File Submitter: Argent77
File Submitted: 14 Jul 2018
File Category: PS:T Varieties
A mod for PST:EE that provides a small number of tweaks for the "level up" notification icon.
The mod allows you to toggle visibility of the "level up" icon via baldur.lua option or move the icon to the character portrait to more closely resemble the BG-style of level up icons.
To manually enable level up icon notifications, open baldur.lua and add the following option:
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Show Level Up Icon','1')To manually disable level up icon notifications, open baldur.lua and set the following option:
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Show Level Up Icon','0')The baldur.lua file can be found in "Documents/Planescape Torment - Enhanced Edition".
Note: The mod Reveal Hidden Gameplay Options provides an option to toggle visibility of the "level up" icon directly in the game's Options menu.
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