect it could be because the mods sometimes have multiple files which are compressed with different programs. Or they might conflict with other MODs I selected.  Any help with getting these MODs to install will be greatly appreciated.


The numbers at the front of the line are the same as in  BiG World Project.pdf document.


1.16 One Pixel Productions v4 - Present in BiG World Downloads
5.1 BG1NPC Project v23.3 - Present in BiG World Downloads - WinWar
5.2 BG1NPC Music Pack v6 - Present in BiG World Downloads - WinWar
6.4 Kit Tomes for BGT, TuTu & BG:EE v2.01 - Present in BiG World Downloads
7.11 Tower of Deception v4.0.1 - Present in BiG World Downloads
9.4 Boards of Magick item pack v2.0 - Present in BiG World Downloads
9.14 Rolles v3a - Present in BiG World Downloads
9.21 Item upgrade Audio - Cespenar Audio v1
9.22 Sorcerer's Place Item Collection v1.1 - Present in BiG World Downloads
9.24 Blood of the Martyr v6 - Present in BiG World Downloads
9.36 Mhoram 2.3 - Present in BiG World Downloads
9.62 IWD Items Pack - Present in BiG World Downloads
14.6 Quallo v1.14 - Present in BiG World Downloads
14.12 Au service d'AOghma v1.6 - Present in BiG World Downloads
16.2 Pickpocket Options v0.2 - Present in BiG World Downloads
16.5 Ghost v2.1 - Present in BiG World Downloads
17.52 The Sorcerer's Place Collection v10 - Present in BiG World Downloads
18.14 Thrown Hammers v6.0.1 - Present in BiG World Downloads
19.1 Infinity Animations Core WeiDU Beta 5 - Present in BiG World Downloads
19.2 IA Patch (b5): Moinesse ninja fix - Present in BiG World Downloads
19.3 Fixed Tanar'ri and Wyvern v2 - Present in BiG World Downloads
19.3 Fixed Tanar'ri and Wyvern v2 - Present in BiG World Downloads
19.9 Vecna v23 - Present in BiG World Downloads
19.47 aTweaks v4.53 - Present in BiG World Downloads
19.52 The Old Gold v0.1 - Present in BiG World Downloads
19.57 Difficulty and Tweaks mod v7 - Present in BiG World Downloads
19.60 Item Randomiser v7 dev release 160110 - Present in BiG World Downloads
19.62 Celestiales v1.2 - Present in BiG World Downloads
20.17 Infinity Animations Core WeiDU beta 5 - Present in BiG World Downloads
Thanks for any help,




#189 mcshame

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Posted 25 December 2018 - 07:51 PM

Good evening! Hope everyone had a great Holiday today.
I noticed that Gibberlings Three was back up today, so I attempted to get my copies all modded up with the tool.
However, 3 mods that are used did not map properly for BG1:
BG1 Mini Quests and Encounters
Gavin NPC
BG1 NPC Project Music Pack
I downloaded them manually and 2 were fine, BG1 Mini Quests and Encounters is now version 17.  I just installed it, should be fine?

And I got this one warning at installation:
WARNING: File "rr/setup-rr.tp2" contains 'VERSION ~v4.92~' instead of expected 'VERSION ~v4.91~'!  This is the file targeted for patching in "SETUP-RR.TP2.PATCH" in "Big World Fixpack/rr".  This might mean that the patches for this mod were made for a different version of the mod than the one that you are using, or this might mean that the mod was already patched and then removed from the list in the "BWP_Fixpack.installed" file without restoring the original pre-patched files.
I proceeded.


From BG2, these were missing:

Alternatives (found manually on Gibberlings Three)
Dungeon Crawl - looked on the BigWorldProject guthub, could find it...and google failed me :(
Unfinished Business - Found a version v27rc1.zip on github - https://github.com/A...ases/tag/v27rc1




Front Icewind Dale:


error on installation 


Mod: Tweaks Anthology
Component: Turn Off The Hideous Cloak-of-Mirroring, Spell-Trap, and Physical Mirror Animations



For Planescape Torment. these were the errors


Big World Fixpack (includes Trimpack)
BiG World Installpack
EE Keeper
Generalized Biffing
WeiDU (64-bit)
PS:T Unfinished Business - Reloaded
Tweaks Anthology
Freely resizeable combat log



Edited by mcshame, 27 December 2018 - 11:34 AM.

#190 tomkaz

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Posted 27 December 2018 - 06:50 PM

Hi All:


I ran into more problems.  This time with the HD0 + CDs lines in baldur.ini file.


I am using a BG, TotSC, BGII - SoA and ToB game I just recently purchased.  When installed, the lines for the above are:


BGII - SoA game installs and plays well.
If I change them to be like those in page 15 of BiG World Project.pdf, I have:
The BGII -SoA game will not start.  I get the message:
I have three optical drives which are labeld I, J and K.  No matter which disc I place in drive k:\, nothing works.  The only way to get out of this mess is to press ALT F4.  Trying to uninstall BGII - SoA fails and deleting the game also fails.  Left we with a mess.  My fix was to use REGEDIT to delete any key that had BGII - SoA it.  It worked for me, but I do not recommend using REGEDIT to anyone.  The wrong move and you will need to restore you computer or worse.
I would appreciate a comment from Leonardo about this.
Thanks for any comments from anyone,

Edited by tomkaz, 27 December 2018 - 06:52 PM.

#191 Creepin

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Posted 28 December 2018 - 01:49 AM

Hmm, could it be that you're trying to use non-cracked version of BG? I'm not 100% sure but what you described reminds me of how non-cracked version would act, so a good no-cd should fix that. Drop me a PM if you need one :)

The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)

#192 tomkaz

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Posted 28 December 2018 - 07:02 AM

Hi  Creepin:


Thanks for the comment.


I checked the package that the DVDs came in.  In the corner of the package is a small box that says "www.pegi.info".  I guess is that I bought the European version.  There was no warning about that in the ad.  Oh well it was only $12.


One other problem is that it will not easily remove the BGII - SoA game using the "Program and Features" utility.  I had to use UNINSTALL several times to get it to work.


Back to my original 1998 game.




Checked the eBAY ad.  It does say EUROPE at the bottom of the ad.  I just forget to read everything in my old age.



Edited by tomkaz, 28 December 2018 - 07:25 AM.

#193 tomkaz

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Posted 28 December 2018 - 01:27 PM

Hi All:


I got an error during the install.  Happened when it was listing errors before installing.  The error is 

"FINDSTR: Canot open BWP Conflicts.txt".


What is the solution to this?


Where can I find BWP Conflicts.txt"?


Thanks for any help'




Stumbled on the fix.  Typos in individual.bat.




Edited by tomkaz, 30 December 2018 - 08:57 AM.

#194 tomkaz

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Posted 01 January 2019 - 04:51 PM

Happy NEW YEAR all.


Installed four games (one each day) so far.  All crash when I talk to various characters. Some from mods and some from Baldur's Gate.   All games crash within 5-10 minutes.


Here are a list of mods I am having problems.  Please tell me if the mods are using the proper install program.


File name that did not install                                                           mod file name for install
--------------------------------------                                                          ---------------------------------
1.16 One Pixel Productions v4                                                       1pp-master v4.2.zip
6.1 BG1Unfinished Business v14.0_Beta_150228                         bg1ub-14_beta_150228.zip
6.4 Kit Tomes for BGT, TuTu & BG:EE v2.01                                  kittomesv1.zip
7.11 Tower of Deception v4.0.1                                                      TowerOfDeception-master.zip
7.26 Fishing for Trouble v3.2.1                                                       FishForTrouble-master.zip
9.4 Boards of Magick item pack v2.0                                              BOM_Item_Packv.rar
9.14 Rolles v3a                                                                               Rolles_v3a.zip
May be dropped by BWP due to MOD conflict
9.62 IWD Items Pack                                                                       IWD ITEM Pack.7z
9.63 IWD Items fix                                                                           iwditemfix.7z
(These two IWD mods were located during the last
install.  Will install them tomorrow to see if they install.)
9.64 Sigil's Birthday Mod                                                                 birthdaymod.rar
14.6 Quallo v1.14                                                                            Quallo v1.14
14.8 Questor Revised v1                                                                 Questor Revised v1
15.19 P&P Celestials v7                                                                  celestials-v7
19.62 Celestiales v1.2
(Are these two the same?)
17.52 The Sorcerer's Place Collection v11                                      SP_Collection-master.zip
18.14 Thrown Hammers v6.0.1                                                       ThrownHammers-6.0.3.zip
19.1 Infinity Animations Core WeiDU Beta 5                                   infinityanimations-b5-rar
19.9 Vecna v23                                                                                vecnav23.rar
19.47 aTweaks v4.53                                                                       aTweaks-4.53.zip
(Originally did not come with setup-aTweaks.exe
so I used that file from aTweaks v4.51.
Still failed to install.)
19.52 The Old Gold v0.1                                                                 The Old Gold v0.1.zip
19.60 Item Randomiser v7 dev release 160110                               win-randomiser-v7.zip
I would appreciate if someone would tell me which mods are not used by BWP because of conflicts, which mods have incorrect files to install them and what the correct files are that will install these mods.
Thanks for any help,

Edited by tomkaz, 01 January 2019 - 06:34 PM.

#195 Sergio

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Posted 02 January 2019 - 01:38 AM

Seems like Leonardo didn't log for a very long while. Let's just hope everything is fine.

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#196 tomkaz

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Posted 02 January 2019 - 07:52 AM

Hi All:


In the past 4 games. I have had problems with crashes caused by talking to characters, both from the original game and from mods.  I also have problems with items and gold disappearing.


I am considering going back to extracting the mods myself because this never happened when I did that before.  I think BWP allows for this.  Any opinions about this?



#197 tomkaz

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Posted 03 January 2019 - 09:53 AM

Hi All:


I need some help, but I guess everyone was busy celebrating the holidays.  My 5th game was no better that the other four games,  It was still not playable.


Tried extracting the mods and put the extracted mods in the BGII - SoA folder, but BWP was not happy with that.  BWP refused to install BGT.  So I will wait until some one can help.




Going through BiG World Debug.txt.  Most errors for all mods are parsing errors at line 2  column 1-7.  There are some other line/column combinations.  I have no idea what that pertains to.  Found one error that is missing content in Infinity Animations. I should be able to fix that.



Edited by tomkaz, 03 January 2019 - 10:22 AM.

#198 Azazello


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Posted 03 January 2019 - 10:30 AM

Seems like Leonardo didn't log for a very long while. Let's just hope everything is fine.

So do I. All the best, LeonardoW!

(I'm more in disbelief that Jarno hasn't commented yet... :tease: )
Anyway, let's also consider-- let the guy have a life! There's more to it than gaming. Yes, sacrilege, I know!



In the past 4 games. I have had problems with crashes caused by talking to characters, both from the original game and from mods.  I also have problems with items and gold disappearing.
I am considering going back to extracting the mods myself because this never happened when I did that before.  I think BWP allows for this.  Any opinions about this?

Happy Holidays & New Year 2-U-2!

ok, now about the crashes... I'll be the first to state that you probably bought bogus disks and/or copy of the software. Ebay's definitely not the most trustworthy source; and 'just $12' is suspicious enough. But what really gave it away was the 'there's just 500 copies remaining'... :ermm:

To me, it sounds like you were sold pretty-packaged do-it-yourself setups, that the seller probably used instructions from our very own forum pages to make.


To confirm if these discs are really any good, do a test... Once again, do a straight, clean and FULL install of BG1 & 2. No mods, no BWP. Open each game, and get to the starting area. Now, play... go around Candlekeep; go around Hotel Irenicus (cntrl-Y if you don't wanna be bothered with combat).


Any crashes? Glitches, anomalies, quirks?


The disappearing gold issue is an old one, I know I've read about it from the early days. I'm still searching old discussions about this, as new suggestions refer to EE versions - not the case here.


Good Luck.



About the BWP instructions... per the BWP, I thought the user had to manually ensure all mods were fully extracted - mainly because some mods are still wrapped in NSIS-exe or rar. I'm not sure, as I've never used the install process, only read the guide.

Edited by Azazello, 03 January 2019 - 10:35 AM.

#199 tomkaz

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Posted 03 January 2019 - 03:13 PM

Hi Azazello:


Thanks for your comments.  Nice to see others are also back.


You were correct.  In small print in the bottom it said it was a "EUROPE" version.  I think I put that in a later post.


The last five games, which had all the problems, were made using an original 1998 American version.



#200 tomkaz

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Posted 06 January 2019 - 06:43 PM

Hi All:


I have been editing "individual.bat" by deleting components based on the comments in BiG World Project.pdf and deleting mods which I do not want.  This time I did a minimum of deleting components, but deleted the same mods.  The results with game crashes were the same.  In comparing the WieDU.log files, the mods and components installed were surprisingly equal.


Played a stripped down (only 5 required mods) and all went well.  No crashes when talking to characters and no loss of gold, but there were no characters from mods.  Did the training in CandleKeep and relieved the other five characters of some of their equipment and gold.  That equipment and gold disappeared when I left the training building.  That may have been designed that way.


Searched through SHS for information that might help with problems and conflicts.  In a SHS post about installing a BGT game with BWP, found a comment to turn off the "DISABLE PROGRAM COMPATIBILITY" in Windows 7.  (Needed to search the internet to find out how.) I am not sure if this helps or hinders a BGT game.  Here is how to turn it off.  USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!


Disable Program Compatibility Assistant in Windows 7
1.  Click on Start and type in services.msc, hit enter.
2.  Scroll down the list in the window that appears until you see program compatibility assistant service.
3.  Highlight the service.
4.  Right click on it and select properties.
5.  Next to startup type, select disable.
6.  For service status, select stop.
7.  Hit apply.
8.  Hit OK.