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Choose language and Save game

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#1 The Elder Brain

The Elder Brain
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Posted 18 May 2018 - 01:55 PM

Hello again. I have had to reinstall my game AGAIN due to too many bugs. I think I installed too many mods.....Anyways I am running the current patch ( I think 2.5.07? ) I assume its still the same since its only been two days since I did my in stall running the ee master tool. Now I am getting a message saying I need to choose my language and create a saved game. Now what I have read that means you do not have the current version. Has there been a new release ? 


UPDATE: I figured it out so thank you anyways!!!!!!! I feel stupid. I had saved games and when I did a total wipe it caused me to get that message. Fixed it by well doing the obvious .....created a saved game!!!!!

Edited by The Elder Brain, 18 May 2018 - 06:04 PM.