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ISNF comments - very mild possible spoilers

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#1 kiwidoc_again

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Posted 17 May 2018 - 03:37 AM

I've just finished both of these mods.


I really, really liked I Shall Never Forget. The wistful, bitterweet and sometimes very dark tone appealed to me. Although the vanilla game does have plenty of laughs, the overall tone has its bitterweet moments - servants in De Arnise you can't rescue, ghosts of children are just two. I like the fact you can't avoid sadness, even tragedy. I alsolike the way moralty isn't jus good or bad, black or white - it's all shades of grey. The music was perfect!


I've only got one really quite minor suggestion. I started the quest when I was well into the game - done most of the Athkatla based quests. This meant every time I had to come back in x days I had to find something for my party to do. Going to an area outside Athkatla would have taken too long, and my characters spent a lot of time twiddling their thumbs. I also found the combat quite easy for a party at that stage. Maybe in your FAQs you could hint at the fact this mod can be played really early.

#2 Lava Del'Vortel

Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 17 May 2018 - 04:02 AM

Thanks! I am really happy that you enjoyed the mod. And yes, perhaps I should add a note on party level / time when the quest may be started.